Banalg Muscle Pain Reliever 2 fl oz (60 ml)

Banalg Muscle Pain Reliever 2 fl ozThis product is awesome, it works in minutes and last longer than any similar product.

I use Banalg when playing golf on hands and knees to releive arthritis pain. Allows me to grip clubs and maintain stance.

Buy Banalg Muscle Pain Reliever 2 fl oz (60 ml) Now

This awesome product is hard to find because it is no longer available through doctors or suppliers. Finding it on Amazon was a nice surprise. Banalg works on my pain like no other "over the counter" rub does. It is pricy, but in my opinion, worth it.

Read Best Reviews of Banalg Muscle Pain Reliever 2 fl oz (60 ml) Here

I have used banalg for pains in my knee and neck. It stopped the pain in a few minutes. I don't want to be without it. I reccomend it to several people.

Want Banalg Muscle Pain Reliever 2 fl oz (60 ml) Discount?

The Banalg "Hospital strength" worked better than this and was only $12-$13 bottle.I am told it is no longer available. I bought this as I was suffering bad and needed relief, and it did work, although not as well as the other product. I will not purchase again as the ingredients can be found in much cheaper varieties of muscle pain relief creams.


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