Dr. Blaine's Tineacide Foot And Shoe Spray, 2-Ounce Bottle

Dr. Blaine's Tineacide Foot And Shoe Spray, 2 Ounce BottleI purchased this product together with the antifungal cream for nails to treat a 25-year old tinea infection... And it is working!!

Constance is the word. If you are constant with your treatment, you will start seeing results after a few days!

I usually get this product from another site but I think the price is better here. The fumes this spray makes when I use it really choke me, so I have to either spray it outside or hold my breath & then leave the room immediately until the smell dissipates, but otherwise this product really works at curbing foul shoe odor. The best way to use it is to spray it in new shoes to prevent odor from developing, but it also works on shoes that have already developed some odor. The noxious smell of the product isn't detectable in the shoe after it dries, but unfortunately it's really horrible during use so hold your breath.

Buy Dr. Blaine's Tineacide Foot And Shoe Spray, 2-Ounce Bottle Now

Florida resident that battles hand and food fungus working in the garden regularly. This product has totally reversed the condition in 6 to 12 months. I now apply it as a preventative every day. Amazon ship me additional supplies automatically. Great product...

Read Best Reviews of Dr. Blaine's Tineacide Foot And Shoe Spray, 2-Ounce Bottle Here

I suffered from athlete's foot my entire adult life. One thing I noticed over the years however was that when I bought new shoes, my attacks were less frequent. But as soon as I put my old shoes back on, wham! Even if I hadn't worn my old shoes in many months I could count on an attack like clockwork. I couldn't find much info on this topic or a single product in the drug stores to treat it but I KNEW something was going on in my shoes.

After years of trying one product or another on my feet (most of which actually made my condition WORSE because they left my feet damp/clammy in my shoes), a doctor gave me a free sample of Tineacide. First trials seemed positive so I bought a couple of bottles and sprayed down ALL my shoes then Hallelujah!!! I have not had a single attack and it's been over 2 years now!! The best part is that I haven't needed any more spray in 2 years as well but I'm buying some more now just to go through my shoes once again.

One final note, if you are suffering from toenail fungus you will need more help than this product unfortunately as toenail fungus is definitely an "in your toe" problem (I had this as well) and my belief is that Tineacide works best for your shoes. "Curanail" is a product I recommend for toenail fungus and/or a trip to your doctor but totally curable as well. For the first time in over 20 years I can say that I have healthy feet!!!

Want Dr. Blaine's Tineacide Foot And Shoe Spray, 2-Ounce Bottle Discount?

Not sure how effective this stuff is on toenail fungus, so far I've noticed no major improvement. However I do believe I've found a great replacement product for Pepper Spray, this stuff will totally gag you, so be very careful where you spray your shoes or toes. Seriously it could replace Pepper Spray.

07/02/13 Update: I've been using the spray every night and it does seem to help my problem. Short of going to a doctor and getting some poison pill to kill the nail fungus, keeping it in check is the next best thing. I do have to spray in another room but that's no big deal.

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