First Aid Beauty FAB Faves to Go Kit

First Aid Beauty FAB Faves to Go KitI suffer from psoriasis and hoped this would be something natural that would have helped in conjunction with what I already do, unfortunately it didn't not.

I have rosacea and always have a hard time finding things that help my symptoms AND don't irritate my skin in the meantime. I've been using this for about 3 weeks now and so far I have had, no stinging, no extra redness, no weird breakout and no extra greasiness. The moisturizer is very thick, but I use such a little bit of it that this will last me a while. Same for the facewash too actually. This will probably last me about 2 months I would guess, which is a great deal and a nice long time to make sure that this works for my skin before I buy more. I haven't noticed a decrease in facial redness yet, but I'm still holding out hope that since this is so gentle it will eventually take effect.

The facewash removes most makeup, but I still have to use a separate remover for my eye makeup.

The toner pads have a odd smell, maybe licorice? but it fades quickly once you apply the moisturizer.

I am a penny pincher so to make the whole kit last longer I just cut the toner pads in half and just use half of one each time. Works just as well!

Buy First Aid Beauty FAB Faves to Go Kit Now


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