Epi Pen Trainer

Epi Pen TrainerI purchased the trainers since it became part of the training that I perform. They are easy to use and work like an Epi Pen would plus they are easy to reset. They have held up under the pressure of classroom training and if I need more, I will definitely buy more.

Good quality, realistic. Students enjoyed practicing. Fast to reload, not too many parts where it can break. Definitly will buy somemore

Buy Epi Pen Trainer Now

I use this product for demonstration when I teach first aid classes. It works perfectly to show students how to inject.

Read Best Reviews of Epi Pen Trainer Here

Surgical Disposable Sterile Skin Stapler w/Enhanced Control, 35 Preloaded Staples

Surgical Disposable Sterile Skin Stapler w/Enhanced Control, 35 Preloaded Staples
  • Skin Stapler Sterile with 35 Staples 35W

I had a horse that had a pretty good gash and happened to have this staple gun in my first aid kit so I figured I would give it a shot. My neighbor is a doctor, she helped and it worked perfect. She was very impressed with how smooth it was and said she thinks this one would work better than the one she uses in her clinic because their is no loud clicks, which makes people (especially kids) jerk. I bought two more replacements.

Buy Surgical Disposable Sterile Skin Stapler w/Enhanced Control, 35 Preloaded Staples Now

Product worked very well. Used it to repair a Walker hound after an encounter with a large black bear. One of the wounds was 6 to 8 inches long, treated with a disinfectant/antibiotic and stapled it up. By the next weekend the wound was fully healed.

Read Best Reviews of Surgical Disposable Sterile Skin Stapler w/Enhanced Control, 35 Preloaded Staples Here

If you have ever been in a situation that required you to suture yourself or someone, else (usually, due to being in mountains or jungles, etc...) THIS is the "only" way to go. CLIP-CLIP-CLIP, instead of SEW-SEW-SEW. This method "can" be done wthout anesthesia, if the situation calls for it. The sewing thing, without anesthesia of some type, can be a true b----!! This, I say, from my own "personal" experiences

Want Surgical Disposable Sterile Skin Stapler w/Enhanced Control, 35 Preloaded Staples Discount?

I'm an EMT in Alaska. We use these babies in our ambulances and I've used 2 of them on car accident victims. They work well to get a patient from the Alaskan wilderness to the hospital. We put them in ziplocks to protect against moisture because the packaging is a little weak. THESE ARE NOT A PERMANENT WOUND SOLUTION!!! If you use these you need to go to the hospital and have professional medical aid.

One observation about this item is that I carry one of them in a padded, watertight first aid kit in my tractor toolbox. It comes pre-sterilized and sealed and its packaging does look fairly water resistant, but I don't trust its long term retention of sterility and function in the rain. (Yes I know this is a comment about packaging, but a big part of the item cost is its sterility. Thus you cannot separate the individual packaging from the stapler itself due to the nature of the product.)

Edited to add the comments that sutures are really better for tight closure, but I've never really been happy tying one handed knots, even when I was on ER rotation in school and was supervised by senior resident surgeons. Since most of my farming-related injuries which require emergency closure are on either the hand or arm the stapler is much easier to use. With it you don't have to juggle suture, needle clamp and scissors while keeping the extra suture material in your sterile field. You just staple, staple, staple, staple. Obviously, people who use this item should be trained medical professionals, or have experience and training since stapling injuries is not something that a person should take lightly.

Homeopathic Accident and Emergency First Aid Kit

Homeopathic Accident and Emergency First Aid KitThis kit contains 18 of the most common remedies in pillule form; meaning there are 18 bottles of little round sugar globules (pills) approximately 35 to a bottle.

These remedies can treat PEOPLE (homeopathy treats people, and/or animals, NOT diseases) with many common acute dis-eases (colds, flu, stomach upset, bumps, bruises, insect bites and stings, childhood acute dis-eases like earaches, conjunctivitis, itchy rashes, etc., etc.)

If you are not an educated lay or professional homeopath, you MUST do some study before using any homeopathic remedies because homeopathy does not work like any other form of medicine; it is not herbology or essential oils or flower essences or nutrition... it's completely different than any other form of conventional or alternative medicine, even though some of the remedy names may look familiar. You must understand that difference to use homeopathic remedies safely and effectively. It does not appear that this kit comes with a handbook of any kind, and even if it did, I recommend you also purchase a couple of books.

The first book I always recommend is Impossible Cure by Amy Lansky, PhD, a former NASA scientist (Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy). I recommend it for understanding the fundamental principles of homeopathy so you can understand how homeopathy differs from conventional medicine and therefore understand how to use it safely and effectively. Besides it's a very good read.

Then after fundamental philosophy and principles, when you are first starting out as a lay homeopath for yourself or your family, you need a prescribing guide. The one I most commonly recommend is Homeopathic Self-Care by Robert Ullman, ND, and Judith Reichenberg-Ullman, ND (Homeopathic Self-Care: The Quick & Easy Guide for the Whole Family). Many people like The Complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro (The Complete Homeopathy Handbook: Safe and Effective Ways to Treat Fevers, Coughs, Colds and Sore Throats, Childhood Ailments, Food Poisoning, Flu, and a Wide Range of Everyday Complaints). Both books are good, all authors very well qualified, I just prefer the layout of the Ullman book. If I were just beginning, I would probably purchase both and see which one worked best for me; they are quite inexpensive.

This kit is a very good value. $55/18 bottles = $3.05 per bottle. Most health-food stores in the US have individual remedies currently retailing between $5 and $12, or so. From the packaging, I am guessing this remedy is produced by Helios Homoeopathic Pharmacy, if so, there's no better or more reputable supplier.

I have a couple of complaints about this kit. The first complaint is that it's too small. 18 remedies are not really enough, even for common self-care. For instance, the book Homeopathic Self-Care discusses over 50 different remedies. But you have to start somewhere and most people start by getting a book and then going down to the health-food store and buying a remedy or two. This is 18 times better than one and much, much cheaper than acquiring your pharmacy one remedy at a time! By the way, the remedies in this kit are selected specifically for treating accidents and emergencies which changes the remedy inventory somewhat from an average self-care kit, but still my complaint about it being too small stands.

My other complaint, perhaps it would be more accurate to say "my other concern" is that the remedies in this kit are 200c potency, which may be because this is an accident and emergency kit. But still, 200c or even 200x is bordering on a potency that only a professional or very well educated lay homeopath should use. If that's not you, please choose to get a kit in potencies no higher than 30c potency. Other common potencies safer for newbies to use are 6x, 6c, 12x, 12c, 30x, and of course 30c.; there are other potencies available, especially outside of the USA, that might differ, but as long as you stay at or below 30 you will be in safer territory to begin your practice of homeopathic self-care. Here's a couple of other kit options from this same seller in the same line (Helios, I assume) 18 Remedy Homeopathy Kit and even better 36 remedies 36 Remedy Homeopathy Kit. Other remedy manufacturers, pharmacies and brands make similar kits too, some are available retail and may also be available here on Amazon. It is, however, unusual to find Helios remedies available in the US and I highly recommend them.

Oh, and one more thing. You don't have to believe in homeopathy for it to work as long as you use it according to its principles. Most internet discussions about homeopathy are very polarized either for or against; you can see that evidenced in the reviews of this very product. Another example is that Professional Homeopaths consider Wikipedia's entry on homeopathy very biased against and have tried over and over for many years to edit it to something more balanced, but editing on the homeopathy entry is not allowed by The-Powers-That-Be behind the scenes at Wikipedia. My recommendation is to get a little bit of education on the way to use homeopathy, by homeopathy proponents obviously, and then try a few times to treat a few different acute dis-eases and see what you think for yourself.

I've traveled with this kit for about ten years.. It's light weight and small size make it convenient for travelling and it contains the highest quality remedies. It's come in handy a number of times. As noted in other reviews, you do have to have a basic knowledge of homeopathy to make use of it.

Buy Homeopathic Accident and Emergency First Aid Kit Now

Homeopathy is a simple, proven, and extremely safe way to treat yourself and your family naturally. Homeopathy helps jump start your body, like a gentle reminder, to fix itself. This kit is fantastic way to begin your use of homeopathy. I use these remedies for myself, my family, and my pets. I have several guides that I use and also use the services of a certified homeopath. This kit is a great way to have just what you need on hand, for travel, for use around the house, for every day needs. No more harsh chemicals or prescriptions from your doc that have side effects TRY homeopathy today! (And the person who gave the one-star who says they are filled with water -?? They are filled with homeopathic pillules, which you will find in any homeopathic kit, so clearly that person did not actually purchase the kit before putting that review).

Read Best Reviews of Homeopathic Accident and Emergency First Aid Kit Here

Many professional homeopaths find that between 50-100 of the most commonly used homeopathic remedies will suffice in the majority of cases. However, for the newbie, or as a gift for a friend or yourself, this would be a great selection. In a clinch and the immediacy of the moment, anyone can try the aconite for shock, the arnica for a black and blue, the apis for bee sting, arsenicum for food poisoning, belladonna for sudden fever, bryonia for dry cough, calendula to sooth the skin, cantharis for sunburn, cargo veg for the person who needs fanning and desires air, china to recuperate after a flu and feeling weak, gelsemium for anxiety before going to the dentist, hypericum for nerve pain after hitting their finger, ignatia for loss and grief, ipecac for nausea with a clean tongue, phosphorus for acute bleeding, pulsatilla for those yellow discharges, and silica for splinters as recorded in 200 years of documentation from physicians and medical healers around the world. These homeopathic remedies approved by USDA pharmacopoeia are over-the-counter self help and in severe chronic cases dispensed by experienced and well trained practitioners.

It would serve the customer well to make this a life long study. The remedies have far reaching potential. These small pellets are not simply water, they have been manufactured under the highest standards in supervised laboratories with the greatest care to potentize and dilute the original substance, so they are gentle acting on the organism and do make wonderful gifts to loved ones.

Want Homeopathic Accident and Emergency First Aid Kit Discount?

Has saved me oodles of dollars in veterinary fees.

Would not want to be without it.

Oh, BTW, works on the rest of the family too!

3M Microfoam Foam Surgical Tape - 4" wide

Microfoam Comfortable Foam Elastic Tape - 1' wideI bought this tape from this exact same listing before and it was six rolls for the regular price. When I ordered it this time it showed that it was on sale. I thought "great," but when I recieved it I only got one roll. What a scam. It's not worth the shipping so I am just switching to a different company.

I walk everywhere; miles each day.

Two of my toes are angled so that they build hard callouses after any kind of distance.

Podiatrist said there's surgery, pretty major for a non-athlete, or wrap the toes with this tape.

I have been using the tape for nearly 30 years and it works.

I won't bother with anything else, plus the price is good.

Buy 3M Microfoam Foam Surgical Tape - 4" wide Now

The product works great but the company advertised the items price as "$9.59 ($0.80 / Item)". The ad never says how many of the item you are ordering, but when you divide $9.59 by .80 for get 12, which one would assume means you are ordering a box of 12 rolls for $9.59. Instead I got one roll, which I could have bought for a quarter of that price from dozens of other companies.

Read Best Reviews of 3M Microfoam Foam Surgical Tape - 4" wide Here

have found very little this tape can adhere too ... not even itself for more than a day.

will use it under objects with weight.

Want 3M Microfoam Foam Surgical Tape - 4" wide Discount?

This may be an odd review for some. But let me to you, this is an excellent product and a must have in your medical kit.

My son unfortunately needs an ostomy surgery when he was newly born. And the bags just doesn't want to adhere well to his skin. Tried paper tape to frame it securely but it's not water proof. Tried hospital grade tape but he's allergic to it. Then I came across this tape. Never tried it nor have heard/seen it before. Thank goodness I took the chance. It's gentle on skin yet adheres really well. May not be 100% waterproof but it does the job! Holds on for 3 days.

Save 74% Off

Johnson & Johnson First Aid-to-Go Mini First Aid Kit (Pack of 48)

Johnson & Johnson First Aid-to-Go Mini First Aid KitI bought these to hand out as freebies for my home based child care business. I was able to remove the cardboard packaging without much effort, and added a couple of nice labels with my company logo, as well as some basic information. Customers were very pleased with these, as children always need band aids. They are small enough to fit in the glove box of a car, or in a diaper bag.

I would have liked to see more band aids in the package, but there was plenty of room to add some after the I opened the package.

Save 16% Off

EMT First Responder Trauma Bag EMS, Ambulance, Medical Resuce Cab Bag - RED

EMT First Responder Trauma Bag EMS, Ambulance, Medical Resuce Cab Bag - REDThe material used for this product is far too thin. While it may serve your purpose I would recommend a first aid bag with better quality materials and padding.

This is a good bag for the price. Its slightly bigger then the Rothco EMT bag that shows up in the related items next to the bag. Its a thin bag but has a decent amount of room for basic first response and first aid work. However this bag is not big enough to hold a BVM (Bag Valve Mask). It also lacks a padded insert dividers that many other bags have. But for the price this is not a big deal since I made my own.

We use these as medical patrol bags for the local rescue organization I run.

In short if you don't need to carry a BVM or a HUGE load of trauma gear this will be a great bag for you. I would recommend this bag for First Aid use or if you need a second BLS bag or a smaller bag to supplement another bag.

PROS: Low cost, decent sized side compartments, nice top handle for carrying, decently large main compartment, Strong nylon material for day to day use.

CONS: Plastic clips on the strap feel a bit cheap, No padded divider insert.

Buy EMT First Responder Trauma Bag EMS, Ambulance, Medical Resuce Cab Bag - RED Now

Im a paramedic student it works great to hold of my IV kit supplies. I also donated one to my fire department works excellent for all those specialty items that you dont want to get lost! It is very spacious and sturdy. Tons of little pockets and cubbies to stick things in including slots to put your IV needles!!!!!

Read Best Reviews of EMT First Responder Trauma Bag EMS, Ambulance, Medical Resuce Cab Bag - RED Here

This product i believe was built pretty good but the only problem ive had with it is that it is very floppy. But one of the things i like about this is that it has many compartments to put all your first aid items.

Want EMT First Responder Trauma Bag EMS, Ambulance, Medical Resuce Cab Bag - RED Discount?

Exactly what I wanted. Cheap, simple bag to make a first aid kit for our fleet of cars. Did not want to pay hundreds just for the bag itself. This thing has lots of pockets and is holding up well.

Only downside is that the flaps do not completely cover the main compartment, but that's OK. With a little velcro, may be able to rectify this issue.

Save 33% Off

Medline CPR Barrier Mask - Safe CPR

Medline CPR Barrier Mask - Safe CPRThis CPR mask is so small and fits right in my purse. Always good to have just in case... You never know what you will encounter, and now you can save a life and not worry about contracting a disease!

Nasalcease FirstAid Nosebleeds

Nasalcease FirstAid Nosebleeds, 5-Count BoxNasalcease worked well for a persistant nosebleed and I would use it again.

That said, the vendor, DH Medical, shipped the item USPS First Class (NY to WI). Not only did it take 8 days to arrive from the date on the shippng label, but the item was shipped in a bubble padded envelope and crushed in shipment. Fortunately, the nasal packings were undamaged. There was no invoice or packing slip included in the package.

For these reasons, I would not recommend this vendor.

My son has many nosebleeds and these allow him to feel in control. It is worth the cost for lower anxiety, and free hands. No need to pinch the nose closed.

Buy Nasalcease FirstAid Nosebleeds Now

First I used it in Paris, France when I suddenly developed a nasal bleed in Louvre. It was pouring and wouldn't stop. I actually had to go to a local ER, where it finally stopped. The ER doctor recommended me to get Coalgan at the Pharmacy, which I did right away. Next morning I started to bleed again, and I stuck Coalgan in my nose... bleeding stopped... Coalgan slipped out easily... When I came back to the US I went to research where to buy Coalgan in the US and found out that Coalgan is sold here under NasalCEASE name. Same great thing!

Read Best Reviews of Nasalcease FirstAid Nosebleeds Here

My elderly mom has suffered from nosebleeds for years initially, because she was on baby Aspirin (81 mg); now, because she's on Warfarin (blood "thinner"), her nosebleeds have increased. We were told by a hematologist in 2009 to put Afrin/nasal spray on gauze and put it up her nose as an alternative nosebleed remedy. Afrin constricts the blood vessels in the nose. Well, that worked better than pinching or putting ice on her nose...but not by much. Many a time I've cut up and rolled Afrin-drenched gauze and inserted it into her nose, only to see the gauze soaked with blood two minutes later. If it were a particularly bad nosebleed, I would repeat this procedure for at least 30 minutes. "There's GOT to be something better," I thought. I researched.

Enter NasalCease. O.M.G. Wish there were TWENTY stars. :D This product is spectacular. Take one little pad out of its packet, twist it, stick it up the sufferer's nose, et voila! Buh-bye, nosebleed. Seriously. Stops it at the source IMMEDIATELY. No more blood-soaked gauze; no more repeating the process several times within an hour until the nosebleed stops, and no more buying tons of Afrin. I now keep several boxes of NasalCease on hand just in case. It's safe, too. No side effects.

I truly cannot recommend this enough. I understand it works for cuts, too. Trust me...keep at least one box of this incredible product in your medicine cabinet. And if you, or a loved one, suffer from frequent nosebleeds, buy TEN boxes. ;)

Want Nasalcease FirstAid Nosebleeds Discount?

I have used this product several times this past winter and it stops my nosebleeds due to dry air almost immediately. My ENT recommend the product and I was surprised at how fast the product works. I was tired of holding my nose and stuffing my nose with tissues and/or cotten. I have never ordered online. I order the product from my local pharmacy and it usually arrives the next day.

Save 49% Off

Ace Ace Splint Wrist Brace Reversible One Size Adjustable

Ace Splint Wrist Brace, Reversible, One Size AdjustableCustomer review from the Amazon Vine Program My family tends to make use of several brace/bandage type products. These are typically for injuries related to sports activities (soccer, lacrosse, cheerleading, etc.). Typically, we will use an Ace or Futuro product.

As far as this Ace Splint Wrist Brace, here is what it is, and is not:

* It is advertised as being reversible, and it is. It comes in the package set up for right-handed use. To change it to left-handed use, simply pull the splint from its pocket, turn over the brace, and slide the splint back in.

* The brace is advertised as "One Size Adjustable." I think this is somewhat of a misnomer. It is indeed adjustable. This is easy to do, and it will expand/contract from 5 ½" to 8/12" inches at its smallest point (your wrist). The problem is when you say "One size" I think people assume it is one size fits "all", or at least "most." In the case of this brace, I would say if you are an adult female and are anywhere from petite to a little above average size, you should be fine. If you are male, if your hands/forearms are anything beyond average size, this might be uncomfortable/tight fit. As an example, I am of average height, and my wrist is a little over 8 ½", and the brace barely fits.

As far as comfort, it is a brace after all, in essence a sleeve with fasteners and a metal splint, so it will feel somewhat constrictive when on. While something that fits loosely is usually more comfortable, if a brace is loose, it simply won't work.

Construction-wise the brace is nice. It is non-latex and breathes very nice so you won't feel overly warm, or sweaty, with it on. It has three hook/eye fasteners to secure it. The inside of the sleeve is not rough. In fact, its quite comfortable against your skin.

The brace is NOT machine-washable, nor should it be tumble-dried or dry cleaned. Ace recommends washing by hand with warm (not hot) water and mild soap, then allowing it to air dry.

I find the brace provides more support for sprains CTS than does a plain Ace bandage.

All in all, this is a good product, but keep in mind the size of your hand/wrist when purchasing.

Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program After several years of working at a computer, my right wrist aches sometimes from using a mouse for too long. When I saw this on the Vine program, I jumped at the chance to try it. For me, it helps. It keeps my wrist in a position that stops it from aching. I don't have overly large wrists/hands, and this brace fits easily. The stretchy material gives it a nice snug fit, but I can tell that it will fit wrists larger than mine.

The brace provides good support. It's not like a cast, for sure, but it helps me keep my wrist in a proper position.

One thing that I can't speak to is longevity. I've only had it a couple of months, and I haven't done anything but use it at my computer. That said, it looks like it did on the first day.

A couple of things that I wish were different:

1) I might be pulling it too tight (but I don't think so), but after a while, my fingers tingle a bit because it's restricting blood flow.

2) I can type with it on, but using a mouse is clumsy. So, it helps my wrist feel better, but it makes using a computer more difficult.

For ~$20, I think it's worth trying if you're experiencing wrist pains. I was fortunate and got to try it for free, but now that I have tried it, I can honestly say that I wouldn't be disappointed in it if I'd paid $20 for it.

Buy Ace Ace Splint Wrist Brace Reversible One Size Adjustable Now

Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program Ace Splint Wrist Brace, One Size, Adjustable is good for support and if the wrist is injured. I know what to use if any of the kids injures their wrist, or just needs support.

My kids all played some type of sports of some kind, even though they were mostly academically geared, they all played enough to get injuries, plus just everyday life can cause injuries.

Good Product.

Read Best Reviews of Ace Ace Splint Wrist Brace Reversible One Size Adjustable Here

Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program This is a very nice neoprene wrist brace. It has thumb hole, decent length and 3 tightening straps. It comes with a light aluminum splint that can be removed. Can be used on either hand.


1) Can be used as a wrist support by completely removing the splint.

2) Can be used as a splint by leaving the aluminum in, and there are 2 slots to put it in so you can use this on either hand.

3) Very nice sturdy neoprene material.

4) 3 tightening straps.


None that I can think of.


Very nice high quality strap. Highly recommended.

Want Ace Ace Splint Wrist Brace Reversible One Size Adjustable Discount?

Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program This wrist bace gave me quick relief, I can wear it for few hours and I can see the difference. I have 2 small children and I carry them a lot and my wrist sometimes are sore. I also sleep sometimes it the brace because I tend to bend my wrist and can wake up with annoying pain.

The quality is really good and this brace fits me and my husband ( 5'6'' 135lb, and 5'11'' 170 lb). It's hand wash and air dry only but my hand did not sweat a lot in it so I don't have to wash it very often.

Save 13% Off

Johnson & Johnson Sports Tape (Pack of 3)

Johnson & Johnson Sports TapeI am a rock climber and if you know that sport at all, there are times where tape is what will allow you to continue doing it that day (taping cramping fingers or wrists or inguries) But mostly what I use it for is taping blisters that I get.

I prefer to make band-aides out of athletic tape, just fold over the adhesive side so there is a no sticky end of the tape, use that on the affected area, then wrap it up. Easy to do and you can get many many more band aides from a roll of athletic tape than a box of band aides.

The tape was kind of thick for my taste so I cut it in half with a sharp knife and now I have two half sized roll that are perfect for my band aides.

Good tape, will most likely buy again.

This tape works excellent for my shin splints. It keeps them at bay when I am walking around I don't feel them. It can also be used anywhere else that hurts and if your hurting from just starting to exercise or something, I totally recommend this stuff instead of compression knee pads and ankle pads, etc. This stuff provides a much better compression without hurting 4 minutes into your exercise from shafing. It does hurt when you take it off after several hours, but I am getting the underwrap to prevent this. This stuff is fantastic, I wish I had known about it sooner. Don't wrap it too tight though, it can cut off circulation. It's easier to do that than you think, so be careful.


I just used this to wrap my lower right leg which I had shin splints for. I just ran about 4 miles on the track in bare feet with this stuff attached to my shin splints. I read that running barefoot can really help shin splints. I have to say I enjoyed it a lot. My calves are hurting today but that is said to be normal when first starting running barefoot. But, with this tape on and running barefoot, I got to run 4 miles before any pain set in with my splints. It felt great. After not being able to run that far for such a long time it's fantastic to do it again. I couldn't run 2 miles without them hurting like crazy but this stuff really helped that. So if you have shin splints but still want to run, I recommened wrapping them with this and try running barefoot on a track. It's suprisingly softer than you'd think. It felt like I was running on grass. Wish I could get back up to my 9 mile runs, but that will come with time.

Buy Johnson & Johnson Sports Tape (Pack of 3) Now

I jammed one of my fingers pretty bad about a year or so ago, and that could have been prevented with this sports tapes. I've found it to be both durable and flexible at the same time. I allows me to play the way I want to play but still have confidence that my parts won't get damaged. The pack of 3 allows me to play for about 3-4 months without needing to purchase new tape so this is also a good deal.

Read Best Reviews of Johnson & Johnson Sports Tape (Pack of 3) Here

I tape for plantar fasciitis. It sticks well on my foot during my run. My only problem is that it is difficult to tear and often leaves a thread between the torn piece and the roll. I think this is common for athletic tape. Reminds me of the tape I used in high school many years ago.

Want Johnson & Johnson Sports Tape (Pack of 3) Discount?

I use it for sports and stuff and I can't recommend it to you but now I can! It's breathable for your mouth and legs and also good product! I like it!

Easy Care Easy Access Bandage Plastic

Easy Care Easy Access Bandage Plastic Assorted, Large, Medium and Junior, 60 CountI'd seen the video on you tube on these bandages and wanted to see if they were as easy to apply as they looked. Took about 4 trys to become an expert, but now I would never go back to the old style. These are SO much faster and easier to apply. Also like the little packs they come in.

Save 13% Off

Nurse Pocket Organizer Kit in Black

Nurse Pocket Organizer Kit in BlackVery fast shipping, I received it days before it was suppose to arrive. Item was exactly as described. Pen light was an LED light which is a lot better than the standard pen light.

I purchased these for my wife who is in nursing school. The are practical but they do smell at first. I would suggest you leave it outside or in the garage for a bit.

Buy Nurse Pocket Organizer Kit in Black Now

The scissors and the pocket itself is the only worth it. The light didn't work and the pen didn't either.

Read Best Reviews of Nurse Pocket Organizer Kit in Black Here

Lifeline Team Sports Coach First Aid Kit - 133 Pieces

Lifeline Team Sports Coach First Aid Kit - 133 PiecesVery Nice!Very Nice! I love it so much most especially my soccer team who uses it a lot. Thank you so much it was a nice price.

It works very well for our soccer club. It includes enough for us but not to much to bring each time.

Buy Lifeline Team Sports Coach First Aid Kit - 133 Pieces Now

Bag was a bit smaller than I expected, but we were able to add a flashlight, a safety vest and some other gear with plenty of room to keep the more sterile items safe and clean.

Read Best Reviews of Lifeline Team Sports Coach First Aid Kit - 133 Pieces Here

As a soccer and softball coach, this is a good start, needs a few more things that are easy added in later. Bag is good plenty of room even for the things that are missing.

I added more instant cold compresses, a bigger selection of bandaids and sports tape. The pre-wrap is fine, but the tape that comes with it is not very good.

Would by again, just make sure you get a few of the extras before you need them!

Want Lifeline Team Sports Coach First Aid Kit - 133 Pieces Discount?

Moldex 6604 SparkPlugs Disposable Earplugs without Cord (Box of 200)

Moldex 6604 SparkPlugs Disposable Earplugs without Cord
  • 100% PVC-Free.
  • Highest independently tested NRR.
  • Extra-soft, low-pressure foam for comfort and fit.
  • Tapered shape for easy insertion and removal.
  • Shaped to fit even very small ear canals.

These come in a cardboard box of 200, each individually packaged (one pair per clear cellophane package). They are NOT matching colors in the pairs, so you will have two different colors in your ears. Also, they are basically white, with some swirling colors in them--none are mostly colored as you see on the Amazon photos. Fantastic to give out at concerts, for Halloween to Trick or Treaters, etc. No neck cords are included.

Nice foam, which you can roll down and then insert in ears. Slightly long, but better too long than too short and scissors can easily snip off to any length. I use when studying at the library, flying in a plane, etc. They are comfortable and helpful, and from what I could tell, could be used approx 6-9 times per pair, depending on your level of ear wax. I keep mine in a little Sucrets or peppermint box. A fellow student keeps hers in a Tic Tac box.

I find that they do block noise very well. I have had many foam and overhead sound blockers in my life, and these are superb and economical. I always bring a pair to concerts, and extras for my friends. I have seen all Mayhem Heavy Metal Fest shows, and these help immensely.

Here's to peace and quiet!

Buy Moldex 6604 SparkPlugs Disposable Earplugs without Cord (Box of 200) Now

I use earplugs 8 hours a day at my job. These "Spark Plugs" have always been the best! The company will once in awhile switch to something different but when they do they get alot of complaints. These are rated NRR 33. Most notably for me is that they are very soft and comfortable for long periods and very effective.

Read Best Reviews of Moldex 6604 SparkPlugs Disposable Earplugs without Cord (Box of 200) Here

I need silence when I sleep! Guess I owe this to my parents always making sure I had complete quiet as a baby. My husband snores but uses a CPAP but even the noise of that machine would keep me awake. These ear plugs are awesome for noise blocking. I take them with me on trips, even when I will be alone. Love them when I stay in hotels with noisy guests running up and down the halls. My roommates may complain, but I never hear a thing!

Want Moldex 6604 SparkPlugs Disposable Earplugs without Cord (Box of 200) Discount?

After trying several brands, these are my favorites. They block out the night time noises and are comfortable to use.

Save 9% Off

[update 2/9/2011]

After I sent a message to the retailer (Coast to Coast Safety) asking how to go about getting a refund because I felt the earplugs were faulty, I was promptly contacted by representatives from both Coast to Coast Safety and Moldex (the manufacturer). It was apparent that they were *very* concerned about the performance of their product considering that it is intended for protection.

Coast to Coast immediately pulled all inventory that came from the same batch as soon as I was able to furnish them with the lot number from my package.

After a few short phone calls with Moldex, they replaced my box of earplugs with one from a different lot. They had me return the box to their QC department and they paid for all shipping costs.

The second box of earplugs worked as advertised. I would purchase this product again and I wouldn't hesitate to order from Coast to Coast Safety nor Moldex.

The earplugs themselves are about 1/8" longer than Hearos, so have a better chance of sticking out a tiny bit from your ear. With that in mind, you might find Hearos more comfortable for sleeping or you can just remove the extra length with a quick swipe of some scissors.

[original review]

I use ear plugs all of the time every night when sleeping to drown out city noises and occasionally when going out to night clubs to protect my hearing.

The ear plugs in the box I received barely block sound at all I can clearly hear most frequencies through them, such as the fan from my air cleaner. I tried a different pair of ear plugs that I have lying around just to make sure; those blocked out most frequencies and lowered the sound level just as I would expect from 33dB ear plugs.

I also noticed that the texture is different from other brands I've used in the past the outer part that seals the ear canal seems almost porous (though I'm not sure that this has anything to do with the poor performance of this product).

I will be returning these.

Ace Ace Knitted Cold/Hot Compress Reusable

Ace Knitted Cold/Hot Compress, ReusableThis product is perfect for minor sprains and bruises. I was injured during a softball game and this was what I purchased to keep the swelling and bruising down. Just heat for about 15 seconds then squish around and continue heating in 15 second intervals until desired temp. I actually used it as a sleeve style due to how the velcro is on the wrap and was much more pleased with the compression pack. I would definitely buy this product again.

My mom uses this for both a hot and cold pack, she says it works great for both and is so much easier to use than frozen peas or microwaved rice in a sock ;)

Buy Ace Ace Knitted Cold/Hot Compress Reusable Now

I like that this product has dual cooling and heating feature. I haven't even used the covering yet, just the gel pack inside. During times when my eyes are sore after work and/or my sinuses feel haywire I microwave the gel pack for about 45 seconds and lay down with it over my eyes. Great pick me up!

Read Best Reviews of Ace Ace Knitted Cold/Hot Compress Reusable Here

InstaKool Instant Cold Compress Lg 6 x 8 in 3 Pk

InstaKool Instant Cold Compress Lg 6 x 8 in 3 PkI have been using instant cold packs for years. I purchased these InstaKool instant cold packs to bring to my sons football games hoping I wouldn't have to use them. Unfortunately I did, but thank god I had this product handy. This is the best instant cold pack I have ever used.

Save 5% Off

Miracell ProEar-for Itchy, Irritated Ears .5 OZ

Miracell ProEar-for Itchy, Irritated Ears .5 OZThis product really works well on my skin irritations and in my ears to prevent ear wax build up and itching due to hearing aids. I do recommend it.

I have been wearing earplugs for years to sleep, and recently my ears began to itch and hurt when they were in my ears. I thought it was the earplugs, so I replaced them with several other kinds, and that did not help. Found this item while searching on the net, and ordered it from Amazon. It took about 2 weeks, using it day and night, and I am back to comfort in wearing my earplugs. Thanks for the great product!!!

Buy Miracell ProEar-for Itchy, Irritated Ears .5 OZ Now

The best product on the market for ears. Easy to use and feels great! Recommended for anyone who has ear discomfort.

Read Best Reviews of Miracell ProEar-for Itchy, Irritated Ears .5 OZ Here

I ordered the Miracell ProEar for itchy ears and was pleased with the results. For many nights I would wake up with my ears itching deep on the inside. The Miracell ProEar drops helped the very first night. I would buy them again.

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Miracell ProEar was recommended by my audiologist because of my dry itchy irritated ears. I use it daily and it has helped me tremendously. Miracell ProEar can also be used on bug bites and scratches.

Heritage Products Wool Flannel

Heritage Products Wool Flannel, Palma Christi, 1 flanneli used the wool flannel cloth one time already with the castor oil pack & it absorbes really well.the only thing im not 2 found of is that it itches just a bit when comes in contact with the skin but i'll c with the secound use a c if it changes.but besides that no complains perfect for castor oil packs.

I love the cloth, just wish it was long to go around my 28 inch waist securely. I just pin as much as I can. The heat stays awhile with you from the heating pad. My scar is reaping the benefit.

Buy Heritage Products Wool Flannel Now

Use these with Castor Oil in my shoulder recovery therapy. Makes application easier and saves a trip to the fabric store

Read Best Reviews of Heritage Products Wool Flannel Here

The wool cloth works well for castor oil packs. Absorbs well. The only problem is it itches me after using more than twenty minutes. I am satisfied with this product.

Want Heritage Products Wool Flannel Discount?

I use it with castor oil and cling plastic paper on my stomach. This wool flannel prevents my stomach from burning.

Save 24% Off

Philips Norelco AT830 Powertouch with Aquatec Electric Razor

Philips Norelco AT830 Powertouch with Aquatec Electric RazorCustomer review from the Amazon Vine Program I do not know where all the research is coming from that is allowing so many advances in electric razor technology, but Philips and other companies seem to release a new line of electric shavers every year. I think for the last decade, there has been a competition, starting with manual razors trying to see how many blades they could add to their razors (my current razor has six), and electric shavers responding by seeing how many different models they could put on the market. Philips Norelco currently has almost two dozen different models listed on their web site, and I have never in my life had so much difficulty now and in the past, as I do trying to distinguish between them. The AT830 is part of their new line of shavers released in February 2012. From what I can tell, they are discontinuing most of their current line in favor of these new razors.

Below I'll provide a brief rundown of the current main product lines, followed by the different models within that line in brackets (least expensive to most), and then discuss this actual model.

-------------PN's CURRENT RAZOR LINE --------------

6000 Series [6940, 6955] This is Philips Norelco's base level of razors. They, along with the 7000 and 8200 series are dry shavers, meaning they cannot be used in the shower and are not designed to be used with any foams or gels. The 6000 series do have floating heads, but there is no movement in the head unit. These models are corded.

7000 Series [7310, 7315, 7325, 7340, 7345, 7380, 7810] Now you start to add some cordless options, and get LCD indicators to let you know about battery life. Better models add things like a pop-up trimmer and floating heads.

8200 Series [8240, 8250, 8251] Another line of dry shavers. The 8200 has a little "better" shaving head technology, and a different form factor thath is a little more comfortable. It also adds a precision trimmer. I've compared the 7000 and 8200 models and didn't notice enough of a difference in the quality of the shave to recommend the 8200 over the 7000 (unless you need the trimmer).

SensoTouch and SensoTouch 3D [1150, 1160, 1180, 3D 1250, 1260, 1280, 1290] Their most advanced/expensive razor models. The razor head pivots and flexes on a ball to get around a lot of contours on your face. The SensoTouch can move in two different ways while the SensoTouch 3D can move in three. The SensoTouch 3D is the best electric razor I've ever used (but also the most expensive) and I highly recommend it if you don't mind the cost.

Nivea for Men [HS420, 8040, 8060] You need to use this with the Nivea for Men hydrating cream, which is released as you shave through the shaving heads. I like Nivea for Men hydrating cream, but it's a hassle to use with the razor. I don't recommend anyone buy this.

-------------AT 830 REVIEW --------------

FIRST IMPRESSIONS Now that you can see what Philips Norelco currently has available, I should say that the 6000, 7000, and 8200 lines are being discontinued in favor of these new models and their SensoTouch. The AT830 is in their PowerTouch Series (which looks like it is being marketed to replace the 8200 line). It is an AquaTouch shaver, meaning that it is entirely waterproof, and can be used in the shower with gel/foam, or just by itself as a dry razor. I don't like dry shaving, so I was excited to try this out and see how effective it is. Normally, shaving dry with an electric razor tears my face up so I prefer to use a manual razor. The first thing I noticed about it is the form factor. It is very light weight when compared to previous razors I have used. The contoured handle felt good in my grip, but the design mostly mimics previous models and there is nothing really new here. It doesn't feel "cheap"but it doesn't feel like a top of the line shaver either.

SHAVING EXPERIENCE AND SHAVING TIPS I first did a dry shave with it on half of my face. Like all of their shavers, it contains "Lift and Cut" technology, which just means that it lifts the hair follicles and then cuts them, so it cuts lower on the hair and gives you a closer shave. I could feel it pulling the hairs to cut them, however it wasn't an unpleasant experience, just a slight tugging. Next I tried out a wet shave, which surprisingly worked fairly well. The one area I had a problem with is under my chin. The blades on the AT830 do flex a good bit for getting around your face, but I still had a bit of trouble with this area. I would suggest using shaving gel or tea tree oil rather than foam. I kept worrying that the shaver was going to short out in the middle of my showers but it did fine every time. I did not have any problems with breaking out or getting a rash from using it. I do recommend using it with gel, as I found I get a smoother shave doing that as opposed to dry. The pop-up trimmer wasn't very useful to me and worked okay, but it is fairly basic and not as nice as some of Norelco's precision trimmers. Overall, it gave me a fairly close shave, but not nearly as good as I've gotten with the SensoTouch 3D, or with a manual blade. I did have some razor burn after my first shave, but this is normal when using an electric shaver for the first time in awhile, and for me, goes away after about a week (Norelco says it can take 21 days for your skin to adjust). Whenever you shave with a manual razor, you are actually removing a thin layer of skin. Electric shavers go underneath the skin line but don't actually remove any skin, so this adjustment period is used to allow your body to get rid of the scar tissue that the body creates from using a blade (your body doesn't create scar tissue when using an electric shaver). Do not switch back and forth between an electric shaver and a manual shaver.

BATTERY LIFE It takes one hour to fully charge the shaver, which Philips Norelco says will provide you with 50 minutes of shaving time. I ran four battery drain tests, where I fully charged the shaver and then ran it down completely. The average battery life was 80 minutes. Actual battery life will be shorter when the shaver is having to work to cut hair as opposed to the way I tested it, but based on my tests, their claim that you will get 50 minutes of shave time seems accurate to me. If the battery is dead, you can also do a quick charge, by charging it for three minutes, which will give you enough power for a five minute shave. Instead of using the traditional nickel-cadmium battery, this shaver contains a lithium-ion battery. Not only is this type of battery much better for the environment, but it doesn't experience a "memory effect," which is what happens when you constantly charge a nickel-cadmium battery without fully discharging it first. I would have liked it if they had included a charging station for the shaver.

CLEANING A lot of people will probably find cleaning and taking care of the blades to be a hassle and not spend a lot of time on it, but I am a big believer in properly cleaning the shaver and maintaining the blades, which will not only extend the life of the blades, but give you a better shave. Even if you get all of the hair out, there is microscopic residue and debris on the blades that you can't see. Cleaning this razor is very easy. The top pops open and you can just run the underside of the blades in the water or under the shower. It takes me about 10 seconds to fully clean it and it rinses and dries very quickly. You do need to make sure you clean it after every use, because any hair or residue left under the blades can prevent you from getting a smooth shave the next time. This is especially important if you're using the shaver with gel/lotion. Dried gels will hold onto tiny hair residue and wear down the blades and give you a poor shave. You should also clean and lubricate your blades every couple weeks with a mineral oil solution or something like NORELCO RAZOR LUBRICANT. The shaver does come with a tiny brush and every couple of months you should pop out the blades from the head and clean the grills and blades individually. If you want to make your own cleaning solution, mix one part white vinegar with 10 parts water, and soak the blades in it for thirty minutes. Then rinse the blades to get rid of the vinegar. Replace the heads with Philips Norelco HQ8 Spectra Tripleheader Replacement Heads every 12 months.

I've gone back and forth between electric and dry shavers over the last few years and always seem to come back to a manual razor, but I really think the AquaTouch technology makes a difference in the AT830 and I will probably use this shaver for awhile as I get a fairly close shave with it. I think the closeness of the shave you get will depend a lot on your face. It is not as nice as the SensoTouch 3D, but it is a decent mid-range shaving option.

Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program I shaved with a blade for many years, but have tried several different electrics over the past year because I like the convenience of not having to stand in front of a bathroom mirror to shave. In my quest to find the right razor for me I tried a Norelco SensoTouch 3D, a Braun, and now this Norelco AT830.

The AT830 actually gave me a better shave than the fancier and more expensive SensoTouch. The closeness and time shaving were about the same, but I got less irritation with the AT830, particularly in the sensitive area below my chin. One big thing I like about the Norelco rotary razors is the fact that they are really quiet. They're also comfortable to hold and lightweight. Thumbs up for ergonomics.

What I didn't like about the AT830 were the lack of features. There is no battery meter, only a light that flashes when the battery is about to run out. A big detractor is the fact that you cannot use this razor plugged in; you have to wait until there is a charge and unplug it before you can use it. If you need to shave and the battery's run out, you're out of luck.

I will say that I get a better shave with the Bran--closer, quicker, and with no irritation. However, everyone's skin is different, and it's worth trying a variety of different razors to find out which works best for your skin. If you are looking to try a rotary razor I would recommend this one over the more expensive SensoTouch.

Buy Philips Norelco AT830 Powertouch with Aquatec Electric Razor Now

I have a difficult beard--it's tough and the hairs grow slightly sideways so I have to pull the skin to the side with one hand to get them to stand up. When I first started shaving I used a blade and had to finish up by pulling it against the grain to get a smooth result. But my skin would get irritated and break out, so I went to a Remington electric. Since that time I have had several Remingtons, a Braun, and this is my third Norelco. I have used it every day now for several months, and it is the best one I've ever had.

I was going to reward myself with the most expensive "3-D" model but several things made me choose this one. First, the 3-D uses what looks like a more advanced shaver head, but all of the higher end models just below that (including the 2-D) use the HQ-8 heads, so I didn't think the difference in performance would be all that noticeable considering the premium price. Plus the 3-D apparently flexes every which way but Sunday, but this one flexes way more than enough, so I didn't see an advantage significant enough to justify the higher price.

Second, to use the trimmer on the Norelcos with a "neck" (like the 2 and 3-D) you have to snap it on as an extra accessory. One of my other Norelcos was like that and it was always a minor annoyance. The integrated pop-up trimmer on this model is so much handier and has the perfect angle for trimming even nose and ear hair as well as sideburns.

Third, my older Norelco had a charging stand and it was a major annoyance. Lightweight and cheap, the shaver sat in it awkwardly and would tip over if you weren't careful. It was a pain to travel with it as well. It is so much handier to just plug the cord into the shaver and let it charge that way.

Finally, I got the Aquatec model, not because I use it to shave wet, but because it is easy to clean by just holding it under running water. Some have complained that you can't use it with a cord (I assume that is so you don't electrocute yourself while shaving wet), but there are plenty of warning lights when the battery is running low. Also charging doesn't take that long (in an emergency you can get a quick five-minute shave with only a five-minute charge) and lasts for a good while (I have only had to recharge the shaver once so far).

Some have complained that the heads are surrounded by a border that keeps the cutters from close places like around the nose. I know what they mean, but a bit of extra pressure gets them into the corners and it is certainly not even close to a deal breaker for me.

In short, this is the best shaver I have ever owned. I still have a high-end Braun and it does a good job as well. But it is noisy and doesn't pick up longer, twisted, or stray hairs as well. So, I highly recommend this Norelco as the best combination of price and performance in the entire line.

Read Best Reviews of Philips Norelco AT830 Powertouch with Aquatec Electric Razor Here

***UPDATE***UPDATE*** I have been shaving with this razor now for about 2 weeks and it delivers a really close shave even with my heavy dark beard, but here's a surprise: If you have a Jet Clean for the 8260cc the Power Touch AT830 will work in that Jet Clean. I have used mine in it a couple of times and it didn't harm my razor at all! I called Philips Norelco and the Lady who took my call asked one of her product specialist and he said do not use this razor in that Jet Clean. Well, I called back and the Guy that I talked to this time said it was perfectly ok. It seems that the first rep that I talked to just wanted me to buy a Jet Clean for this model. The Power Touch models with Jet Clean arn't going to be out til around Father's Day, so if you like useing Jet Clean, you can use your Power Touch AT830 in the Jet Clean for 8260cc. I am a collector of Philips Norelco Electric Razors. I have several models including the Spectra 8894XL James Bond Razor which in my opinion is best Norelco has ever made! The Senso Touch 3D left a rash on my neck and a burning sensation on my face. In my opinion this razor shaves better than the Senso Touch 3D. It delivers a close comfortable shave without the razor burn. I got this model because of the aquatec feature meaning you can use it either wet or dry. Pros: easy grip, washable, fast charge, and comfortable shave / Cons: No travel pouch, and No charging stand. I like to use a little talc or William's Lectric Shave which helps the razor deliver a close shave. I have a heavy dark beard and this razor shaves almost as close as a blade! The only reason that I did not rate this razor 5 stars was because it does not come with a travel pouch or charging stand. I use one of my old travel pouches which the razor fits in perfectly and a lid from one of cans of shaving gels which the razor is able to stand upright in. This is a good razor. It is one of the better Norelcoes that I have owned and I enjoy shaving with this razor. Get tis razor and you wont be disappointed! Happy Shaving!, Michael, Baton Rouge, LA

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I have a rough and nappy beard like most people of African descent. I absolutely cannot use a straight razor without bumping up.

So I splurged and got the Panasonic ES-LV81-K Arc 5 figured that paying three hundred bills that it had to work..but it was too bulky, loud, and still left me with irritation.

I returned my 300 dollar Panasonic and ordered this model because I wanted to try rotary and I liked how it fits into my hand.

Well after 3 weeks. My Lady out of nowhere remarked "Wow the irritation on your neck has completely cleared up"

This thing is quiet, easy to maneuver, and leaves no irritation on black skin. The main difference between this and the Panasonic that I mentioned earlier is that you don't need to do multiple passes.

I got mine from Target because Amazon was back ordered. You also can buy the Jet Clean base Direct from Phillips, mine is already on its way.

I Shave with Noxzema and Vinegar. Hope this helps

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Easy Care All Purpose First Aid Kit,

Easy Care All Purpose First Aid Kit,I have one of these and it's got everything I need. It comes well put together, in a nice case, and covers just about an basic injury. This is great for mom's and dad's... keep one in the car with you! I promise you won't be sorry. Well worth the low price.

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