Exercise Trampoline - Trampoline

Exercise Trampoline - TrampolineThis is a great low-impact exerciser. This is my second one. I had to leave my favorite one in San Francisco when I moved. You can get a very good workout, without any further damage to, in my case a middle aged body. I've had one hip replaced and the other one is acting up plus some compressed discs in both the lumbar and cervical spine; and have very arthritic knees. I added the stabilization bar this time just to be on the safe side and the whole set up allows me to get excercise without going to the gym, or dealing with the 95 degree heat. The unit is well made, easy to assemble (minimal assembly is actually required. It took less than 5 minutes so I could get started right away. I was introduced to this form of excercise when I was in nursing school 45 years ago and still recommend it to my friends. The steel springs and heavy construction are clues to this lasting for years just like my last one.

Its great to be able to look forward to excercise without worrying about causing more damage to my boomer body; it has already been through Vietnam, motorcycles, bicycle racing, and the last straw...falling down steel steps at work with my back and head banging every step.

I recommend you give this a try, and find out excercise can be fun again.

I use my trampoline a couple times a week, gently walking or jogging for no more than 60 minutes and it BROKE while I was using it. One of the black straps broke off completely and I don't trust that I can use it any more. And I am wondering of its SAFETY. Will other straps break too? I would like to get my money back. I can take a picture of the piece that ripped off.

Buy Exercise Trampoline - Trampoline Now


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