Batya Cushioned Bath Baby Bather

Batya Infant Soft Bather - GreenLet me start by saying that we love this bath cushion! I bought it when my son started getting too big for the hard plastic inclined seat that came with his infant bath tub at around 3 months. He's 4 months now and loves floating in his cushion. BUT, it does not, as claimed, gently nestle him so that he will not tip over. Not at 17 lbs and 4 months of squirm anyway. I know no parent in this day and age is going to leave their infant alone in the bath tub, but since this is advertised as a way to bathe your infant and older child together I figure I should mention you need to keep a hand ready to stop the sudden tip over when said infant decides the bath toy he wants is the one just out of reach. Personally I love this cushion, but I think I'll love it more for our eventual 2nd child who will use it from birth than for our very active current child. I look forward to the day I can try out the next in this series of bath cushions when he can sit up independently. Overall, great product!

*UPDATE: Still working great for baby #2!

We all know how terrifying bathing our newborn can be... We tried a few different options and finally found the ideal solution using Batya in either our normal tub or in our baby tub (we have a very basic Ikea baby bathtub). Batya gives us the comfort that our baby's head is above water while his body is still in the warm water. This is also ideal if bathing your newborn alone as allows for more flexibility not having to constantly hold the baby's back.

Buy Batya Cushioned Bath Baby Bather Now

I love the Batya baby bather! My baby is so relaxed and happy having her bath. And I am relaxed with her. Genius invention!

Read Best Reviews of Batya Cushioned Bath Baby Bather Here

It seems a very interesting approach to keep your baby afloat. However, it does not allow the water to cover his body, and hence it is to cold. It is expensive and I would have not been able to use it for more than 2-3 months when babies want to be sitting while taking a bath. On the picture they don't show where the eyeballs of the cushion go, but they end up on the baby's head or neck.

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I bought one of these for my grandson, and at first I was a little nervous using it. However, he loves it! He is 6 months old and and he just lounges in it while getting his bath. As one of the other reviews stated, this is not a floating device you cannot leave them unattended. My grandson loves it, and I love it too. It makes bathing him very easy and enjoyable.

I just recently bought another one for my grandaughter who is 1 1/2 months old. This fits perfectly in a large sink. She also loves bath time.

The only drawback would be the eyes. These poke into the back of their heads if you leave it face up, however, I flip it over when using it with the eyes pointing down into the water. Perfect!


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