MDF® ER PremierTM Stethoscope Color: Burgundy

MDF® ER PremierTM Stethoscope Color: BurgundyAfter years of using an HP Sprague Rappaport, it became apparent that I needed a new scope. To my horror, not only had HP sold it to Phillips, but Phillips had discontinued it 6 years ago and no parts were available.

As a family physician in full time practice , a team physician , working urgent care several times a month, serving with Medical Reserve Corps and Urban Search and Rescue, I need a scope that meets some stringent requirements:

1) The acoustics have to be outstanding and equivalent to the HP.

2). It has to perform well and survive in a variety of service environments, both noisy and quiet, clinic and urgent care / ER / field.

3). It must be easily portable.

4). It must be from a reputable company that would stand behind their work and would provide service and parts for the lifetime of the scope.

5) It must be a reasonable cost.

Having thought through these requirements, I tried 2 Sprague types that were on the market and was disappointed. The acoustics simply were not what I needed. To be fair, I did not try the MDF Sprague with the X design.

My colleagues raved about the Litmann Cardiology 3. I found that to be costly, but more importantly, the acoustics were simply inferior to my HP Sprague ( as an older MD with tinnitus, the Cardiology 3 did not work).

Finally , I came across a company I never heard of , MDF. After researching out the company and scopes, in sheer desperation I decided to try the ER Premier scope. When I compared it to the HP Sprague and the Litmann, it was the equivalent of the HP, the Litmann being a very distant 3rd place. Having used it now for a month in various settings, it meets my requirements superbly . The cost is reasonable ( particularly if you buy it through Amazon ). The company is sound and has a good track record for service and provides parts for the lifetime of the scope. AND-I don't have to go with the electronic scopes !

Who could ask for more ?

I bought this stethoscope 3 months ago now and I'm very impressed. The initial impression is stunning in this all black color! I was looking purposely for an all black scope, partly to distinguish from most others, and partly because of visual preference. I previously had the Littmann Classic II in black, and that was a decent scope to begin with. My interest focused more on being able to assess lung sounds more accurately, and determining the subtle differences in murmurs, thus the need for a dual or bi-lumen scope. The sensitivity of the chest piece is higher, sounds are louder and clearer by 2-3 points on a scale of 1-10 compared to the Littmann being a 6-7 on clarity and volume. At first the MDF scope seemed less comfortable than my Littmann, but now I've gotten used to the stiffer ear cushion pieces, however they are comfortable none the less. This MDF stethoscope is significantly heavier than my Littman though, mainly due to the use of more material to construct it. It also feels more durable than other dual lumen scopes; I compared my scope to one of my coworker's who has a Littmann Cardiology III, and her's has already begun to lose its shine and luster by turning opaque and dry-like in texture. Both her Littman and my MDF stethoscopes were purchased within 4 months difference in time but in new condition, and my scope continues to shine like when purchased. One downside to my MDF scope is that you sometimes have to tilt your head to position your ears while auscultating; depending on your position in relation to the patient's, you may have to 'nod' up or down to listen correctly. Final impression: well constructed, excellent acoustics, stealthy attractive appearance, all at an unbeatable price. It respectable alternative to a pricier Littmann or Harvey Tycos.

Buy MDF® ER PremierTM Stethoscope Color: Burgundy Now

This stethoscope exceeded my expectations. It feels very durable and is aesthetically pleasing. I can hear better with this scope than I ever could with a cardiology three, I mean by a long shot too. It is heavy to wear and the tubing is a little on the stiff side.

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