Police Magnum Pepper Spray 3 oz Flip Top - Pack of Four

Police Magnum Pepper Spray 3 oz Flip Top - Pack of Four
  • (4) 3 oz. Ounce Flip-Top Units
  • OC17& Pepper Spray POLICE GRADE!
  • UV Identifying Dye
  • Flip Top Design for Added Safety

I have read the one star review for this product and was a little upset.. basically he slams this product because it contains OC which is not as powerful CS... well as a law enforcement officer let me tell u that this is the product that you want for self defence for the following reasons : while it is true that CS gas is much more powerful than OC..CS gas being dispersed in an area disables everybody in that area including you! in self defence you want to disable your attacker! not your wife in bed next to you or your kids...And by the way if you have asthma your response to the chemical will be greatly amplified to the point that you could possibly die... senario; you are a woman walking alone in a dark alley or parking lot, you are under attack , you spray your CS at the attacker, and now you cant run because your eyes are involintarily closing,you're vomiting, and you cant breath let alone yell for help, in fact CS is so strong that any one in the surrounding area who doesnt know that you are in danger but might be able to come to your aide (if they heard your screams)will run, not walk away from the area... it is that powerful!.... OC on the other hand is a targeted weapon which will disable an attacker with a direct hit to the face! You will be minimally affected. Now you can yell, run and get to safety. Far more affective. .......I am a corrections officer in a big city and work on an island. In the jails walking around the housing area with the murders and rapists WE USE OC! and I might add at far less concintration levels than that of the product being sold here! I HAVE USED OC ON CRIMINALS MANY TIMES AND IT WORKS! I HAVE USED CS ON CRIMINALS AND IT WORKS TOO.. BUT ONLY WHILE I HAVE A GAS MASK ON! What one star rater fails to realize is that just because CS is more powerful doesn't mean that its right for self defense. OC is for self defense CS is for crowd control like a riot. Just think, would you want to use a BOMB TO STOP AND ATTACKER OR A GUN TO STOP AN ATTACKER?

If you have a daughter(eighteen +) buy this product, take her out back, put a picture of her ex boyfriend up, make sure you both are up wind, have her fire a stream at the target from about two feet away, tell her not to be afraid to use it if shes in danger. Then take your wife and do the same, and your mother in law and do the same ect... After all that spraying you still have three more full canisters. Give one to your wife, daughter mother in law.......You just gave them a fighting chance!

Buy Police Magnum Pepper Spray 3 oz Flip Top - Pack of Four Now

It was hard to tell which pepper spray to get. Most people do not test them. Once I got my package of four, I took one out.

First off, thumbs up for the easy to remove package. I didn't have to find a knife. The clam pack was easy to open, and the product came right out.

Now, the ding for the one star. It is way too easy to use the stuff. The instructions say something about removing the actuator. There is no actuator. There is a space between the trigger and the top. That's it. It seems like it would be easy for the trigger to get pushed down. I could see this in a purse, and some keys move around, and push down on the trigger. It makes it easy to access, but safeguards are minimal.

I took the spray out to the garage for a test spray. I stood about 20 feet away and gave it a shot. The spray flew straight, true, and strong. It hit the door with a thick stream. I then went up and took a small sniff.

Holy f***. I was coughing and crying immediately. I was laughing for an houring after because I could still feel the effects.

One of these is going in my car, one in my motorcycle jacket pocket, one next to my bed, and one for my wife. This is a great deal. Everyone should have some pepper spray.

Read Best Reviews of Police Magnum Pepper Spray 3 oz Flip Top - Pack of Four Here

I purchased the 4-pack OC spray to carry in my two vehicles and store near my front and rear house doors. The price is very good for 4 three-ounce containers. The OC is 17% so it is the strongest I have seen. Many listed for sale are less but my experience is that 16-17% is best. I tested each and had no trouble hitting a target 10 feet away. I immediately reacted to the backspray so I'm confident that if I have to use it, it will be a good distraction. It did leave a biege-yellow color on the target, which I did not expect (the last I had was colorless) but does not detract from the effectiveness. Be aware these are fairly large containers (about 5in tall and over 1in in diameter). Package was delivered as advertised. Definately recommend.

Want Police Magnum Pepper Spray 3 oz Flip Top - Pack of Four Discount?

I bought five 4-packs so far and will probably buy more because at this price, I can hand out multiple bottles to my family members, friends, and even coworkers and still have extras for anyone I meet or remember later that might need some. I sent a 4-pack to my parents, telling my mother, "leave one in the kitchen (away from the stove, obviously), put one where you sit at the computer, put a bottle where you sit and quilt in the afternoon...you can have them throughout the house where if you need one, there is one close by". All the ladies at my job got a couple bottles for Christmas and they ALL told me the same thing, "Oh thank you, I have always meant to get some pepper spray but always...", either forget, or don't know where to find it.

I really like this delivery system with the button on top rather than the kind that have a tab that you can set to SAFETY. These are better in my opinion because they have the plastic top that keeps you from accidently setting it off, but the gap between the button and the safety tab is placed so that your finger naturally goes into it, ready to deploy the spray. I like this better because you can grap the with the intention of using either your pointer finger or thumb and the bottle feels secure in your hand. If you have to grab for the bottle in a hurry, you don't have to worry about the SAFETY tab being set.

Out of the five separate times I have ordered this 4-pack, four of them were this bottles pictured in the description. However, this last order came as a four pack of the other type of bottle, with the red tab. I didn't return the items because they are still a good product, just not the delivery system I prefer.

I ordered the 4 x 3OZ pack to use in a few areas.

I opened the Amazon box, there was a little white bag under the packing.

I opened the bag, thats the only package they were in. The cans all looked (VERY) Used, I took them out side for a test spray.

Can #1 lined up the safty tab to test, push it hard as I could, a little bit ran down the side of the can.

Can #2 Test, Hard push shot out about 1' & all over the can.

Can #3 Test, Shot about 12' But with alot of miss. (Yes even spraying outside the mist got me, This stuff is strong)

Can #4 Test, Pushed, ran down the side on the can, No spray.

Like I said; 4 cans I got wheren't In any package other then a plastic white bag, Very used look to them, stickers on the cans were worn off in spots. Im sending these back for a refund.

If you get a real New package not used crap like i did, You'll be happy w/ the CO 17% Just a little mist got the right side on my face, blinded 1 eye, took my breath away about 2 mins' & burned about 30mins, I wouldnt want to get hit with a full stream.

"Sold by: Levado"


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