One A Day Women's Prenatal Vitamins

One A Day Women's Prenatal VitaminsI have been taking these for over a year now, and honestly they work the best for me. I am not pregnant, but my husband and I are planning on starting a family in the near future. I have tried several prenatal vitamins and for some reason they ALL made me sick to my stomach, even if I ate a large dinner right before I took them. I even had this problem with regular multivitamins and the regular One A Day Women make me sick too! With these, I haven't had any problems. I just take them at night right before I go to bed. There is no funny taste, they're easy for me to swallow, and best of all they don't make me sick!

I also did a lot of research on vitamins and found these vitamins to be very close to containing the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals. Even if they are a little under or just right, the everyday foods you should be eating for a healthy balanced diet also contain these vitamins and minerals as I wouldn't worry too much about that. A good resources to find which foods contain the vitamins and minerals needed for pregnancy is "What to Expect Before You're Expecting". I found it very informative and an easy read. Some pre-pregnancy books are way over the top for me. After all, women have been having babies well before us. :)

I'm pregnant with my second child and was prescribed prescription prenatal vitamins with my first pregnancy five years ago. I bought these because my prescription vitamins came in two pill forms, just as these multi-vitamin and the other DHA in a liquid capsule. I guess the DHA pill is kind of large, but I've never had a problem taking pills and I just take it with plenty of water. I take my vitamins every night before bed and I don't know why people insist on taking them in the morning if they are more likely to make you sick! EASY FIX...TAKE THEM AT NIGHT! I've never had a problem with them and wake up feeling fine in the morning.

Buy One A Day Women's Prenatal Vitamins Now

The One A Day Prenatal with DHA "Now 50% Smaller Liquid Gel" vitamins do not advertise that the DHA supplement also has a fraction of the nutrition in the full size One A Day DHA gel tablet.

Original gel tablet:

EPA 240 mg

Omega-3 Fatty Acids 440mg

DHA 240 mg

50% smaller gel tablet:

EPA 23mg

Omega-3 Fatty Acids 223mg

DHA 200mg

The recommended EPA for a pregnant woman is 200mg a day. The new pill has 23mg! And this is One A Day. When I purchased this product from my local pharmacy, it was mixed within the original size gel packages; they were being sold as the same item and had the same SKU on my reciept. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME! You will not be recieving sufficient nutrients with the 50% smaller gel tablets. Do not buy them!

Read Best Reviews of One A Day Women's Prenatal Vitamins Here

This prenatal has the recommended amount of supplements according to WebMD, (with the slight exception of some Vitamin C and Thiamin but there are near perfect levels).

Vitamins make some women sick. Pregnancy makes some women sick. Each woman is different so I would venture to say that if you take vitamins on an empty stomach (in the morning), yeah, you aren't going to feel good. Some might feel fine its all relative. Its recommended that you take this vitamin with food (like most vitamins), and that is definitely advice to live by.

Other complications can come into play in pregnancy, so when I see reviews with comments like ("I feel hot and dizzy, I am bleeding, I have a headache I took my vitamin 30 minutes ago so that MUST be the reason!") I have to wonder about fear and irrational thinking coming into play. Maybe its the vitamin, but most likely its your pregnancy. There can be some scary complications in pregnancy and women don't have much control over them, so its understandable that they want to find something to blame. Not to say that certain supplements don't interfere with some women's make-up... but in general, these vitamins probably work for 95% of its users. Maybe 99%, I dunno I don't do statistics.

The complaints about the fish oil in the DHA supplement: I usually have these during lunch, and I just don't notice any kind of odd breath, burping, or odor. Maybe I am just gross and don't notice? :) Hah.

I also commend this brand on its relative price value compared to other brands that contain less of the main essentials that are of paramount importance (folic acid, iron, calcium).

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I have tried several different prenatals. They either made me sick or constipated. These have magnesium which helps with the constipation. I don't take the DHA .. just the prenatal.


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