naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series

MuscleTech Nano Vapor, 150 CapletsAssuming this product will not cause my heart to explode at some point, this is by far, the greatest pre-workout supplement on the market. Insane energy makes works more intense, even at 4am. DO NOT recommend using this product after 2pm unless you have a sleeping supplement..

This Pre Workout Pill gets me really pumped. I notice a difference when I work out. I have more energy and Im able to push some extra weight.

Buy naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series Now

It works pretty well for me and its convenient for me since its in pill form (vs. other pre-workouts that are in powder form and have to be mixed in water).

Read Best Reviews of naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series Here

when you take this you really feel the effects of the nitric oxide you really get pumped over here product group works really well

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Two or three of these tablets get my day going early in the morning a lot better than coffee. It's a better "awake" feeling than what you get with just caffeine. It's also a good pre-workout. I used to love Iovate's "Altered State" which is now a discontinued product, and these pills are fairly close to the effect I felt with Altered State. I seem to remember getting more of a "pump" feeling from the Altered State, and less of a stimulant feeling. Anyway, I got 2 bottles of the Vapor here on amazon for a great price, so I'm happy. I've also tried Nitrix, NO2 Black, and Nano X9 Hardcore, NO-Xplode, and Nano Vapor Powder. Nano Vapor tablets works way better for me than any of those. Nitrix didn't seem to do anything, and NO2 and the powders were just ok but not worth the money. Nano X9 made my skin itchy and red more than giving me a pump (almost like the uncomfortable itchy feeling I get if I take Niacin). Vapor tablets seem to have a pretty good balance between pump and stimulant effect, so I'd say it's probably the best product on the market in its category.

21st Century Arthri-Flex Advantage

21st Century Arthriflex Tablets, 120-CountI'm 59 years old and I started taking this about 5 years ago. I had tried all the glucosamine chondroitin products on the market, because I had severe arthritis in both of my thumb joints that was very painful. I also had trigger finger of my right ring finger that snapped painfully every time I used that hand. Within months both were cured and pain-free. I have taken it daily ever since. I only needed one a day and you can take as many as four a day. Two years ago I saw my brother who was considering a carpal tunnel operation. I recommende Arthriflex and he is pain-free and didn't need an operation after taking it several months. The stuff really works, so help me God. I have had to start buying it online, because the store I use to buy it from quit stocking it. I couldn't understand why, because I always bought them out of their supply. Please try it. I feel that it is the added chicken collagen that makes it better than any other product of its kind.

I have used this product for several years and feel it is a great glucosamine product for the money. I am a nurse and when I tried to go without the supplement, I could really tell it. To find it on Amazon at a much reduced cost was great! I was able to buy two bottles instead of one and really save, thanks!!

Buy 21st Century Arthri-Flex Advantage Now

Excelent product, highly recomended, wife started using it and now 3 more family member are using it with very positive results

Read Best Reviews of 21st Century Arthri-Flex Advantage Here

This produce has the highest amount of Hyaluronic acid of any that I know of, which seems to be better for my joints than other MSM, chondroitin, and glucosamine alone. I tried another with with just hyaluronic but so far prefer this.

Want 21st Century Arthri-Flex Advantage Discount?

Arthri-Flex works for me, and as usual, I am pleased with Amazon's service.

Save 46% Off

Campho-Phenique Pain Relieving Antiseptic Liquid

Campho-Phenique Pain Relieving Antiseptic Liquid, 1.5-Ounce BottleHave been using this product for more than 50+ years for all kinds of skin problems that arise. Bug bites, cold sores, skin eruptions, inflamed nasal opening (dry weather?) cracked corners of mouth, split/cracked skin around nails in winter, rashes, down yonder inflammations because of hormonal changes and probably things I can't even remember. I do know one thing, I would NOT be without this product in my medicine cabinet!

Champho-Phenique is the best product I have found for the itch of insect bites. It provides fast relief from mosquito, tick and chigger bites.

Buy Campho-Phenique Pain Relieving Antiseptic Liquid Now

My Grandfather was a Druggist at the turn of the century, and he always had this on hand in his home!This along with Listerine Mouthwash my parents also always had. They Have been a standard in my life for over 70 years.I have cured many skin ailments with Campho-Phenique. Stops Itch quick.Can't beat this over 100 year old product! Especially not with all the new "DESIGNER DRUGS"!

Read Best Reviews of Campho-Phenique Pain Relieving Antiseptic Liquid Here

You know how your Grandmom and Mom had a remedy for everything? This is one of the First Aid "must-haves". The cure all antiseptic for cuts, minor burns, cold sores, fever blisters, insect bites, boils on humans and animals. As the budget tightens and healthcare costs go up, the tried and true old folks' remedies are being used more often. So I'm stocking the medicine cabinet ;)

Want Campho-Phenique Pain Relieving Antiseptic Liquid Discount?

My hubby uses this for everything and we both grew up with it. Great product to have around. Very hard to find so get it while you can.

Save 10% Off

Clearblue Fertility Monitor 1 Count

Clearblue Fertility Monitor 1 CountI bought this monitor after 8 months of trying to concieve. I have very irregular periods so the thought of a machine telling me when I was ovulating sounded great.

About the machine: You have to program it to start during your period. So, if you buy it in between your cycles, you need to wait until your next period to begin using the monitor, however you can program it up to day 5 on your period, meaning if you buy this and you are anywhere from day 1-5 in your menses, you can program it for whatever day between those five days you are on. If you purchase the monitor and you are on day 3 of your period, the monitor will allow you to program day 3 and start from there. For me I had a bit of trouble figuring out the programming but to be honest Im not that mechanically inclined, but I did eventually get it.

You start testing when the maching tells you to, so you won't be testing everyday. This helps because it saves $$ on the sticks. You pee on the stick in the morning (first morning urine for best results, as opposed to afternoon urine with OPK'S) at the same time every morning. There is a 3 hour window that is allowed. So if you set your clock for 7am, but you really have to pee at 5:30, you pee at that time so the urine is concentrated. The 3 hour window can go either waybefore 7am or after, just as long as its the first urine. The machine will give you either a low, high or peak (with a little egg next to the peak days) reading. The instructions advise you to baby dance on high and peak days.

Now for the cons. Its pricey! The machine itself is expensive, much, much more then OPK's and the sticks are pricey as well. When you buy the machine it will come with a certain amount of sticks, but then you need to buy refills which can get costly.

Did it work?? For us it worked. I was able to get pregnant the second cycle using this monitor. It showed that I was ovualting on day 10, where I figured I was around days 12-16, so we were way off. With the new found knowledge of when I was actually ovualting we got pregnant with our little boy.

I am not advising that you purchase or not purchase this monitor. I simply need to tell you of my experience if you do use it. I was very excited to find a tool that would take the human error out of reading the ovulation test sticks to determine the LH surge, therefore predicting the peak days of fertility.

I used this monitor every month for over a year with one successful pregnancy (ending in miscarriage). The very thing I liked about this tool is possibly what prevented my getting pregnant sooner. I relied too much on the accuracy of the monitor! The machine reads the stick and displays the "fertile day" sign. If there are any errors in this reading, you won't know because you can't read them yourself. You must rely totally on the accuracy of the machine. Whereas, with the simpler ovulation predictor sticks, you can read them yourself; see the line to determine if it is darker or lighter than the test line and can compare it with sticks from one day to the next.

After trying to conceive for so long, I found myself only focusing on the "prime fertile days." I didn't have the energy to "try" if the monitor didn't say I had to. I think by narrowing my target to the 2 or 3 perfect days that this machine predicted, caused me to actually miss my fertile days. I think the machine was wrong. I came to this conclusion one month when I decided to check behind the monitor by using it simultaniously with the ovulation predictor sticks. The monitor read my LH surge as day 12 and I read the sticks as surging on day 18. If I had not checked behind the machine, so to speak, I would have missed my actual peak time. By NOT paying attention to the monitor readings, I persevered and kept at it until day 18 and this was the month I got pregnant.

I'd recommend that if you do buy this monitor, use it as a guideline and not as the gospel. Use it to indicate your fertile days but don't stop there. Don't just "try" on the fertile days. The one pregnancy I did have was due to "trying" even after the machine said it wasn't productive.

One final note, the sticks for this machine are bought in boxes of 30 and are very expensive. You MUST use 10 per month dictated by the machine. Purchasing the box of 5 or 7 ovulation predictor sticks is actually less expensive and you need only use the number of sticks until you see the "peak." These kits are complete as is (just add urine!) and do not require the purchase of an expensive machine.

Good luck!

Buy Clearblue Fertility Monitor 1 Count Now

My husband and I tried for several months off the birth control patch with no success. I am 35 and had always assumed I ovulated around days 14-16. I bought the monitor on the recommendation of friends (among our set, it's resulted in several pregnancies!). I wasn't able to use it immediately at the time I bought it, because I was too far along in my cycle. The first time I did use it -bingo! We're pregnant. It turns out that I was ovulating on days 11-12.

The machine is simple and easy to use. I know that it's expensive and that the cost may be off-putting, but it is certainly cheaper than consultations with fertility specialists. I also have a very demanding job and was not consistent with keeping up with my charting, etc.

This is such a sensitive issue for so many people. I think we need all of the help we can get. Good luck!

Read Best Reviews of Clearblue Fertility Monitor 1 Count Here

I had been trying to conceive for about 4 months before deciding to use this monitor to help me understand my cycle and to shorten the time to conception by helping me identify my high and peak fertility days. I used this for six cycles without success and then chose to consult with my ob/gyn. She put me on the generic version of clomid, and for the first two months (cycles 7 and 8 using the monitor) it appeared to work by identifying peak times for conception. However, the third month on the medication (cycle 9 using the monitor), I had only high fertility readings, but no peak. Yet this was the month that I conceived. My research online seemed to suggest that this system isn't always compatible with Clomid.

In the meantime I had also purchased "Taking charge of your fertility" and used the information about the physical signs of fertility in conjunction with the information I had previously learned from the monitor to understand my own signs better. All this information together allowed my to successfully identify my peak days during the one cycle when the monitor didn't register. Although it is tedious to test 10 times during each cycle and the cost of this unit was a little on the high side, I am so thankful that it helped me conceive that I don't mind the downsides.

UPDATE: This monitor helped us conceive twice. I got pregnant after only three cycles the second time.

Want Clearblue Fertility Monitor 1 Count Discount?

I am a dental hygienist who is 42. I spent 6 months TRYING to get pregnant. One of the girls at work finally said she got pregnant all three times with this machine. Then thinking that my age was the problem, I used this machine just one month and I was pregnant. I would use this before expensive fertility treatment. The information that the machine gives you will be useful for your OB/GYN! I tell all of my patients to use this if they are trying and want immediate results.

Save 21% Off

Source Naturals Spray, Ultra Colloidal Silver, 2-Ounce

Source Naturals Spray, Ultra Colloidal Silver, 2-OunceI started using colloidal silver last year when I had a series of bacterial infections. The doctor just kept prescribing antibiotics that tore up my stomach and then caused other problems. I did some research on natural antibiotics and discovered this. I started using it and voila, infections gone with no side effects. It has also worked on a toenail fungal infection and also when I start feeling a tickle for a cold coming on, I spray it in the back of my throat morning and before I go to sleep and haven't been sick yet. The price on Amazon is great. I've bought some for my boyfriend and sister too.

Save 60% Off

6pk - Decolorized Iodine - White Iodine - Yodo Blanco

6pk - Decolorized Iodine - White Iodine - Yodo BlancoI am using white iodine to strengthen my nails. So far so good. I read this in a Dr. Gott article.

If you have brittle nails, then you should invest in this product. It has a very distinct smell but after a while is dissipates. My nails have grown a lot stronger and the nail bed looks so much glossier. I don't have to wear nail polish anymore! It enhances the natural pink in your nails.

Buy 6pk - Decolorized Iodine - White Iodine - Yodo Blanco Now

I had heard about the use of this product to strengthen fingernails and bought a box of it to try. It arrived very quickly and was exactly what I wanted.

Read Best Reviews of 6pk - Decolorized Iodine - White Iodine - Yodo Blanco Here

The best way to get rid of a bad ringworm is to use this old school remedy that our family doc recommended back in the late 50's & 60's when we kids caught them at school.....WHITE IODINE is also called DECOLORIZED IODINE. It is NOT the red or brown kind you put on wounds. It's a clear liquid & has a nose stinging ammonia smell.

It may be hard to find but I've started seeing it in CVS.Ask for it at the pharmacy section & if they never heard of it .DEMAND that they look it up & order it for you. I still use it. I'm a teacher & last year caught a big awful ringworm on the back of my neck from one of the kids. The school nurse told me to get lotrimin cream or one of those other antifungal things & that it would take a few weeks to clear it up. I tried them & it didn't improve much after about 2-3 weeks. I have very oily skin on the back of my neck & figured that putting cream on top of oily skin wasn't gonna work.I had the CVS pharmacy folks...who'd never heard of white iodine.... to order me some. THE RINGWORM WAS DRIED OUT, DEAD & GONE IN LESS THAN A WEEK.

Sometimes old remedies are the best. I've also heard it's good for hair loss & weak fingernails.

Want 6pk - Decolorized Iodine - White Iodine - Yodo Blanco Discount?

When I researched this product, I failed to see the white text on the light gray background of the label in the photo, and the fact is not mentioned elsewhere content is almost half (45%) alcohol.

It's actually very light yellow (watered down by alcohol?), and *will* stain the surfaces it comes into a prolonged contact with, like a sink. On the good side, it does have a very light smell, and it doesn't visibly stain hands. Too bad it doesn't work for nail strengthening, or at least it didn't for me.

This is a great mix for its standard use, germ killing, but it dried out my nails and made them brittle. I had to stop using it after about two weeks, as my nails were cracking and peeling more than ever before. For the first time in decades, my nails are cut to the quick I couldn't grow them any further than that without them immediately breaking.


IRRIGATION SYRINGE PISTON 4262 60CCThis thing is a lot larger than I thought it was going to be. Check the dimensions compared to what you are using it for before ordering.

Thank you very very very very much for the syringes, they work perfectly for the job at hand. thank you


Johnson & Johnson Red Cross Tough Pads (Hydrocolloid Adhesive Pads), 2.8 Inch x 2.4 Inch, 4 Count

Johnson & Johnson Tough Pads, 4-Count PadsI have been using these for eight years. The first trial did not go so well though that was more likely at my own fault. Since then I am much more careful with significant scrapes and wounds.

Though this is a review for the larger pad, the rest pretty much do one thing right: they minimize immediate and eliminate long term healing pain. With scrapes that go beyond the superficial dermis layer, I noticed a problem: white blood cells would seep out to fight infection, though there was no scab to allow it to do its job. Instead of the scrapes drying out, they would just ooze white blood cells for days...

Thankfully with this, it acts as an artificial scab that is flexible and will never crack under any condition. The cushion it provides when the adhesive comes in contact with fluids from the wound is indispensable. Ive noticed healing time is shorter than with traditional bandages and if you wait long enough to remove the bandage, it will almost seem as though a miracle had transpired: the cut or scrape has disappeared!

I am writing this after a tumble I had while I was snowboarding. The pain from the scrape was pretty bad and I was sure it would leave a gnarly scar but after having changed the bandage, I'm confident there will be no scar. The best part is if disinfected properly, scrapes that would otherwise be susceptible to infection are completely protected from external bacteria. Advanced healing bandages are a product I will keep in my medicine cabinet for the rest of my life.

I had never used these until a week ago. I had to buy new boots for my uniform and they tore up my heels pretty bad. I went straight to the nearest drug store and bought everything they had for blisters, including these Band-aids. these were the last ones I tried because I didn't think they looked like they had enough padding. I was SO wrong! These are BRILLIANT!!!! They act like natural skin, and absorb any bodily fluids to create a padding like a real blister would, but these don't hurt. The who9le surface is adhesive, which worried me a bit, but it's not sticky to the point it hurts to remove. I was so impressed and pleased with this product, i went out and bought another 4 boxes for any future boo-boos :)

These are the new staple to my medicine cabinet, replacing all the other band-aid things i used to buy.


Buy Johnson & Johnson Red Cross Tough Pads (Hydrocolloid Adhesive Pads), 2.8 Inch x 2.4 Inch, 4 Count Now

I love these patches.

A couple of years ago, I fell on my concrete backdoor steps. I ended up with a hole just below my knee. All the skin was stripped off of an area about an inch and a half in diameter. The wound was more than 1/16 of an inch deep. There was no skin left. I am an older woman, and diabetic, so I had quite a bit of concern about infection and healing. I cleaned my wound thoroughly, and applied one of these patches. Abut 4 or 5 days later, I removed the patch to see how it was doing, and was very surprised to see that the wound was granulating in from the edges, and was very clean. I applied another bandage, and again left it on for several days. I did this about 3 to 4 times. Today, there is no sign of the injury except a slightly paler area of soft skin. There was no infection, and no scaring. Although what is there is considered a scar, there is no apparent difference in texture from the neighboring skin. I have used these patches in other instances, though not as serious, and have had the same results. I think they are an outstanding product, and well worth the price. And the price here, was very reasonable.

Read Best Reviews of Johnson & Johnson Red Cross Tough Pads (Hydrocolloid Adhesive Pads), 2.8 Inch x 2.4 Inch, 4 Count Here

I became a fan of hydrocolloid-type bandages after picking up a random pack on sale at a local drug store. These types of bandages form a barrier around the wound and also suck up some of the moisture released by the body (hereto referred to as "ick") forming a moisturizing gel which helps naturally heal the wound. Put simply the bandages have a substance in them which reacts to your body's "ick" (usually called "exudate" in the medical world) and forms a gel which helps keep the area moist. This moist environment allows the body to heal more quickly than an open-air wound which requires the body to form scabs and other "temporary" scar tissues.

The upside? These types of bandages usually help the wound heal more quickly than traditional bandages and also generally reduces any scarring (not completely, but less than if not used).

The downside? Well, they're generally really expensive sometimes costing a dollar or more per bandage.

That's why I like the Johnson & Johnson Tough Pads. The pads included in the box are 3" x 2.25" and are very easily cut down into smaller dressings. Whenever I use these bandages I generally find that I do not need the whole giant pad and the problem with "blister bandages" like the other manufacturers make is that there's a lot of wasted bandage used to wrap around the wound area that's really not required.

There are a few things to keep in mind with any type of hydrocolloid bandage:

1 If it's a bleeder (or a weeper), these probably won't work. Basically the moisture will "overload" the gel and make the whole bandage non-stick, eventually just peeling off.

2 They generally won't work on a super-active spot compared to something like a "heavy duty" bandage. The adhesive will most likely peel off and once the initial "stick" is broken, these don't really re-stick very well.

3 They're very, very noticeable. The bandage starts out a bandage-y type of pink/tan color, but the area over the wound generally turns a shade of white and then blows up like a small bubble (and it's squishy... you'll probably end up poking at it because it's neat). Unfortunately if you're going for subtlety, these aren't the best choice.

Once you try a hydrocolloid bandage, you probably will never want to use a normal bandage ever again. When that becomes the case, I highly recommend these Tough Pads for the sheer economic value they represent.

Want Johnson & Johnson Red Cross Tough Pads (Hydrocolloid Adhesive Pads), 2.8 Inch x 2.4 Inch, 4 Count Discount?

This works great on cuts and scrapes that are not deep. You just put it on and go about your everyday chores. I changed mine after four days and by then the wound was healed. You can wash dishes, take a shower, etc and the wound is protected. I just love it for minor cuts. But the directions say do not use on deep puncture wounds.

Save 15% Off

Earth Mama-Angel Baby Angel Baby Bottom Balm, 2 oz (60 ml) (Pack of 2)

Earth Mama-Angel Baby Angel Baby Bottom Balm, 2 ozMy daughter had diaper rash at the tender age of 2 months which we found a little odd. Our first one did not have any such problem. Later we found out that her skin was very sensitive. We tried several products not knowing that they all contained zinc oxide. zinc oxide hardens the skin and she couldn't tolerate it at all. So, we tried this Angel baby product and it worked great. No irritation and no rashes.

But the product is slightly expensive. Amazon was the only place I got a pack of 2 (2oz) for about $19. Other sites were selling each for around $15.00. Even then it is expensive with shipping.

I purchased this product, while expensive, because of the rave reviews others had given it on various websites. My son had a terrible diaper rash that nothing would help. It kept getting worse, turned out it was a yeast infection so we treated it with a round of antibiotics and after realizing that our regular diaper cream was a waste of money, I tried this stuff.

The next time our son's bottom got red, I grabbed the small can of EMAB Bottom Balm. It is a small can but it goes a loooong way. Before I used it, it looked like it was hard but once I touched it, I realized it was quite soft and spreadable. A VERY small amount goes a long way. It goes on almost clear (no messy white stuff here) and smells fresh. I can't really describe the smell but it does not smell like other diaper creams. I actually like the smell.

But this stuff actually works. The next time I opened his diaper, the redness was gone. I've used it about ten times since then and the results have always been the same. I believe that is because it kills excess yeast and other bacteria thanks to the lavender.

I also should mention that I cloth diaper and this stuff will not interfere with the absorbency of the diapers if that is a concern one might haveas we did.

Buy Earth Mama-Angel Baby Angel Baby Bottom Balm, 2 oz (60 ml) (Pack of 2) Now

I cannot say enough good things about this product. I love that it is made with all natural ingredients. I also love that it heals up a diaper rash nice and quick and is also so gentle on the baby's skin. I do not limit this ointment to diaper rashes only. I also use it on cuts and scrapes and other bang ups too. It really smells nice too. I love it.

Read Best Reviews of Earth Mama-Angel Baby Angel Baby Bottom Balm, 2 oz (60 ml) (Pack of 2) Here

Not only is this stuff great for its intended purpose, it's incredible for new tattoos. Something that normally takes me 10 days or so to heal from has healed in less than a week. Figured I'd try it, since I was out of the normal lotion I'd use .. this stuff is just incredible!

Want Earth Mama-Angel Baby Angel Baby Bottom Balm, 2 oz (60 ml) (Pack of 2) Discount?

I LOVE this product! My poor baby had some pretty bad diaper rashes and NOTHING worked to take it away except prescription cream. I didn't want to keep using those on his tender and very sensitive skin, so I searched for something natural and found this Bottom Balm. Thank God for this stuff! I've been using this for every diaper change for about seven months and he's been rash free ever since. This product is so great, it even works on cuts and scrapes and dry, chapped skin. My whole family loves it! I would recommend this to anyone.

Save 12% Off

Pouch - Small Acu Zipper First Aid Kit

Pouch - Small Acu Zipper First Aid KitAs others have already mentioned here, this pouch is perfect for carrying cell phone chargers, USB cords etc. I have however, packed it full of small first aid items, useful for hiking, camping, target shooting and of course hunting. It has plenty of room for your band aids, alcohol wipes, antibiotic ointment tubes etc for those minor cuts and bruises etc.

As for the pouch itself, not only is it Molle compatible, allowing you to fasten it to larger, Molle compatible bags etc, but it also comes with a belt loop for simple attachment to a standard belt. I investigated the stitching and found it rather sound, and the zipper too appears as if it would hold up to your standard wear and tear. This little bag also appears to be water resistant as well, which is a plus.

Update: I have now purchased three of these for my tac vest, but they also work great on a standard belt. One in fact holds my UpLula and fit like a glove.

I attached this to a MOLLE panel on my EDC bag. It's perfect for carrying my phone charging cable, along with the outlet adapter and car charger adapter.

Buy Pouch - Small Acu Zipper First Aid Kit Now

The color is not as subdued as picture but that shouldn't matter as I just need it for small accessories stored in my pack. Otherwise its okay. Time will tell if it holds up. -1 for made in China.

Read Best Reviews of Pouch - Small Acu Zipper First Aid Kit Here

Great product great price. This item performs as well as the national brands with out the inflated prices that come with a national brand name

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I bought these to put the Ruger 10/22 Tri-Mags in. They fit perfectly. The holster that Tri-Mag makes is nice, but too expensive for me, plus I like the digital camouflage design on these. I don't know if it's fair, but I took off one star because it's made in China. I try to buy American when I can, but it's sometimes hard to avoid other options on the market because of price or design appeal.

Save 22% Off

First Response Daily Ovulation Test-20 ct

First Response Daily Ovulation Test-20 ctThese ovulation sticks are amazing. I have PCOS and lost my left ovary to a very large cyst a couple years ago. I knew for sure I would end up having to use fertility meds to have a baby. My cycle is so unpredictable when going off the pill. So when trying to conceive with our first, I bought these sticks. I used them everyday around 4 PM and kept track of the shade of the test line daily. I went about three weeks after my last period before seeing a positive test line. I got two days in a row of positive and that is when we tried to conceive. To our complete shock I did get pregnant! We will be welcoming a baby girl in July 2011!

I normally use Clear Blue Easy Digital Ovulation tests, but my RE wanted me to use a dye opk this month so I picked up a box of the First Response 20 pack at CVS Pharmacy. I think it is a waste that they don't individually wrap each test (which is what Clear Blue Easy does). Once you open the pack you need to use all 20 tests within 30 days. My 20 pack from Clear Blue Easy lasts me 2-3 months so I know I will be throwing out more than half of the First Response tests because I won't need them this month and by next month they will no longer be any good.

Buy First Response Daily Ovulation Test-20 ct Now

My husband & I were anxious to get pregnant again after our twin babies passed away. We conceived the first time after using this product.

Read Best Reviews of First Response Daily Ovulation Test-20 ct Here

I used this when TTC baby number 2. I was still breastfeeding my first, and my cycles/fertility signs were a little crazy. My previous cycle was 40 days, so I bought this because I knew I'd need a lot of tests to capture my surge. I used them daily (at 2 pm, not first morning urinewhich I really think is important) and there was always some form of second line. This is completely normal, but I was worried I'd miss the "positive". My positive finally appeared on the 20th stick (CD 27), and it was an obvious positive once I saw it. I ovulated on day 28 and got pregnant. I really found these very helpful to help me pinpoint ovulation when other signs were difficult to detect. I will certainly use these again!

Want First Response Daily Ovulation Test-20 ct Discount?

When I bought this test I assumed that I would be able to use the left over sticks for my next cycle. The test disables itself once you have a positive reading... Rendering the rest of the sticks you paid for useless. It would have been smarter to buy the normal weekly packs. I would have NEVER bought this test if it said on the package that half of the test I paid for were worthless. Rip off!!!

Save 4% Off

Mepitac - 3/4" x 118" - Box

Mepitac - 3/4' x 118' - BoxThe tape arrived in a timely manner, well packaged, and exactly as the specifications indicated. It works properly and there were no surprises. Met every expectation. Will order again if needed, without hesitation.

It works properly and there were no surprises, it has just enough adhesive to stay on but not so much that it injures upon removal.

Buy Mepitac - 3/4" x 118" - Box Now

I've tried 2 different types of silicone medical tape--Mepitac by Molnlycke and Gentac by Medline. The Mepitac tape seems to stick much better.

Read Best Reviews of Mepitac - 3/4" x 118" - Box Here

Adhesive Knit Tape For Hand & Feet 6- 3" x 5" Sheets/Box

Adhesive Knit Tape For Hand & Feet 6- 3' x 5' Sheets/BoxI've been using this stuff since the early '80's it is literally the best stuff ever if you have spots that rub and/or get blisters. I wish they would sell it in stores again.

3M Medipore H Soft Cloth Surgical Tape - 4" wide



This tape took away all the problems we were experiencing with skin rash and breakdown from other tapes. Even using the residue removal (which helped)from other tapes, the skin continued to show signs of irritation. This tape solved all of that. It is definitely worth the extra cost.

Buy 3M Medipore H Soft Cloth Surgical Tape - 4" wide Now

the product is excellent. The company has poor customer service. I had selected 2-3 day delivery, at a cost of 26.00. Because of a holiday this was not possible. I called customer service and asked fo a refund on the express delivery charges and for them to send the package regular ground delivery, they said OK. This did not happen. I would never buy anything from this company again.

Read Best Reviews of 3M Medipore H Soft Cloth Surgical Tape - 4" wide Here

I'm the caretaker for my Dad and he's had a feeding tube inserted in his stomach. I needed the wide tape and couldn't find it at any of the drug stores. I am very thankful for

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I have to wear Pain Patches due to disability....

they rarely stay put with the regular tape...

this tape goes on and everything stays put...

no peeling of the tape at the corners or lifting

at all.... I have somewhat oily skin and thought

I might still have a problem.... NOPE.....

problem solved just fine with this tape.....

a definite re-order item for me....

Mediven Night Leg Cream, MDV97900

Mediven Night Leg Cream, MDV97900Excellent product. I weat compression stockings and this cream keep legs and feet in great condition. I use it all the time. They have a night cream and a day cream that works great.

5" Micro Plier Needle Nose Red Grip Handle Good Quality

5' Micro Plier Needle Nose Red Grip Handle Good QualityThis is a fair quality product at an affordable price. It does a good job and is comfortable to use. I received this tool within three days of my order and it arrived undamaged and in new condition.

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Sanar Naturals Colon Cleanser 2002 Dietary Supplement 450 mg Capsules Capsules

Sanar Naturals Colon Cleanser 2002 Dietary Supplement 450 mg Capsules CapsulesI was in walmart the other day shopping for food for my apartment and i really wanted to buy probiotics because I haven't been regular in a long time and Ive been gassey...I'm a college student so mostly I live off junk and fast food and not only that . . . the holidays just passed and I ate really well but since I live on my own and in school im always low on funds so the probiotics was out of my price range.... I saw these cheap pills for 7 bucks and I hate cheap pills because I believe they don't work but I got them anyway because that's all I can afford.... The night before was my first day of using this item..that same night I had to use the bathroom and the next day was my first time in a very long time to have 4 to 5 bowl movements in a day... Make sure you drink plenty of water because it will help make the pills work....I work out 5 days a week so I'm unsure if it's the activities that helps also .... But I been struggling to loose these last 5 lbs before my birthday and I'm pretty sure the scale wasn't moving because I was backed up... But I feel lighter after my first use... Usually you suppose to weight yourself in the morning but I decided to weight myself after my last meal just to my weight on a full stomach verses a empty one....... So the 5lbs I was struggling with ended up being 7 lbs of water weight and me being backed up...please don't say I think this person is lieing because I'm not..... I haven't been regular with bowel movements in a long time and I believe this product helped me big time!

This product is a great laxative, and it also relieves gas. I take two tablets every evening before bedtime and have become regular with no negative side effects. Great product.

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I have been very pleased with the results from using Sanar's Colon Cleanse. I have suffered from constipation all my life as well as IBS. This has helped, I now have a BM every morning like clock work. Highly recommend.

Read Best Reviews of Sanar Naturals Colon Cleanser 2002 Dietary Supplement 450 mg Capsules Capsules Here

The product it self did not work for me. Its been a month i dont like them i just wanna hurry up and finish the cleanse.

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Nexcare Nexcare Absolute Waterproof Tape 1 X 180

NEXCARE ABSOLUTE WATERPRF TAPE Size: 1'X5 YDGreat product to use while playing sports!

Keep a roll in your tennis bag or golf bag to help with injuries.

Hard to find in stores because they are always sold out, so Amazon is a great alternative with competitive prices.

Save 31% Off

Fully Stocked Large Pro-II Trauma Bag First Aid Kit

Fully Stocked Large Pro-II Trauma Bag First Aid KitThe bag does come fully staocked as described. Will add a few items to customize to my needs. Adding a better cpr mask is one of them. I prefer not to use the thin barrier type, but that is personal preferance.

Save 44% Off

Prestige Medical 740-das Daisy - 5 Pocket Organizer

Prestige Medical 740-das Daisy - 5 Pocket OrganizerI am so pleased and impressed with my organizer! I have had many compliments too!!!! Thanks for your honesty and integrity .... great service!

These little pocket organizers are super for nurses. I love having everything all together. I get home from the hospital, take it out of my pocket and everything is in one place for when I need to leave for the hospital next. I keep scissors, clamps, alcohol pads, money for vending machines, pen & highlighter in it and then clip my PulseOx meter to it once done for the day. I never wonder where something is as I'm trying to rush out the door with my needed nursing tools. :O)

Buy Prestige Medical 740-das Daisy - 5 Pocket Organizer Now