Brave Soldier Crash Paks First Aid Kit

Brave Soldier Crash Paks First Aid KitAs the name implies, this is a "Crash Pack" not a first aid kit. It's everything you need in the event of a crash on your bicycle (mountain bike or road cycling) or would come in handy after a scrape while bouldering, rock climbing, or cross country running.

You simply can't carry a complete first aid kit on an endurance event, like cycling or cross-country running, because it would be too bulky and heavy. You need something lighter and smaller than anything ever thought up by the outdoor sports industry for general use.

Inside the ultralight and durable mylar bag are a variety of essential single use size items for cleaning, disinfecting, and dressing most scrapes and cuts, as well as a couple of packets of NSAIDs (such as Advil, Bufferin, Tylenol). It even includes packets of bacetracin and butterfly bandages.

I've had mine for about three years now, used it, resupplied it, and the mylar bag looks likes it's ready for several more years of being at the ready in my jersey pocket during the thousands of miles I ride per year.

Before buying the crash pak, I used to carry just plain band-aids in a variety of sizes. No one sells single packs of bacitracin, alcohol swabs, or butterfly bandages for instance, so to create an 'as good' crash pack myself I would have to buy large quantities of each of the items it contains all at once. Thank goodness Brave Soldier has already done this, and even sells the refill variety pack needed to resupply this increadibly well put together crash pack.

I suppose the one CON is that it doesn't include any large, deluxe bandages that are antibacterial and waterproof, but those things cost the same as this entire kit and can easily be bought in any store that sells first aid supplies. I bought a pack of them and put a few in my Crash Pak--so now it's even better.

BOTTOM LINE: The Brave Soldier Crash Pak is exactly what the Emergency Medical Technician ordered for outdoor endurance athletes.

This is a very compact and extensive first aid kit. There are multiple crash packs and I ride with the whole kit just in case I can offer aid to someone else.

Ride safe.

Buy Brave Soldier Crash Paks First Aid Kit Now

It takes one crash to realize the value of carrying this little package. While one major wound took all the pads and gauze, I was glad to have each and every one of them and the antibiotic ointment. I left the powder to stop bleeding at home on the recommendation of my PA and didn't regret it. This light, compact kit is worth every penny for any road biker!

Read Best Reviews of Brave Soldier Crash Paks First Aid Kit Here

This gift made my sister in law very happy. She is a serious bicycle rider (I'm not, as you can tell by my terminology) and loves good quality and practical stuff. If you have a sister in law like that, you should buy her this. Received with great enthusiasm.

Want Brave Soldier Crash Paks First Aid Kit Discount?

It is actually a big bag folded in half with a velcro piece keeping it folded. I put some other items inside, sucked the air out and folded over. Nice.

Water proof, compact, and will hopefully never get used! Hah, who am I kidding....

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