Skin shield liquid bandages - 0.9 oz

Skin shield liquid bandages - 0.9 ozSince I discovered Skin Shield at Walgreen's about three years ago, I have been telling people about this product. I get cracked skin on my knuckles and fingers in the winter (probably from the anti-bacterial products I use and the cold air), areas that just aren't great places for a bandage usually. I use 1-2 coats of Skin Shield on a cut. It does sting at first -it's an antiseptic, so that's a given -but it has staying power after it dries, which is in seconds. There is no lingering medicinal smell, unlike some liquid bandages. It peels away and new skin is beneath. Last year, I needed some while out and about, but the drug store I stopped at didn't sell it. I bought a competing product and wasted my money: it wore away too quickly and the smell was still there after it dried. I'm sold on Skin Shield. :)

First, this is the next best product for making a nice flexible bandage layer other than the professional ones I use in the Emergency Dept (IE, Dermabond) But, unlike the others, it hurts a lot (likely due to the alcohol solvent). When I used it on my 3 year old's cut, she screamed for 15 mins after I applied it. Then, last night that I tried it on my own small superficial cut. I thoroughly agree that with her, it was incredible painful for about 15 minutes. And, given its nature, I don't think you can really wash it off once it starts hurting. Unfortunate for such a great product. Be careful, maybe it is best for cuts after 24hrs, when they have already started to seal off and then it would not hurt too much

Buy Skin shield liquid bandages - 0.9 oz Now

I managed to cut my finger one day while I was chopping some onions. I used a regular bandaid on it for the first 24hrs and couldn't get the pain or bleeding to stop and I wasn't able to do any cleaning around my house bc my bandaid kept soaking up anything around. My mom gave me Skin Shield out of her drawer at work and said she used it for paper cuts, which I thought "Yea ok this is not a paper cut."

I had my boyfriend put it on my finger and it did hurt a lot at first, it had that alcohol burn to it. After a couple of minutes I manned up and had him do a second coat which was not nearly as painful. Later on I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen and had no worries about my cut. I was even able to peel the liquid bandage off and it was fine underneath. I made sure to put rubbing alcohol on it and then reapply the skin shield and it did not hurt nearly as bad as the first time.

This stuff works better than super glue which I have had to use before. I am still able to do the work I need to without having to worry about water and other stuff in my cut! It hurts but it really does work! I will take a minute or two of pain if it means I still have a functioning extremtity!

Read Best Reviews of Skin shield liquid bandages - 0.9 oz Here

Be cautious, if you're wanting to use this on a paper cut or basically any fresh cut, it will sting an intense amount! It does contain alcohol, so thats just a fair warning.

After a good 30 seconds of stinging, it should go away depending on the cut. I feel nothing but relief after this...

This product is a great alternative to bandaids. Unlike bandaids, there's no sticky dirty residue, there's no wrapper, it protects your cut completely from dirt, and it doesn't hurt to remove! My skin cracks on my hands in the Winter, and this provides a great cover for the cracks and protection so it doesn't get worse, and it heals too.

Want Skin shield liquid bandages - 0.9 oz Discount?

I've been using this product for 4 years and I think this is the best liquid bandage on market. I tried some other brands too but they just didn't protect wounds like this one.

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