Cortizone-10 Cortizone-10 Cooling Relief Anti-Itch Gel Maximum Strength

Cortizone 10 Hydrocortisone Anti-Itch Cool Relief Gel 1 oz.I don't find that this helps with itches for more than 30 minutes to an hour, max. The directions state not to apply it more than 3 to 4 times daily (which I don't follow, because my current bites itch during all of my conscious hours).

I think "cooling relief" is a great idea, but I don't really feel any cold sensation.

3 stars because it's better than nothing.

This heals my behind-the-ear ear eczema in about two days. It's not too severe. I can't say NOT picking at it wouldn't heal itself, but I have a bad habit of peeling the skin/scab off. My ear eczema isn't very itchyjust flaky and kinda burns. I don't apply it regularly; I usually apply it once I've really irritated my ear. Then I usually lose the tube once a week perpetuating the cycle of picking and applying. Don't do this!! There is a cooling feeling but it's overshadowed by the burning feeling from my weeping eczema.

Buy Cortizone-10 Cortizone-10 Cooling Relief Anti-Itch Gel Maximum Strength Now

Went years with dealing with scaling/flaking hair line despite trying several products, including shampoos and creams. Tried cortizone after reading an article stating that this helps Seborrheic Dermatities. Did not expect much, but firgured it couldn't hurt. But to my surprise it made it go away completely!! Now I use it once or twice a week prophylactically.

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