Adventure Medical Kits Comprehensive Kit

Adventure Medical Kits Comprehensive KitI've had one of these kits since 1992, and I highly recommend it. From the Dental Module to the CPR Module to the SAM splint, this kit has many of the items you'll need in an emergency, and is worth every penny you'll spend on it.

If you work or play hard in the outdoors (I used to do surveying in the back-of-beyond, as well as a lifelong camper/backpacker/bikepacker), this kit is all you could hope for, with a few suggested additions. Get the EpiPen or other epinephrine injector the included book recommends, and I'd highly recommend getting a second SAM splint, the SAM instructional DVD/Video, and a pack of SAM finger splints.

There's a list of suggested for-emergency-use prescription medications; if you get them, also get a 14-day supply of each prescription medication you (or a family member) need on a daily basis. If you're getting this for an earthquake or other natural disaster kit, you'll need them anyway. Have them in this kit to make them easier to find. If you take OTC medications, add a pack of each of them as well; you can rotate them out yearly. If you change your smoke detector battery on Daylight Savings Time change days, it's also a good time to go through this kit and update it.

It's a bit heavy, so you might have to split up the modules if you're backpacking in a group, but this kit can handle many of the oops moments we all see in our lives, and not just in the outdoors. When I'm not out and about it sits in my house, where it's handled everything from scalp wounds to broken bones and even severe burns. Even if you're rushing out to the nearest hospital, this kit can bring a calmer mindset to the patient, as it's obvious you're at least ready and able to help.

Just make a list of what you use and refill it! I can't stress that enough! That's the most common error with getting this kit people don't get the refills and are out of a critical item in an emergency.

This kit's worth it 16 years on mine and still going strong! You can't go wrong with Adventure Medical Kits. Get this one, get another, but GET ONE.

I got this kit as I was putting together our home disaster/earthquake preparedness kit. Overall, I am very happy with it. It is very comprehensive and contains many things I doubt (I hope) I would ever need even in the severest circumstances. I'm not going to list the contents as that would be fairly impossible, but below are main points of my experience:

* Layout I really like the layout of this kit. It unfolds into multiple sections, each one providing good access to the contents contained therein and which are clearly visible. One very nice thing is that it has a detachable and independent zipped and water resistant kit that you can make portable from the rest. This is handy if you need to split up medical duties or go mobile with a truncated first aid kit. As it is, the kit folds up to a fairly compact bundle, which is amazing for all that is in it.

* Capability I am impressed with the selection of bandages, pads, medications and general first aid supplies in this kit. It does seem to cover many areas well: cuts and abrasions, pain, diarrhea, sting, and allergy relief, blood loss, sprains and dislocations, and also provides a fairly good first aid manual.

* Quality All the medications were within their valid dates and most had a couple of years left on them, which is close to the expiration date of most meds anyway. The tube of glucose (for hypoglycemics?) had ruptured out the end of the tube due to a faulty seal, however. That part was not cool. So not only did that make the glucose ineffective if I needed it, it also smeared some things in the vicinity with a nice, lemon-scented goo. (Read: Bear Magnet) In the end, this was only one thing and didn't make me feel that the kit overall was low quality. In fact, I am generally impressed with the quality of the kit. The case itself, with zippers and pouches, are all of good quality and should last through time and use.

I got this kit in a hurry as I was assembling my disaster supplies and I got lazy and just wanted something that had everything. While it really is a good kit and should cover all my needs, I should have put the majority of it together myself. One reason is perishability. When meds, even common ones, are embedded in a kit, you are less likely to rotate the old stuff out with the new. It is better to have a discrete section only for common and prescription drugs that can be easily checked on a regular basis. Secondly, a better kit contains those things that you think you will need, not what a general kit attempts to do. We have small children, for example, and that necessitates some unique things that aren't necessarily stocked in a general kit. Also, no kit can have everything it's just not possible. So I've been adding to this one some additional gear: Splints for fingers and limbs, more of certain sizes of bandages, etc.

I have other first aid kits by AMK and they are generally excellent. I have modified all of them, however, to suit my individual needs. This comprehensive kit is very good for large groups or for an extended period for a family and covers quite a bit; I think it would have been impossible for me to assemble the same gear individually for the price.

Buy Adventure Medical Kits Comprehensive Kit Now

Comes with everything you'd need for a month long excursion in the wilderness. Not only does it have everything, but unlike other first aid kits I've bought the items in this kit come in quantities large enough to be useful and used again. Actual tubes of product instead of a just a small rip open package sampler. The only thing I purchased separate to add to this kit was two packs of Celox just in case any of my group incur a severe wound that won't stop bleeding even with a pressure dressing.

Read Best Reviews of Adventure Medical Kits Comprehensive Kit Here

Looked like it had been in storage for far too long, some sterile packaging on a couple of items was compromised, and several medications were very near their expiration dates. Customer service response from the vendor was not great, they offered a $20 rebate, but after a few exchanges they reluctantly agreed to take it back and give a refund.

Want Adventure Medical Kits Comprehensive Kit Discount?

I bought this for our neighborhood as part of our emergency preparedness equipment. Perfectly organized with labels, convenient size and portability, and it comes with instructions for treating common wounds. It's not the cheapest out there but when an emergency happens you won't be searching through half a dozen compartments trying to figure out what you need.

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