21st Century Alaska Wild Fish Oil Softgels, 90-Count

21st Century Alaska Wild Fish Oil Softgels, 90-CountMy daughter, the dog, and I all take these supplements. I get 3, 2 for my daughter, and the dog started begging for them when it was vitamin time (even though we can't smell an fish on them)... so he now gets one. I purchased and recommend these based on the fact that it's derived from wild Alaskan, deep-sea fish that should be inately mercury free. Plus, it's molecularly distilled to ensure no toxins or mercury. Having a hard time finding them where I live after our last move, so am considering buying them from Amazon (just don't want them toted around in a UPS truck all day --but I guess it gets toted around in a bigger truck to warehouses and stores).

I was looking for a fish oil that is mercury free and not derived from farm-raised fish this is it. The cost is more than what you would pay for some brands and their mega-sized bottles, but for me it's worth it. With this brand I've never had fish burps or that fishy taste either. I've been buying these for several months and plan to continue buying this brand.

Buy 21st Century Alaska Wild Fish Oil Softgels, 90-Count Now

I liked these because I have a hard time swallowing large pills. These are not as large as most fish oil supplements so they are easier to swallow.

Read Best Reviews of 21st Century Alaska Wild Fish Oil Softgels, 90-Count Here

A wild fish oil supplement was recommended to me by my eye doctor. I find that this product works wonderfully at a reasonable cost. Tablets arrived from Amazon within the useable date restrictions.

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This vitamin works really well for me as I am extremely allergic to fresh water fish and some sea water fish so I wanted to make sure that I purchased a good quality of fish oil. This along with other vitamins that I take, in my opinion, has allowed me to stay extremely healthy.

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