Boiron Arnicare Gel With Multi Dose (Blue) Tube for Muscle Aches

Boiron Arnicare Gel With Multi Dose Tube for Muscle Aches, 2.6 Ounce gel + 80 PelletsWorks fast for shoulder and neck pain. I like that I can use it during the day without the worry of that strong menthol smell that other products have. I know people claim it help heal bruises but I can't say so or not. All I know is it does work on stiff muscles and it helped my sister with elbow pain. She broke it years ago, and still wakes up in pain some mornings. It didn't take care of it 100% but it relieved most of her discomfort within 30 to 60 mins.

This pack gives you the gel tube and the pellets for oral dosing. Arnica is the best of the best in homeopathic readies and Boiron is the best brand, by far.

Buy Boiron Arnicare Gel With Multi Dose (Blue) Tube for Muscle Aches Now

We are never without arnica in this house. I even carry pellets in my purse. Arnica is used for bruising, or any bruised feeling (such as after a way-too-intense workout). If the gel is applied immediately upon injury, there is a good chance you won't even bruise at all. And I give pellets by mouth as well, although I must mention that the directions always call for taking multiple pellets on a set schedule. This is not homeopathic prescribing. One pellet is the same "dose" as five, because your body responds to the energy of the substance -not how many pellets you take. And more importantly, you should always wait until your symptoms return before taking another dose. Arnica is the perfect "starter remedy" for anyone interested in homeopathy. I suggest reading a little online from the website of any of the major classical homeopaths to get the gist of what it's all about. I would also recommend getting calendula ointment as the other go-to first aid item since it's antiseptic and very healing for open wounds. Oh yeah -don't use arnica on open wounds because it will usually create a rash!

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I have a very active son who often falls, bumps, scrapes, etc. If I can get the Arnica gel on his bumps within the first five minutes, some sort of magic happens. The swelling goes down and the bruising passes much more quickly than normal.

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