Prestige Medical 740-das Daisy - 5 Pocket Organizer

Prestige Medical 740-das Daisy - 5 Pocket OrganizerI am so pleased and impressed with my organizer! I have had many compliments too!!!! Thanks for your honesty and integrity .... great service!

These little pocket organizers are super for nurses. I love having everything all together. I get home from the hospital, take it out of my pocket and everything is in one place for when I need to leave for the hospital next. I keep scissors, clamps, alcohol pads, money for vending machines, pen & highlighter in it and then clip my PulseOx meter to it once done for the day. I never wonder where something is as I'm trying to rush out the door with my needed nursing tools. :O)

Buy Prestige Medical 740-das Daisy - 5 Pocket Organizer Now


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