First Response First Response Fertility Test For Women

First Response22600901808 Fertility Test for WomenWOW what a DEVASTATION it was to use these strips is all i can say. I am 38, I first took this "FSH" test in January 2011. I got a very faint pink line which said I had "normal" FSH levels. So I thought I was okay. Well after 6 months TTC, we finally went into the doctor. After drawing blood, I found out my FSH was elevated! Apparently, most of these OTC FSH tests tell you that you are normal if you your FSH is under 25...when normal is under 10-12 according to most doctors. I even took this test on the same day they did the blood FSH; again, the OTC test indicated I was normal, even though my lab work came back as abnormal and I will need to undergo treatment. I feel deceived...I could have been getting treatment earlier had this test really given me a true indicator of FSH. Spare yourself the heartbreak and false sense of security and ask your doctor to do a blood FSH test on Day 3.

Do not buy or rely on this testyour result means nothing. I took this test 3 months ago and also received a "normal" reading. Well, I just recently had blood work done to test my ovarian reserve, and results came back with an AMH level of 0.55 ng/mL, indicating a very low ovarian reserve. Needless to say, I was shocked. (AMH is a newer test that, similiar to the FSH test, indicates your ovarian reserve or quantity and quality of your remaining egss.) Do not rely on this test to give you an accurate result; instead, go to your ob/gyn and ask him/her to test your FSH and AMH levels.

Buy First Response First Response Fertility Test For Women Now

This test works, meaning it didn't come up invalid. I got a normal result with it.

HOWEVER, this test is worthless.

25mIU/ml sensitivity is way too high to determine if you have an issue! My doctor said anything over 10-12 mIU/ml is considered a problem. The sensitivity level needs to be lower (like 10mIU/ml) in order to detect a true problem. Women can take this test and think they're good to go...when really they could have a high FSH of 20, which makes them pretty much infertile. So they'll put off going to the doctor because they think they're normal. When really their levels are much too high, and they need to go to the doctor!

Also FSH alone means nothing in testing. You also need to get the estrodiol level because estrodiol can falsely lower your FSH level anyway. Basically, take this test at entertainment level, it actually tells you nothing about your hormone level. Go to the doctor to get real results!

Read Best Reviews of First Response First Response Fertility Test For Women Here

I had bought a box of the First Response pregnancy tests and the "fertility" test was included as an added bonus. After I started menstruating, I took the test and got a faint line, which is supposed to mean that I'm "normal". In researching this product, I found that it really does NOT give you any indication of whether or not you will be able to conceive. You would have to go to your OBGYN to have labs drawn (blood work) to get a specific level of your FSH (the hormone this test tests for). I would not pay money to do this test again. If you find it as an added bonus in a box of pregnancy tests, though, what the heck... Try it out.

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I purchased this product in March 2012 but had not planned to use it until June 2012, so the package was never opened until recently, i started by reading the instructions and it specifically indicated "do not use this product after the expiration date printed on the box", so i checked the box to be sure and to my surprise the product had expired a whole year earlier in FEB 2011.. so i can not complain about the product itself because i never got to use it, but i am shocked and disappointed by the seller responsible for sending out a product that is of absolutely no good use.. . if the issue is not resolved. . i will NOT be using Amazon very much longer, i can promise you that! who can afford to be ripped off ???

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