Redmond RealSalt Redmond Clay

Redmond Trading Company Clay 10 ozThis is my experiences using Redmond clay. I began using Redmond clay hesitantly around 2001. I use it all the time now. It is so versatile in its uses; digestive aid, detoxifier, wounds, beauty, etc. One of my favorite uses is facials. I use to have adult acne a lot. I would mix Redmond clay with olive oil, honey, essential oils and/or seaweed. And let it set on my face for 20+ minutes. The olive oil kept the clay moist. (When mixed with only clay and water it would dry my skin out and make it itch.) When I would use it every night for a week, my skin tone improved, acne diminished, my dark circles under my eyes faded, and the smaller wrinkles did not seem as noticeable. I would use Redmond clay just because of how it feels on my face. It is like a little bit of heaven.

Using it for wounds has greatly helped my cats and I. My first example is I am allergic to a common house spider where I live and every year it and I have to meet for some dumb reason. I get really lethargic and weak. The more I touch the bite the more it spreads and the sicker I get. I found out that Redmond clay can pull out poisons. As soon as I would get the bite I would mix lavender and Redmond clay together and put a bandage over it. As the lavender dried I would add another drop to keep it wet. The clay would pull the venom to a head and I found that I was not stuck in bed for a week or so.

One time I was bite by a stray cat at night, and 6 hours later my hand was swelling up fast. The following morning the doctor told me if we did not get the swelling down fast, I would have to go into surgery soon. I applied Redmond clay onto the bite and was amazed how fast the infection was pulled to the surface of my skin.

My cat was bit (probably by the same stray). She got a huge cyst on the side of her head (the size of a golf ball). A couple days later it popped. I sprinkled a dash of Redmond clay in warm water with tea tree and lavender essential oils. I have been washing her wound with that. The infection has drained out and it looks like the worst of it is over.

I have found that Redmond clay works as a great detoxifier for me and helps with any of my stomach problems. I add a 1/4 teaspoon to a glass of water. Just after stirring it together, it tastes earthy but not strongly of dirt. First time I did this I cringed at the thought of drinking it. I let the part that does not dissolve settle to the bottom. After half a minute it is still opaque but funny thing is my water now tastes better. (Our summer water tends to taste pretty bad.) If it feels gritty, I just add more water and drink the top portion.

I have many other uses for it. One is I every so often get a nasty canker and using Redmond clay on it helps the sore to feel better and heal faster. The clay does not hurt to put it on my canker. I love the benefit of using Redmond clay and will continue to use it for the rest of my life.

I use Redmond Clay as a mineral supplement for myself. I put 1 tsp in a glass of good quality water(ex:spring water), I stir, leave it over night. In the morning the clay rests at the botton of the glass and I just drink the water. I do that for 21 days then I stop for a week and do it again 2 times. Last year our dog had tummy problems for a few days. I gave her once a day a tsp of Redmond Clay mixed with 1 tbs of plain yogurt and she was completely fine after 2 days. In Europe we use green clay for a lot of things including in skin care as the clay can absorbs toxins and some bacterias.

Buy Redmond RealSalt Redmond Clay Now

This stuff is incredible. Whenever we get sick stomachs, we take a 1/4 of teaspoon & wallah, gone. It's also good on wounds. Love this stuff.

Read Best Reviews of Redmond RealSalt Redmond Clay Here

Redmond Clay is the answer to the external glow we see in yogis and hippies skin everywhere.

Cleansing from within, the entire GI Tract, leads to clearer skin and better tone because the blood and fluids are clean (less chance of bacteria getting stuck in our pores). This is why I personally enjoy taking the clay internally as "clay water". I was referred to Redmond Clay by the Earth I can see why they recommend it.

You can also use the clay as a facemask and body wrap. The texture when mixing should be like mustard, when you are mixing it correctly.

As far as Amazon goes, I love buying on amazon because of their quick and efficient service and their practical ship rates.

Very pleased overall and will be buying again. Check out more of my beauty tips from a foodie with food allergies perspective at

Want Redmond RealSalt Redmond Clay Discount?

Mudpack with vinegar worked nice....felt clean as a whistle afterwards....also, almost tastless in my blender shakes.

Wish it came in larger quantities, or at least cheaper packaging at a lower price.

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