Adventure Medical Kits Trauma Packwith QuikClot

Adventure Medical Kits Trauma Pack with QuikClotafter having this stuff in my bag for several months i can truly attest to the effectiveness of this stuff, my brother and i were hunting when he experienced a negligent discharge he shot himself in the leg with a 12 gauge shotgun at point blank range as soon as i heard his screams i knew what he had done, i rushed over to him and cut open his pants to see a larg two inch hole pouring blood out of his leg about 4 inches above knee on the inside , i immediately stuffed one quickclot bandage into the hole, cut his pants and tied them around his leg, i got him back to the truck and drove him an hour to the emergency room, hes ok now and its thanks to this wonderful product i keep it in all my rigs now. safety is everyone's business and me and my brother are both experienced hunters and marksmen, it didn't have to happen, but it did, one careless mistake almost ended his life. i never want have to use this stuff again but if necessary i am prepared

I used QuikClot on a gentleman who had been using aspirin and Plavix (anticlotting drugs). After a fall, his abrasions wouldn't quit oozing through the first bandages. The QuikClot stopped it right away, but I had to fumble around to gather gloves, bandages, etc. This kit is a great disposable solution to quickly deal with a bleeder. I got one for each car.

Buy Adventure Medical Kits Trauma Packwith QuikClot Now

This is a great little pack that fits in a pocket, small bag or purse. For what it is and my purposes it should work very well. I do not view this as a comprehensive FAK or BOK, just a nice convenient in between to help stabilize a serious injury for more appropriate assessment and treatment.

Read Best Reviews of Adventure Medical Kits Trauma Packwith QuikClot Here

I ordered two Trauma Paks with QuikClot. The actual shelf-life of QuikClot is supposed to be three years. The two packages I received had an expiration date of about a year and a half from the time I received them. Not a huge issue, but I certainly would have liked to have received something a little "fresher".

Want Adventure Medical Kits Trauma Packwith QuikClot Discount?

I wanted to beef up my car first aid kit and think that this is a good addition. I also added an Israeli battle dressing after reading the positive reviews for it. I would be interested in knowing what items an EMT, paramedic or ER doctor would recommend for a good first aid kit, especially for disaster situations when the professionals won't be able to come right away.

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