Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion, 18 Ounce Pump

Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion, 18 OunceDue to having had cancer and have gone through chemo I now react to any type of perfume or dye out there. I really truly do. I have tried everything under the sun until I found plain old Aveeno. I can't even use the Lavender Aveeno but that is ok. This is just as good. My skin stays soft and supple for days. I no longer get rashes from my medications or from too much sun exposure. This stuff is magic. It has solved all of my poor skin issues. And I am extremely pale as well.

When I was younger I use to make fun of my dad for using lotion. But ever since my girlfriend made me use it once I cannot stop using it after I get out of the shower now. (But I won't tell my dad that!)

I have used this lotion for over a year now. A bottle will last you an extremely long time. I will use one squirt to get my hands and my face. This lotion does not bother my face or give me acne. It makes me feel refreshed and lasts all day.

As for scent, this product really doesn't have one. You will smell a light scent when you put it on, but it will disappear shortly after.

Here is a tip....

When the bottle gets low, you will have to open it up and try to move some of the lotion that is stuck to the sides. After that you should be able to use it for another few weeks.

This is a great product. I will keep using it.

Buy Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion, 18 Ounce Pump Now

I too was utterly fed up with the claims of expensive lotions and their producers, making false and misleading statements about their "amazing" moisturising abilites.

Some of these lotions worked well enough at the moisture bit but at the cost of making you feel like an butter basted chicken most of the day!

I approached the 24 hour effect/ non-pore clogging claims of Aveeno with scepticism. I was very surprised and for once, entirely satisfied with the purchase. It is lovely. It works, it has a pleasant and subtle aroma. Reminded me of very mild, wheatgerm shampoo my Mother swore by in the 70's. Moreover it has excellent healing properties, I had not realised that oats have long been recognised as a major skin healer; even helpful for chronic skin conditions like psoriasis.

LShirley is absolutley right and the post showering tip is excellent. Another tip I would add for problem skin sufferers is to have an oatmeal bath once or twice a week. Have a regular shower to clean yourself, then run a bath with a small mesh/nylon or muslin bag (an old clean sock works!) filled with porridge oats; tied directly under the hot tap (fawcet). Then just soak yourself in the healing fluid!

Read Best Reviews of Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion, 18 Ounce Pump Here

I have family members in my house that have VERY dry skin. They use this daily after showering and it keeps their skin soft and suptle all day long. It's a great, non-greasy lotion, that does what it claims. The only issue I have is not really with the product itself. After you think it is empty if you cut it open you will find a ton of lotion inside. We actually save all the 'empty' lotions, cut them open and use a cake spatula to get out the lotion inside. We end up with another half bottle atleast. I only wish they sold them in bulk orders, I would buy a crate.

Want Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion, 18 Ounce Pump Discount?

Dealing with the after effects of a bone marrow transplant, this lotion saved me a lot of itching and skin peeling. Highly recommended not only by me, but by my transplant doctors and fellow patients.

It's a bit pricier than other lotions, but it actually works. It's worth it.

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