Emergency Survival Kit Fanny Pack - 1 Person

Emergency Survival Kit Fanny Pack - 1 PersonWhen I was shopping for this, I made a list of all the items that would make a competent disaster preparedness kit. This one has them all, packed tightly in a thick nylon fanny pack, and less expensive than I could have assembled them individually. Even the other brands of these kits carry the "Mayday" brand water and food bar. Every element in this pack is essential. The flashlight requires No batteries, you squeeze the black handle to charge it. The only additions I have made are a particulate respirator mask, a few Nexcare bandages and a folded twenty dollar bill in the first aid kit. Each member of my family now has one of these kits in their car.

**UPDATE** The price has doubled since my purchase.

I think this product is exactly what I was looking for-a compact, resourceful, enduring kit for when you need it most. I loved the quantity while at the same time was pleased with the quality and after happily utilising the fairly ample extra space to throw in a few other products,I put this on my shelf, admired it, took it down and opened it, admired it some more, went over the contents with my friends to impress them, put it back on the shelf, admired it, admired it some more, and then left the room hoping to never have to use it except for recreational purposes.

Buy Emergency Survival Kit Fanny Pack - 1 Person Now


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