You'll have no choice after cracking one of these puppies and waving it under your noise. This is the brand that the nicer hospitals I've worked for used to use. The one's in the green pack were the ones used at the...less nice hospitals. I didn't notice a difference between the two as they both knocked everybody back when we cracked them for a fainting patient. Now what do I use them for? For waking up when I need to get a project done and need just a little more time to do it in. Drinking coffee at this time ends up keeping me up later than I need to and then messes up my sleep schedule. It has the nice benefit of waking up everyone else in the vicinity, which is why I ask if anybody objects to it before I do. I did some research on the effects of the inhalants and couldn't find any side effects of using them in this proportion, other than irritation of the mucous lining in the nasal cavity for some. This doesn't happen for me, but I have seen about half the patients squeeze their nose a couple times after around 10 minutes of being woken up (other than the initial squeezing of the nose after initial use). Am I suggesting that you use them for this reason? Absolutely not. Especially not without talking to a physician and then getting a second opinion from a second doctor. This information is for entertainment purposes only and should not be tried by anyone, anywhere, on any planet.

hard to find product in our local stores-really helpful when you are feeling faint or passing out-easy to use in an emergency
Buy Dynarex Ammonia Inhalants, 0.33cc ampules - Box of 10 Now
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