Burn-Free Burn Packets Box/25

Burn-Free Burn Packets Box/25I scalded my hand badly(spilt hot coffee), my entire hand was red & swollen. I tried aloe which helped a little. A co-worked had a packet of BurnAid and I tried it and was amazed. It brought a cold relief to the burn and the pain and redness subsided. I was so impressed I immediately went to Amazon to purchase some to have on hand.

I first tried this product a few years ago when my daughter brought home a small packet. The product is a result of something from the tea tree (no surprise, considering it's Australian) and has nothing in common with products we find on the pharmacy shelves in the US except that it helps burns. It is just amazing.! It immediately takes the heat out of the burn, prevents blistering and feels very good once applied.

I burned my arm a month or so ago about a 4" mark on the underside of my forearm. The only product that could take the heat and pain away was Burnaid. It's worth keeping on hand and the small packets make it convenient to take along in first aid kits, purse, even tuck a packet or two in the car.

Buy Burn-Free Burn Packets Box/25 Now

my family and i have used this many times and are amaized how well it works. my wife spilled coffee from fast food on her leg and it was HOT, got home and applied the gel twice that nite, next day no sign of a burn at all. i will never be with out some around .

Read Best Reviews of Burn-Free Burn Packets Box/25 Here

This is the ONLY product I have found and used that actually does what it says it does. I had a nasty burn and applied this to it right away and by the end of the day when I removed my band-aid it was as if I had never suffered the burn! Great product!

Want Burn-Free Burn Packets Box/25 Discount?

Besides silvadine (?), this is the best stuff you can get for burns. I have pale skin and scar very easily, and cook daily. One packet of this stuff is enough to soothe a treat a burn, and I have never had bad scarring while using it. Also great for sunburns. A must for any first aid kit!


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