Tender Ben's 100 Max Pump Spray, 1.25 Ounce Bottle (Pack of 3)

Tender Ben's 100 Max Pump Spray, 1.25 Ounce BottleA mosquito magnet since childhood, I've tried a lot of insect repellents. DEET in high concentrations is the only one that works for me. I attract mosquitoes. I once got 70 mosquito bites while sitting next to someone who got none. It made me ill and, of course, very itchy. I also have the misfortune of being very allergic to insect bites. DEET (N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide) is a pesticide, a solvent, and a neurotoxin. I would be reluctant to inhale or absorb such a toxic substance if there were an alternative that works. Since there isn't, and I have sensitive skin, I avoid putting DEET directly on my skin. I spray it on my outer layer of clothing or clothing that is thick enough that it won't soak through.

Ben's 100 Max Formula Tick & Insect Repellent contains 98.11% DEET. It's oily and smelly, but the smell is not overwhelming. I have used this while birding in wetlands that were so mosquito-ridden that the locals have resorted to spraying the area from helicopters in the past. I sprayed the Ben's 100 on my clothes and socks. The bugs did not go up my pant legs. I didn't get any bites. I spray it on the edges of my towel at the swimming pool, since my neighborhood has been invaded by Asian Tiger mosquitoes that like dry, sunny climates as well as swamps. It averts that unpleasant experience of coming home from the pool to find myself covered with mosquito bites.

DEET is a solvent, so don't spray Ben's 100 on synthetic fabrics or leather. It may damage the fabric. Cotton and cotton blends hold up well. I wouldn't spray it on fine fabrics, but it hasn't harmed my sporting clothes, and the oiliness does come out in the wash. The label claims that one application of Ben's 100 is good for 10 hours of protection. The common wisdom is that concentrations of DEET higher than 30% are not more effective but last longer. A formula with 30% DEET would last 5-8 hours, depending upon if it's alcohol or water-based.

As for its toxicity, sensitivity to neurotoxins varies widely, and more serious adverse reactions have been reported in children than adults. In a study conducted by the military, 46% of subjects had adverse skin reactions when a gauze patch containing DEET was applied to their skin. This is why the instructions say not to apply Ben's 100 underneath of clothing. Heed that warning. Don't trap it against your skin. Wash it off before going to bed, so that any DEET remaining on your skin will not be covered by the bedlinens. That is what initially caused the adverse reactions in the military, prompting them to conduct a study. Soldiers got skin lesions in their sleep.

I travel to warm water destinations several times a year. One of the little know problems in tropical climates are what I call sand fleas. Sand fleas are virtually invisible, but are numerous and will literally eat you alive in a few minutes. The result are these little red bumps all over exposed parts of your legs, arms, neck and any other uncovered body part. Tender Ben's 100 Max is the only repellant that works. Nothing better than 100% DEET. Don't believe those who promote skin so soft products, they are not effective agaist aggressive insects. Deep woods off is partially effective, but you will still get bit.

Buy Tender Ben's 100 Max Pump Spray, 1.25 Ounce Bottle (Pack of 3) Now

I seem to like the same environment as mosquitoes: Amazon basin, SE Asia, Africa. Ben's DEET is the most effective spray I have found. These little bottles don't seem to leak and are small enough to have with me always

Read Best Reviews of Tender Ben's 100 Max Pump Spray, 1.25 Ounce Bottle (Pack of 3) Here

Ben's 100 is the best I have ever used and will only use Ben's now. A vely limited application works all day long.

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Ben's is the best. Pure DEET. Nothing else. I survived ages in India with nothing but Ben's. Now there is an enjoyable West Nile outbreak, but Ben's keeps the bugs away.

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