Johnson and Johnson Red Cross Bandage Rolls 3 Inch X 2.1 Yards 5-Count (Pack of 3)

Johnson and Johnson Red Cross Bandage Rolls 3 Inch X 2.1 Yards  5-CountI wish I could get 1 box instead of 3 but it's still cheaper than buying the equivalent at a local drug store. I bought this to replace a foot long flat bandage covering a hip surgery scar, so I could make a new bandage after my daily shower. I could not locate the hospital grade bandage pads with the thin plastic sheet that keeps draining scars from sticking to the bandage, but fortunately my scar stopped draining, so this stuff did OK keeping the wound site clean and abrasion free. Each roll comes in a sealed container so they should keep from drying out for many years. This stuff was easy to work with, had no loose fibers so I guess it's OK for a variety of applications. I even cut small pieces of it and make my own band aids for blood draw site compression bandages, blisters, and when my cat gets her claws into me. I dress it with 3M Micropore Paper Tape White, 2" wide 1530-2 Box of 6

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