MDF® ER PremierTM Stethoscope Color: Black

MDF® ER PremierTM Stethoscope Color: BlackI'm an RN working CCU. I've had mine for a year. The sound is acceptable for general physical and lung/heart sounds assessment and the tubing is long enough for my needs. I can easily hear murmurs and bruits and faint lung sounds. But the stethoscope has some design issues. The heavy weight tubing is stiff and the connection between the diaphragm/bell is too loose for my liking. This combination causes the connection between the two to twist and lose it's ability to conduct any sound. I have to adjust my grip, angle, and sometimes ear pieces in order to get a good assessment done. This really slows me down, especially if a quick assessment is necessary. It's a durable stethoscope, but it's design slows down assessments. Also, the pediatric diaphragm is difficult to remove and put back on. It takes some bending and prying to get it right. I'm switching to an easily convertible stethoscope such as ADC or Prestige. I've given it 3/5 for its sound.

Great stethoscope although heavier than littman sound quality much better. Mdf are the ones who made littman famous the they become competitors when they broke apart littman are made from aluminum and mdf from stainless steel since it is more dense than aluminum it conducts sound better so therefor the added weight i currently own both stethoscopes and prefer the mdf for sound quality

Buy MDF® ER PremierTM Stethoscope Color: Black Now


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