3600 Calorie Food Bar Outdoors Survival Gear

3600 Calorie Food Bar Outdoors Survival GearThis stuff is kinda tasty, stays fresh for a long time, and packs small.

I suggest it for any survival kit where space is limited but still available. In other words, get cheaper bulkier stuff for your home. (Mountain House Hardtack is good there, along with some peanut butter and canned goods). This is for your car, boat, plane, or office. It's standard issue in many lifeboats. It does not require cooking and is moist enough so that it's not thirst provoking.

There are a number of listings here on Amazon, with a number of sizes, so compare before you buy.

*WARNING!* Contains coconut, and not just a trace. Do NOT buy or consume if you have coconut allergies! I had a friend break out in hives just for being in the same room.

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