Sanvall Decolorized Iodine - White Iodine - Yodo Blanco

Sanvall Decolorized Iodine - White Iodine - Yodo BlancoI bought this after reading that it was good for brittle and cracking fingernails. After applying it to my nail tips for just a week the nails stopped breaking.

I have used this product to combat a longstanding toe nail fungus which seemed to respond to nothing. It has helped tremendously (for some unaccountable reason) and I recommend it to anyone looking for this use. It was recommended to me by someone in my local coop and I'm so glad it was.

Buy Sanvall Decolorized Iodine - White Iodine - Yodo Blanco Now

It made my flaking nails stronger. Not so pleasant odor, but the results were worth it. Here are 4 more words.

Read Best Reviews of Sanvall Decolorized Iodine - White Iodine - Yodo Blanco Here

Purchased this to treat toenail fungus. It's too soon to tell if it's working, but it's easier and more convenient than trying to soak in a vinegar solution every night. This bottle includes a built-in brush, which make it easy to apply and much less wasteful than using a cotton swab. It still stinks like any other iodine, but it's clear so it's nice that it won't stain. Note that if you can find this local, you'll pay half because of savings on shipping.

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This product might help other peoples nail growth but it did nothing for me. Still trying to find the right nail strengthener.


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