Dynarex Ammonia Inhalants, 33 Cc, 10 Ampules

Dynarex Ammonia Inhalants,  33 Cc, 10 AmpulesTried one for myself, needless to say I'll pitty whomever has the misfortune of requiring the administration of these inhalants. Absolutely killer to the sinuses, I wouldn't doubt this'd wake someone from beyond the grave! I'm sure ammonia inhalants are no longer standing orders for BLS/ALS, though I wouldn't hesitate to use them when not on the job. Keep a set in my personal trauma bag and would definitely buy more for my company kit.

I bought these more for the novelty of simply owning smelling salts and being able to have them handy in case a friend has fainted or passed out. I have tried many on myself and sleeping friends (much to their disappointment to be jolted awake) and they work wonderfully but sting and smell sooooo bad which I am sure is what makes them so effective.

What they actually look like and how to use: Upon opening the box there are 10 neatly ordered "Ampules" basically they are about an inch long, have the girth of a pencil, are covered in what appears to fabric of some kind, and contain instructions on where to squeeze to activate them.

They feel like there is a glass pill capsule inside of the fabric which is tapered at both ends. They instruct you to pinch in the middle and immediately they turn pink to let you know it has been activated. Next you hold it under the passed out persons nose and watch as their body jolts from laying to sitting fully upright. They are strongest immediately upon compression of the ampule so hold it under the nose as you pinch. They still have an effect for roughly 10 seconds after squeezing though slightly less.

I do not know much about the negative health effects if any but I have used these to wake up on days where I feel like I could stay in bed all day but have to work or go to classes and boy they will almost throw your body out of bed. Upon first inhaling if you are already awake you wont be able to hold it in front of your nose for more than a second before you're jolted. Sidenote: Jeeze it burns your nose terribly when inhaling and smells just like ammonia as may be obvious but it also forces you to take deep breaths after that which I believe really aids in waking you up.

Bottomline: Extremely handy in a first aid kit, Great for long car rides when you're nodding off, Cruel for unsuspecting friends, and all in all this is probably the best deal on Amazon for smelling salts especially with Prime. Buy it and even if you never have to use them you're only out like $3!

Buy Dynarex Ammonia Inhalants, 33 Cc, 10 Ampules Now

I will leave analysis of the medical advisability of this product to the experts. I will simply say that this product is exactly as advertised and, in my case, arrived quickly and in good shape. I've used it in an experimental capacity to wake up dozing lawyers at my law firm and if it works on those sloths, it will work on anyone with a pulse. I also think that expiration dates on this product are irrelevant since I have a very old package from the same supplier that is well past expiration and still potent.

Read Best Reviews of Dynarex Ammonia Inhalants, 33 Cc, 10 Ampules Here

Unfortunately, I have been battling fainting with blood/medical related scenarios for some time. Doctors used the ammonia inhalants on me for years. I was finally able to buy them from my pharmacy many years ago, but it was difficult for them to find, most of the staff had never heard of them, it took a while to order, and the cost was higher. I'm glad I saw these on Amazon...great price at $3.00 and change, delivered timely right to my door. For those that haven't used these, here is what I do: I break a capsule between my fingers, which releases the ammonia smell, and then wave it under my nose. I don't think it is good to keep it under the nose prolonged...at least that is my recollection. Of course, you should get advice from your doctor for advice on proper use and besides, I'm not a doctor...just relaying my use. I have used these enough and have discovered that, on me, the ammonia vapors become less intense the closer I am to passing out, and stronger the more "awake" I am. So, if I just break one open and I'm not feeling whoozy, it smells very strong, but if I'm close to passing out, it is actually much weaker smelling until I'm less whoozy. I've been able to use this on myself sometimes, or my wife has done it for me. I typically have one in my pocket if I'm going somewhere uncomfortable, like getting a blood test, and I like to have them in the house...just in case. I hope Amazon keeps selling them. If you faint, or someone you know faints, from a blood phobia, I highly recommend them.

Want Dynarex Ammonia Inhalants, 33 Cc, 10 Ampules Discount?

I needed additional medical supplies for my trauma kit with my 3 BoB's(Bug Out Bags), and these were perfect price and sizes. They arrived in amazing time and in great shape, new sealed box. I will definitely purchase more items from this supplier.


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