Oralflo Pill Swallowing Cup

Oralflo Pill Swallowing CupI have a teenage daughter that has/had major anxiety when it comes to pills. She absolutely REFUSED to swallow any type of pill. We had tried many techniques, even at an early age & nothing worked. Even during her menstrual cycle she would take children's liquid ibuprofen or just suffer with the effects of horrible cramping, rather than taking a pill. Recently, she was prescribed pills as a way to combat acne. Thinking that would be enough of a motivator to swallow a pill, but alas it was not. She had a major melt down. Desperate not to waste our money on prescriptions already paid for, we searched the internet & found this cup. It was worth a try & she seemed excited. When it arrived the anxiety began again. She had a meltdown, but after leaving to her own accord she took the bull by the horns & used this cup! AMAZING!!! She swallowed her very first pill & was so proud of herself!! She says you can not feel the pill in your throat at all & that it is like taking a swig of water!! I am so glad for her! I only wish I had it a few years ago when we spent $100's of $$ on pills that went to waste. Oh well, we have it now!!!

I'm a 36 year old woman who has never been able to swallow a pill my entire life. Doesn't matter the size, I couldn't swallow it. On the rare occasion I have absolutely *had* to take a pill, I have used a pill crusher to crush it (but I know there are pills that cannot be crushed). I also cannot swallow many food items such as fruit and vegetables skins, small seeds (like the ones in "seedless" watermellon and the almost non-existent ones in "seedless" grapes). I have to use a child's toothbrush because of my tremendous gag reflex, and I still gag on it when brushing my teeth. I have avoided going to doctors and dentists for years out of sheer terror they would prescribe me a pill I *had* to take that couldn't be crushed, and I had no idea what I would do if that ever happened. Well I gave in and went to see a doctor and, of course, she prescribed me a couple pills one I will have to take every day for the rest of my life. I had a complete meltdown about this of course. And then I ordered the Oralflo cup (which I have nicknamed my pill sippy cup). I seriously had my doubts when it came in the mail. It really looked ridiculous. But I tried it and...THE PILL WENT DOWN! I didn't even feel it. I have no idea how or why this device works but it does it really does! You have to be very careful about not overfilling it (the directions clearly say this and they mean it cause otherwise you will end up with a face and nose full of water! But I can now swallow pills, and I don't have to dread some diagnosis someday where they tell me I have to take something that can't be crushed or I'll die. No, I'm not a company rep. I am the same skeptic many of you reading this probably are. Why it didn't work for some of the reviewers here I can't say for certain. But it worked for me when nothing ever did. It's a small investment to make for a truly life altering product. If I could give more than 5 stars I would.


Update: I would still give this product more than 5 stars....perhaps 100...even though I don't need to use it anymore. This devise actually taught me how to swallow pills. I can now swallow them without the Oralflo cup handfuls of pills, any size, doesn't matter. I no longer have issues swallowing certain foods either. All because this little sippy cup taught me how to swallow. I know that may sound ridiculous but it's true. My husband just told me how relieved he is that he now does not have to worry that I will not be able to take some necessary drug I need in life. I just sent him to the store to buy me some pills since I have a cold. I used to have to drink nasty liquid medicines yuck. Yea for pills! Yea for Oralflo!

Buy Oralflo Pill Swallowing Cup Now

My son (11) has always had trouble swallowing medications due to a very sensitive gag reflex. Howver, afeter a couple of practices with this, he is taking his pills with no drama or delay. It iw wonderful not to have an argument everytime he needs to take a pill. Thanks.

Read Best Reviews of Oralflo Pill Swallowing Cup Here

The review title says it all---this cup is AMAZING! After I attempted to swallow two large vitamins at work on my lunchbreak, I spent the rest of the day praying that the pill I could still feel in my throat would clear up & go down. It was then that I realized I had a significant problem, and if I wanted to keep taking the vitamins I loved, I should research some tips on how to swallow them easily. After searching around on the internet, I came across the Oralflo pill swallowing cup. I ordered it from their website & it arrived very quickly. Suffice to say, it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made! If you have issues with swallowing large pills & vitamins, do yourself a HUGE favor and buy this cup---it's worth every penny, you won't regret it!

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This is extremely easy to use -follow the instructions to the letter. Not too much liquid/only fill the cup half way put the pill in the spout and drink normally. The pill goes down. You may need to practice a few times. After about a month, I tried without the "trainer" and low and behold after years and years of chewing pills and taking liquid meds I can now swallow pills. This is a life changing product and clearly worth a serious try for any adult or older child who is having trouble swallowing pills.


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