Seal Easy Face Mask, Adult & Peds Comp.

Seal Easy Face Mask, Adult & Peds Comp.These masks are excellent for Lifeguards!! My District employer purchases these for all the guards, they have an excellent seal and are perfect for rescue breathing. They keep the water out, and come with a one way valve to prevent anything coming out of the victims mouth from getting into yours! Much better than the lip masks they give you in safety class!

I am an EMT and a CPR Instructor, and these are the BEST mask ever made. In the fire district I'm in, whenever we use a BVM and repalce it, we throw away the mask that comes with it and put in one of these. They are easier to seal (which is vital when ventillating) than any other mask I've ever used. I really have no idea why the old style masks are even still made. Buy lots of these and put them everywhere!

Buy Seal Easy Face Mask, Adult & Peds Comp. Now


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