Anti Snoring and Sleep Apnea Aid. Nasivent 100% Grade Medical Soft Silicone Nose Dilator. Increase

Anti Snoring and Sleep Apnea Aid. Nasivent 100% Grade Medical Soft Silicone Nose Dilator. Increase Oxygen and Lowers High Blood Pressure.I have been using this nasivent tube for several weeks now and have enjoyed good results from it. Too little airflow through my right nostril is a key problem for me, so I surmise this product would be quite helpful for people with deviated septums. The Nasivent tube has fallen out of my nose a couple times while asleep, but this is not due to poor product quality, but rather my abnormal nasal anatomy that makes fitting the tube into my right nostril a bit tricky (I have implanted alloderm tissue on my right lateral wall that compensates for a removed inferior turbinate, and the tube bumps into that). If my nose was normal, it would probably fit snug, as it does in my left nostril. The silicone material is quite comfortable and, as soon as I place it in my nose, I can sense the air I am inhaling significantly better. It's like air whips right into my nose.

I use this product in combination with an oral appliance and, together, both have effectively solved my sleep apnea. As a result, my sleep quality is excellent now, for the first time in years. No more guessing on whether I will wake up feeling restful or tired. Rather, I always wake up rested whenever using this combination, and I in fact have found that I sleep better with this than with the CPAP, the latter of which can be noisy and takes much more maintenance. No more CPAP for me!

I highly recommend the nasivent tube.

Nasivent Product review:

I am a side-sleeper. I have allergies and tend to get sinus infections. I was having trouble breathing through my nose at night. I've felt tired in the morning for years and would sometimes wake up during the night feeling like I couldn't breathe through my nose.

I did wake up a couple times during the first two nights because it was strange to have something in the nose, but after two nights I no longer noticed it.

After the first night, I couldn't believe how rested I felt in the morning. Nasivent definitely helps open the airways more than when I don't have it in. Apparently I hadn't been getting enough air during the night due to blocked nasal passages and sleep apnea. When I started using this product, I felt more rested in the morning than I had in years.

Snoring reduction was only a side issue for me as my main concern was trouble breathing at night, but this product quieted down my snoring. My wife says my snoring was reduced in frequency and volume, although not completely gone. This product may be most helpful to reduce snoring for people who snore due to blocked or narrow nasal passages or congestion from allergies or sinus infection.

My Ear, Nose, Throat doctor said these are similar to what he calls 'nose cones' which he said perform a similar function. I know this particular product works well for me.

My Allergist also had me try Breathe Right external nasal strips, but after a couple weeks they caused a lot of irritation on the outside of my nose. For me the Nasivent worked as well or better than the Breathe Right strips and the cost of nasal strips adds up quickly since they are not re-usable.

Helpful hint push the tubes in your nose to a comfortable depth. If there is still tube sticking out of your nose, you can trim off that amount from that section of tube. This way the tube is flush with the outside of your nose, which makes wearing it MUCH more comfortable and makes it less likely you'll knock it out during sleep. I've found I can use 2 of the 4 sizes that came in the package, but I do need to trim them at different lengths as the wider size does not go in comfortably to the same depth.

If you have sinus congestion problems that are keeping you from sleeping at night, here are two other things that really helped me:

1) I use NeilMed sinus wash with their 8oz squeeze bottle twice per day to minimize congestion and to flush all of the yucky stuff out NeilMed Sinus Rinse.

2) I find the sinus wash even MORE effective if I add 1 to 2 tablespoons (1/2 to 1 oz) of Alkalol to the 8oz NeilMed Sinus Rinse solution. Alkalol will clear your sinuses like nobody's business and has REALLY improved my sleep! If you look at the Amazon product reviews for Alkolol, you will see it has VERY POSITIVE reviews. If you like the Alkalol sinus wash, an inexpensive way to buy it is using Amazon's "subscription" service which delivers it once per month with no shipping fee.

IMPORTANT Nasivent mainly addresses the shape of your nasal passages and keeps your nasal passages open. If you are having trouble breathing at night, please consider talking to your doctor about getting a sleep study. It may be obstructive sleep apnea which may require a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine (CPAP) instead of, or in addition to, Nasivent. Fixing your nose with Nasivent, Snorepin, BreatheRight strips or even sinus surgery (I tried them all) may only address a symptom, not the root cause. I used Nasivent successfully for many months, then had sinus surgery, but eventually found I had a larger root cause which was severe obstructive sleep apnea and I needed to go on a CPAP machine. If you can't breathe at night, talk to an Ear Nose Throat, Pulmonary or Sleep Medicine specialist. Not breathing at night is just dying in slow motion, it's really not good for your body and can lead to many heart and other issues.

Buy Anti Snoring and Sleep Apnea Aid. Nasivent 100% Grade Medical Soft Silicone Nose Dilator. Increase Now

I was a little skeptical about any product that can cure snoring, but not anymore--this product works! My wife and I had gotten used to waking up in separate beds as I would leave when awakened by her snoring. It's comfortable, high quality and fits well. In fact, we both use them. With 4 sizes in a package, one fits me and the smaller one works for my wife. Now we're both happy and sleeping well--together.

Read Best Reviews of Anti Snoring and Sleep Apnea Aid. Nasivent 100% Grade Medical Soft Silicone Nose Dilator. Increase Here

I'm a regular amazon user, but this is my first review. I haven't felt strongly enough about anything I've purchased to summon the effort to write a review until now!

It's important to understand what you're paying for here: its a piece of medical grade silicon hose cut ~2.5 inches in length with a slit in the middle to divide each end for each of your nostrils. I'm not oversimplifying here; its really just a piece of hose. For $25, I would have expected a custom molded product contoured to fit my nose. I cant imagine the raw materials and processing for this product would cost more than $1 to produce. The packaging probably costs more. Because the ends of the hose are in fact cut, and not molded, there are sharp unbroken edges which you're shoving up your nose. It's painful, it made me sneeze uncontrollably, and it wouldnt stay in my nose. My nose is so irritated and swollen from trying to insert these up my nose that I can barely breath at all.

If you're still curious about this product, you could save yourself $25 and pick up something similar at your local hardware store.

Want Anti Snoring and Sleep Apnea Aid. Nasivent 100% Grade Medical Soft Silicone Nose Dilator. Increase Discount?

I have been the perpetrator of nasal snoring (as opposed to throat snoring) for many years. (sorry, dear wife!) I have tried a great number of interventions some of which do not apply because it is dependent on my sleeping position, some of which did not work for a variety of reasons.

The most common devices to keep the nasal passages open are the strips that adhere to the outside of the nose: great if they have enough force to do their job and enough adhesive to keep them there. Not so great with that sticky remnant every morning unless they have already peeled off overnight.

Some in-the-nose devices have worked better to keep the nasal passages open, but they were far from comfortable. Anything with sufficient clamp to hang onto your septum overnight is going to be annoying.

So, when I saw Nasivent I thought I would give it a try. Made from surgical grade silicone tubing, the four sizes provided will surely include one that fits your nose. I found that two worked well with me. The beauty of this system is that the tubing cannot collapse and within moments of insertion is almost impossible to notice. (I have, on occasion, gone to scratch my nose after I have inserted the tubing and am reading before sleep and startled myself to feel the Nasivent there had forgotten it was in already.)

The results? Much better, uninterrupted sleep! Welcome back in with my sweetie. More energy during the day.

And it is so simple and almost invisible to the casual observer had an overnight in coach on the AutoTrain recently and no one seemed to notice I had my Nasivent in but I do know that I got 8 hours of great sleep and when asked no one around me had heard any snoring.

If you have exhausted all the other "remedies" and are still exhausted after a night's sleep interrupted by too many snorts, try the Nasivent.

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