ACE Reusable Cold Compress

ACE Reusable Cold Compress LargeEvery night I do three miles on my treadmill and due to arthritis and bone spurs in my feet and a torn disc in my back I always have to apply ice to those areas afterward. Over the years I was forced to use those "clear-plastic-gel-like" compresses. The problem with those type products are 1) you have to (and are warned on the product) to wrap in a towel to apply. 2) They have a rather short life cycle before the "icky" gooey gel starts leaking on your towel... on you... on your furniture.

When a friend of mine found this brand for me... I can't tell you how many drug stores I went to, that not only didn't have them... but acted like I was from another planet when I asked for them. My friend lives in another city and would buy them for me and have to ship them to me. These cold compresses are provided encased in a strong "fabric-like-material", hence I nicknamed them "INDUSTRIAL-STRENGTH" COLD COMPRESSES. You do not need to wrap in a towel. You apply them directly to the required area. Though they too eventually wear out, they last much longer and feel more comfortable. I recommend them head and shoulders above the garden variety "plastic-like" cold-compresses of yester-year.

currently i am dealing with sciatica and need to keep icing my back. i purchased 2 of these packs and they have been a godsend. they are the perfect size to place on my lower back and can easily help for your neck or other part of the body as its a size that works well anywhere. depends on how cold u have your freezer set it will either be a bit stiff or completely lose like a before you placed it in the freezer, but either way it holds the cold very well. the fabric itself feels like cloth and is designed to go right on your skin instead of needing to be wrapped in a towel which is nice. you can place it on and not feel the burn on your skin. i ice my back for a bout 25-30 minutes at a time and the packs last long enough to do the job. once you put them back in the freezer they take less than two hours before you can use them again. if you are unlucky like me and need to ice your aching body then i highly recommend this product.

Buy ACE Reusable Cold Compress Now

These cold packs leak, although they are a great idea. I use cold packs all the time after exercise, and after recent outpt. surgery. Unfortunately, if you bend them to wrap them around a foot (for instance), they soon start to leak the gel from inside. I'd suggest the Nextcare line of hot/cold packs instead, as they are about the same size and have proven to be much more durable.

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Exactly what I wanted. These cannot be bought in pharmacy's anymore for whatever reason. I have been using them for years and like the larger size. Since they are reuseable that are quite economical. I was amazed that they are no longer available but through the internet.

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The ACE Reusable Cold Compress (Large) provides excellent pain relief for my swollen knees after a workout. It is flexible when ice cold, and the material actually does allow me to place the compress directly against my skin without too much shock or chill. But the compress is not "large." It might wrap around the knee or thigh of a child, but not of an adult.


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