Homeopathic Accident and Emergency First Aid Kit

Homeopathic Accident and Emergency First Aid KitThis kit contains 18 of the most common remedies in pillule form; meaning there are 18 bottles of little round sugar globules (pills) approximately 35 to a bottle.

These remedies can treat PEOPLE (homeopathy treats people, and/or animals, NOT diseases) with many common acute dis-eases (colds, flu, stomach upset, bumps, bruises, insect bites and stings, childhood acute dis-eases like earaches, conjunctivitis, itchy rashes, etc., etc.)

If you are not an educated lay or professional homeopath, you MUST do some study before using any homeopathic remedies because homeopathy does not work like any other form of medicine; it is not herbology or essential oils or flower essences or nutrition... it's completely different than any other form of conventional or alternative medicine, even though some of the remedy names may look familiar. You must understand that difference to use homeopathic remedies safely and effectively. It does not appear that this kit comes with a handbook of any kind, and even if it did, I recommend you also purchase a couple of books.

The first book I always recommend is Impossible Cure by Amy Lansky, PhD, a former NASA scientist (Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy). I recommend it for understanding the fundamental principles of homeopathy so you can understand how homeopathy differs from conventional medicine and therefore understand how to use it safely and effectively. Besides it's a very good read.

Then after fundamental philosophy and principles, when you are first starting out as a lay homeopath for yourself or your family, you need a prescribing guide. The one I most commonly recommend is Homeopathic Self-Care by Robert Ullman, ND, and Judith Reichenberg-Ullman, ND (Homeopathic Self-Care: The Quick & Easy Guide for the Whole Family). Many people like The Complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro (The Complete Homeopathy Handbook: Safe and Effective Ways to Treat Fevers, Coughs, Colds and Sore Throats, Childhood Ailments, Food Poisoning, Flu, and a Wide Range of Everyday Complaints). Both books are good, all authors very well qualified, I just prefer the layout of the Ullman book. If I were just beginning, I would probably purchase both and see which one worked best for me; they are quite inexpensive.

This kit is a very good value. $55/18 bottles = $3.05 per bottle. Most health-food stores in the US have individual remedies currently retailing between $5 and $12, or so. From the packaging, I am guessing this remedy is produced by Helios Homoeopathic Pharmacy, if so, there's no better or more reputable supplier.

I have a couple of complaints about this kit. The first complaint is that it's too small. 18 remedies are not really enough, even for common self-care. For instance, the book Homeopathic Self-Care discusses over 50 different remedies. But you have to start somewhere and most people start by getting a book and then going down to the health-food store and buying a remedy or two. This is 18 times better than one and much, much cheaper than acquiring your pharmacy one remedy at a time! By the way, the remedies in this kit are selected specifically for treating accidents and emergencies which changes the remedy inventory somewhat from an average self-care kit, but still my complaint about it being too small stands.

My other complaint, perhaps it would be more accurate to say "my other concern" is that the remedies in this kit are 200c potency, which may be because this is an accident and emergency kit. But still, 200c or even 200x is bordering on a potency that only a professional or very well educated lay homeopath should use. If that's not you, please choose to get a kit in potencies no higher than 30c potency. Other common potencies safer for newbies to use are 6x, 6c, 12x, 12c, 30x, and of course 30c.; there are other potencies available, especially outside of the USA, that might differ, but as long as you stay at or below 30 you will be in safer territory to begin your practice of homeopathic self-care. Here's a couple of other kit options from this same seller in the same line (Helios, I assume) 18 Remedy Homeopathy Kit and even better 36 remedies 36 Remedy Homeopathy Kit. Other remedy manufacturers, pharmacies and brands make similar kits too, some are available retail and may also be available here on Amazon. It is, however, unusual to find Helios remedies available in the US and I highly recommend them.

Oh, and one more thing. You don't have to believe in homeopathy for it to work as long as you use it according to its principles. Most internet discussions about homeopathy are very polarized either for or against; you can see that evidenced in the reviews of this very product. Another example is that Professional Homeopaths consider Wikipedia's entry on homeopathy very biased against and have tried over and over for many years to edit it to something more balanced, but editing on the homeopathy entry is not allowed by The-Powers-That-Be behind the scenes at Wikipedia. My recommendation is to get a little bit of education on the way to use homeopathy, by homeopathy proponents obviously, and then try a few times to treat a few different acute dis-eases and see what you think for yourself.

I've traveled with this kit for about ten years.. It's light weight and small size make it convenient for travelling and it contains the highest quality remedies. It's come in handy a number of times. As noted in other reviews, you do have to have a basic knowledge of homeopathy to make use of it.

Buy Homeopathic Accident and Emergency First Aid Kit Now

Homeopathy is a simple, proven, and extremely safe way to treat yourself and your family naturally. Homeopathy helps jump start your body, like a gentle reminder, to fix itself. This kit is fantastic way to begin your use of homeopathy. I use these remedies for myself, my family, and my pets. I have several guides that I use and also use the services of a certified homeopath. This kit is a great way to have just what you need on hand, for travel, for use around the house, for every day needs. No more harsh chemicals or prescriptions from your doc that have side effects TRY homeopathy today! (And the person who gave the one-star who says they are filled with water -?? They are filled with homeopathic pillules, which you will find in any homeopathic kit, so clearly that person did not actually purchase the kit before putting that review).

Read Best Reviews of Homeopathic Accident and Emergency First Aid Kit Here

Many professional homeopaths find that between 50-100 of the most commonly used homeopathic remedies will suffice in the majority of cases. However, for the newbie, or as a gift for a friend or yourself, this would be a great selection. In a clinch and the immediacy of the moment, anyone can try the aconite for shock, the arnica for a black and blue, the apis for bee sting, arsenicum for food poisoning, belladonna for sudden fever, bryonia for dry cough, calendula to sooth the skin, cantharis for sunburn, cargo veg for the person who needs fanning and desires air, china to recuperate after a flu and feeling weak, gelsemium for anxiety before going to the dentist, hypericum for nerve pain after hitting their finger, ignatia for loss and grief, ipecac for nausea with a clean tongue, phosphorus for acute bleeding, pulsatilla for those yellow discharges, and silica for splinters as recorded in 200 years of documentation from physicians and medical healers around the world. These homeopathic remedies approved by USDA pharmacopoeia are over-the-counter self help and in severe chronic cases dispensed by experienced and well trained practitioners.

It would serve the customer well to make this a life long study. The remedies have far reaching potential. These small pellets are not simply water, they have been manufactured under the highest standards in supervised laboratories with the greatest care to potentize and dilute the original substance, so they are gentle acting on the organism and do make wonderful gifts to loved ones.

Want Homeopathic Accident and Emergency First Aid Kit Discount?

Has saved me oodles of dollars in veterinary fees.

Would not want to be without it.

Oh, BTW, works on the rest of the family too!


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