Lavender Essential Oil - 15 ml

Lavender Essential Oil  - 15 mlI believe I have been sold a knock off of the Young Living Oil Product. The label is different and the product smells strange, and when I received it it was wrapped very tacky and I need to know it's the real product!Young Living Essential Oil Lavender 15 Ml

I love to use this Lavendar from Young Living Oils. I love the smell and what it has done for me.

Many uses from this.

5 minutes you will be asleep.

it will promote a healthy night sleep for you.

If you have scars rub it over your scars you will see it disappear suddenly within a couple of days.

It will relieve allergies. I havent taken any kinds of allergy medicine for over a year since taking these drops.

Put a couple of these drops in your cake mix. Everyone goes crazy over the cake.

Put this on your cold sore. If there is any itching, pain,or whatever. Several times an hour is best, keeps it from erupting.

Inhale this for panic attacks.

It can help you relax-I use this when I cant fall asleep. One drop will make me go to sleep within minutes.

Rubbing this over pre term labor will help.

Muscle cramps, falls, restless leg syndrome, mosquito bites, lumps on breast, chronic sinus infection

hay fever just to name a few things it will help and remove from you. Apply one drop in your palm, go around clock wise 12 3 6 9 and then smell it with your nose and apply it to your affected area.

You will see that these oils will work miracles for you.

I love all the oils I get from Young Living Oils.

I use these:

Thieves-Thieves Mouth WashThieves Toothpaste

Lavendar oilPurfication OilPeace and Calming Oil

Peppermint OilCitrus Blend OilLemon OilValor Oil

Pan Away Oil.

Buy Lavender Essential Oil - 15 ml Now

An excellent oil. :) It's pure, edible great. I bought this after returning a different brand of oil, when I realized that in the US oils can be sold as pure therapeutic grade even when they're not 100%.

Tried it mixed w/ ice cream (ONE drop in a HUGE bowl of ice cream is plenty!) yum! I'm looking forward to finding other ways to cook with it.

Read Best Reviews of Lavender Essential Oil - 15 ml Here

My yoga teacher rubs this on her hands at the end of our workout. The smell is so relaxing. I had to buy it for myself. It came last week.

Last night I put it on my pillow and it was wonderful. I fell asleep and I was so relaxed. My husband got bit by jellyfish snorkeling so I put

it on his chest. I can't wait to see the results tomorrow. Someone wrote it was not the right company. That is not true. Mine was

Young Living Essential Oil. I am so pleased. it is pricey but it smells better than any lavender oil. Absolutely love it.

Want Lavender Essential Oil - 15 ml Discount?

My friend turned me onto lavender oil for acne breakouts, I use it at night on my face after I wash and before bed and my 12 yo daughter uses it too.

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