Special Pack of 5 PINXAV DIAPER RASH CREAM 4 oz X 5

Special Pack of 5 PINXAV DIAPER RASH CREAM 4 oz X 5Best diaper cream ever! It starts clearing up rashes within hours. Also good to use as protective layer to prevent rashes

I've used many diaper creams, & Pinxav is hands-down my fav. It's thick with great coverage & it's never met a diaper rash it couldn't handle. I use it during every diaper change, & my little one has only had 2 diaper rashes in her 14 months of life. I have to order it online, but it's worth it.

One word of caution, however... Pinxav stains clothing! My daughter has several pairs of pajamas with permanent pink smears because I wasn't careful...

Buy Special Pack of 5 PINXAV DIAPER RASH CREAM 4 oz X 5 Now

This product has been a lifesaver with our twins. It literally overnight healed a terrible case of diaper rash my daughter had several months ago.

Read Best Reviews of Special Pack of 5 PINXAV DIAPER RASH CREAM 4 oz X 5 Here

This was recommended to me from a friend. I purchased about 6 tubes of it since i cannot get it in any local stores. My baby rarely gets a rash but as soon as she gets a little red we put this cream on for a few diaper changes and she is all better! It works great, would definitely recommend for anyone with a baby in diapers. It can also be used on cuts and bug bites....so good for later use too.

Want Special Pack of 5 PINXAV DIAPER RASH CREAM 4 oz X 5 Discount?

This product does what it says!! My daughter gets a rash every time she goes if her diaper isnt changed right away. She had gotten the stomach flu and her poor little bottom had welts along with the rash from going so much. Bathing was the pretty much the only way to somewhat soooth her. My sister had told me about Pinxav, so of course I tried it. Her rash was gone the next day! I am so pleased with this that I will NEVER use anything else EVER! We use it every day for every change and she has not had a rash since!


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