Source Naturals Ultra Colloidal Silver Salve, 10 ppm

Source Naturals Ultra Colloidal Silver Salve,  2 OunceI have used this product for the past 5 years and another one like it for 20 years. It is the single best healing agent you can put on burns from flames or burns from sun. It acts like a natural antibiotic and I think in the past silver collidial was once used as such in the liquid form wich i have used as well. but this topical form is perfect for blistering and pain and It helps all sorts of infections, funguses bites,etc. I keep it handy in my kitchen and bathroom for cuts, burns anything that could get infected. when I burn myself with a curling iron, I apply a small amount immediately and I promise you.NO Scarring and pain subsides with in minutes. It really is awesome produt to have around. I even bought some for my work at a coffee shop for burns we tend to get. It lasts for a long time as long as you keep the lid on tight. EXCELLENT PRODUCT!

This is the first time I have used this product, so I did not know what to expect. I have used colloidal silver before and am a believer in it's anti-bacterial properties. I purchased some toothpaste in Japan that had silver in it and it really helped with a painful sensitive tooth. I was looking for a good ointment to use instead of the typical neosporin or polysporin.

I read the other reviews on this salve and decided to give it a try even though it is somewhat expensive. I can say that I am glad I purchased it! It is great to keep around if you have kids. I have been using it on my daughters insect bites for the last week and it has really helped them to heal much faster. She has a bad habit of picking at the bites and the faster they heal the better. She recently got a large bite from perhaps a spider and it left a large red swollen and hard area that was oozing a clear liquid. I treated it immediately with the salve several times a day. It has been healing great. The first night a put a lot on the area and covered it with a bandage so she wouldn't scratch at it. The next morning it was greatly reduced.

The salve is very soothing and somewhat cooling. Some of the other reviewers said that it was good for sunburn and I can see why. It absorbs in to the skin relatively fast and doesn't leave any kind of residue. It is very clean and refreshing. It has a kind of yellow to gold color and is the consistency of perhaps a jar of jelly that has been stirred up well with a spoon. The 2 oz size would be the size I would recommend as we have about gone thru a jar in a month of nightly applications. I have some mosquito bites on my legs that I have been putting it on nightly and it does reduce the itching as well as speed the healing. My daughter loves getting it put on her bug bites every night and I can see why as I like putting it on mine too. It's a great product!

This 2 oz size is a bargain. Our local whole foods market sells it for $15 and it's only filled with 1 oz even thought the jar is almost the same size as this one on Amazon!

Buy Source Naturals Ultra Colloidal Silver Salve, 10 ppm Now

I have a new kitten who loves to play. That means biting and scratching! I'm trying to teach her not to attack my hands and feet but she isn't fully trained and probably will take some time to outgrow her tendencies. So this past week I got a scratch on my hand that hurt and looked really red and inflamed. I tried a prescription cream from my doctor but it did absolutely nothing. The area was still red and painful. So I decided to try this colloidal silver salve and was amazed at how fast my skin has healed. Within days the irritation stopped and the redness went away. I put this on my skin at least 5 times a day. When you apply it is very viscous and then forms a skin over the wound. So to use this effectively you need to dampen a cloth to remove the old layer so you can apply a new layer of salve. From my experience this has been a very healing and calming solution. I can highly recommend this if you have any skin problems whatsoever. You will be very impressed with how fast this salve works.

~The Rebecca Review

Read Best Reviews of Source Naturals Ultra Colloidal Silver Salve, 10 ppm Here

Amazing healing properties. I have 3rd degree burns and no health insurance. Since my visit to the emergency room, I have been left to heal this on my own. This combined with the colloidal silver liquid, has expediently healed my wounds.

Want Source Naturals Ultra Colloidal Silver Salve, 10 ppm Discount?

Tried everything to treat my rosacea. Ended up seeing one of the best dermatologists in the country, who tried everything in the book over the course of a couple years. Steroid creams, non-steroid creams, antibiotics -the works. Nothing would really clear it up.

There was no shortage of folks telling me colloidal silver was quack medicine: it's all placebo effect, will do nothing useful, and maybe turn you bluer than papa smurf. That would have been a welcome change from my constantly red face.

So you can imagine I was pleasantly surprised that after 72 hours and half a dozen applications of this stuff my rosacea completely cleared up. Normal skin tone I hadn't seen in years. If it stays like this, I might even show my face in public more often.

Couldn't be happier.

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