POISON IVY CLEANER, TECNU, oak-n-ivy, 4oz bottle

POISON IVY CLEANER, TECNU, oak-n-ivy, 4oz bottleMy mom use to use this on me as a kid when calamine lotion didn't do the trick. I am less allergic to poison oak and ivy now, i still am allergic, but it does not spread as bad.

I got poison oak last weekend and I turned to this old fave. I use it as a lotion, and also as a wash. It does help it heal super fast, and helps it immediately stop itching. after i wash this off i follow up with aveeno anti-itch cream. Ahhh!!! There is never relief when you have poison oak, but this stuff REALLY works.

I have used this product successfully for several years for poison ivy. I scrub it on and let it sit for at least five mins then rinse off. I find that it works. Well tonight the dog got skunked badly! I was desperate. I grabbed Tecnu because if it worked for poison ivy oil it should work for skunk oil. Boy it worked like a charm. I did not even have to use the whole bottle. I just rubbed it all over the dog. I let it sit for a few then rinsed him with the garden hose. He smelled much much better. Then it worked on my hands which were pretty skunky by then. Thank you God for this product!!!! It saved me tonight!

Buy POISON IVY CLEANER, TECNU, oak-n-ivy, 4oz bottle Now

This is great stuff. I have used it for years and it has saved me from many incidents of terrible rashes. If you use at the early stages of reaction, it stops the spreading and dries up what is already there. It has worked for other kinds of allergic skin reactions to other plants as well. It is something I always want to have around.

Read Best Reviews of POISON IVY CLEANER, TECNU, oak-n-ivy, 4oz bottle Here

It works. I am very allergic to poison ivy. If I use it immediately after contact, I will not get a rash. This product has changed how poison ivy affects me. I am very sensitive and I use it often, if I feel any kind of itch. I sometimes get small patches, but no more all-over, mind bending cases.

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I heard about this product from a friend that said it was used to decontaminate people exposed to radioactive materials. I thought, "I gotta try this." So I did and it's grrrreat! I used it after clearing a bunch of poison ivy from my woodline, with a weedeater. My shins and ankles were exposed to a ton of poison ivy spray. I used this product as directed on the label and didn't even get a breakout. It prevented me from getting a rash! This stuff is amazing!


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