Calmoseptine Diaper Rash Ointment Tube - 4 Oz

Calmoseptine Diaper Rash Ointment Tube - 4 OzAs an infant expert and consultant I am constantly researchng for the best and most effective ways to keep infants healthy.

Six years ago I discovered CALMOSEPTINE OINTMENT and I can tell you with 100% confidence in my reputation as an expert that CALMOSEPTINE OINTMENT is the ONLY effective skin barrier on the market today. (If there are others I have not found them yet) Although created for post surgical patients this ointment beats all other diaper creams hands down. Products such as Balmex and Desitin diaper creams do not protect an infant's bottom from urine and feces. CALMOSEPTINE is such a wonderful barrier that I reccommend this ointment with confidence each time a parent consults with me. I have yet to see a child develop a diaper rash due to urine and feces touching the buttocks.

The one fact most new parents fail to realize is that diaper creams are not created to heal a rash, but merely to prevent a rash. This is why babies using other diaper creams develop rashes. Their buttocks are not completely protected from urine or feces. (I am not promoting a child staying in a diaper once they have urinated or defecated, however the acids in feces can irritate an infant's buttocks very quickly.)

CALMOSEPTINE OINTMENT is also excellent for bug bites, burns, sumac rashes and even hemorrhoids.

Unfortunately many medical professionals still do not know about this ointment and the relief and protection it can provide.

Some would say the price is costly but when weighed against the effectiveness of CALMOSPETINE the cost is a small price to pay for such a great preventive measure.

I have IBS coupled with occassioal hemorrhoids and this is the only product that not only soothes, it actually lasts! My doctor gave me a couple of samples to use for the care of a wound, and I quickly found out that it does so much more. From time to time, I also get an excema rash on my back. This stuff clears it within a week. Amazing!

Buy Calmoseptine Diaper Rash Ointment Tube - 4 Oz Now

Best product ever for mosquito bites. Put it on and instantly they stop itching and you never know you have a bite.

Read Best Reviews of Calmoseptine Diaper Rash Ointment Tube - 4 Oz Here

It had been one of those days...A rather routine day for us crohnies. I quickly awoke to that old familiar feeling. A little gurgle quickly turns into a mad dash to the toilet.Sadly, as I sat there, i knew something was missing. Where is my Calmoseptine? The email said it had been shipped. Had someone hi-jacked my mail box? Had the mailman kept it for himself? The burning was intense. DARN! Out of baby wipes, now what?

Thankfully my magic potion arrived shortly thereafter. I happily ripped open the envelope knowing what its' contents held. YES, it's here. At last my raw nether regions could be soothed.I gingerly took off the protective plastic wrapper and opened the lid.I squeezed the cool tube of miracle bum cream again and again. BLAST!!I forgot to remove the tamper resistant foil cover under the lid. At last I squeezed and applied the pale pink paste to my blazing behind. AAHH!! Relief! My Peeps at Crohn's forum did not exaggerate. This stuff is the nectar of the gods. I can now live a cool,and tingly life.

Want Calmoseptine Diaper Rash Ointment Tube - 4 Oz Discount?

There are many aspects of Crohn's disease that patients find embarrassing so they are talked about very little. One of them happens to be skin irritation on your behind from constant trips to the bathroom. It's almost like an adult diaper rash. Having dealt with this side effect of the disease for years, I often find myself unwilling to bring it up to doctors and prefer to try and deal with it on my own,usually with little success. On a Crohn's forum, someone directed me to this product. I cannot emphasize enough what a profound difference this cream makes. It not only heals the rash dramatically in as little as a day, but it soothes the area and relieves the stinging and burning commonly felt when someone cannot stop going diarrhea. The 4oz tube has a surprisingly good amount of product which goes a long way. I've even used it on my shins for skin breakdown that a lot of Crohnie's get! This product is a must have for anyone who wants a well stocked medicine cabinet, not just for those with IBD or babies. Wish I had found it sooner!


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