Unguentine Antiseptic Original Ointment improved formula 1 oz

Unguentine Antiseptic Original Ointment improved formula 1 ozUpon a friend's recommendation I added Unguentine to my medicine cabinet. And the first time I used it on a burn that I knew would be really bad it amazed me how mild the blister and pain turned out to be. Of course the healing was way faster too.

I've always wanted to use it on a smaller section of a larger burn to see the difference but haven't tried it yet.

Unguentine Plus is anti infection too. Never tried Unguentine Maximum Strength. Guess Plus has always been enough for my 3rd degree and lesser burns from electric stoves, wood stoves, and camp fires (mostly on the back of hands and on forearms).

The one burn from a lawn mower muffler was a good reminder of why I should keep Unguentine in the truck too; that and don't load a lawnmower by bear hugging it to pick it up. That burn would have been big enough for my experiment... Oh well, next time.

This is an age-old product that has never been surpassed for immediate relief from pain for many minor injuries. Have been an avid user for 40 years. Was happy to find Amazon.com carries this product as it is difficult to find.

Buy Unguentine Antiseptic Original Ointment improved formula 1 oz Now

My family has been using Unguentine since the very early 1900's. I have had some severe burns in my lifetime and this product has always helped me get through them. Initially it stings slightly when you first apply it, but the pain goes away very quickly. My mother always kept unguentine in the house and since I had kids and they use it also on all their little cuts and burns, I keep several tubes around the house for them. And although the price is almost 3 times the amount it was when the product was distributed through US Dermatologics, Inc, I definitely would recommend this product to anyone with a burn or even road rash.

Read Best Reviews of Unguentine Antiseptic Original Ointment improved formula 1 oz Here

Unguentine is one of the "I can't live without" things in my life. I'm 70 years old, and my mother used it from the time I was in grammar school or high school. She swore by it, and I still do. My daughter used Unguentine for bee stings and mosquito bites when her children were young. Amazing. For burns, there's nothing like it, especially for the price. Like so many other things, we can no longer buy it locally. Thank goodness for the internet and Amazon.

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Almost 20 years ago, I had a child with eczema, who had frequent diaper rash. Nothing would touch it. Tried prescriptions. He was allergic to half the products with baby scents. His skin was oozy and bleeding and frequently infected. Then, my mom suggested Unguentine. Saw marked improvement in ONE DAY! As an alternative to my boy's constant misery, it was a godsend. I would not use it for all diaper rash, as it seems like strong medicine. However, on resistant rash that is a constant infection risk and pain generator...I would use it again on grandkids in a heartbeat. For us, it was a miracle.


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