MDF Infant and Neonatal Stethoscope

MDF Infant and Neonatal Stethoscope Color: All BlackI am a Peds Nurse and have had the opportunity to try quite a few stethoscopes. I bought this scope to stick in the car as a backup because it was so competitively priced (about $24). The higher priced MDF stethoscopes I have used have worked great, so I thought I would give this one a try. Wow, what a mistake. It was made of this rubber, toy-like material,and it felt like something one would find in a Toys-R-Us "Lets play Doctor" kit. Despite its toy-like hand feel, I gave it a try on a 9-lb, 2mo adjusted age infant c trach and vent. The breaths sound were barely audible, and the heart sounds were so muffled that I could barely distinguish s1 from s2 -no matter where I placed the scope. The bowel sounds were audible, but it was an infant, so what do you expect. I would only recommend this product as a toy. For serious work, this stethoscope is far from good enough to make a safe, high quality assessment.

Exceptional clarity and quality. Excellent alternative to the higher priced name brand. Shared with colleagues and all are impressed.

Buy MDF Infant and Neonatal Stethoscope Now


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