The Original Aroma Therapipe, Salt Pipe, Respiratory and Asthma Aid

The Original Aroma Therapipe, Salt Pipe, Respiratory and Asthma Aid(I have a very similar Himalayan crystal salt inhaler to this onenot this exact one, but I wanted to share my experience)

My mom was bugging for me to try the salt pipe for a while, as I've suffered from increased asthma/ respiratory ailments since moving to Los Angeles 8 years ago. I have to admitI was skeptical, and it seemed a bit too hippy-dippy for it to really be all that effective. However, she finally purchased one for me after my Advair had ceased to help anymore, and my coughing fits were getting worse and more frequent.

All I can say is WOW. I noticed a HUGE improvement within a few days of using it. I had all this gunk come up from my lungs (you do cough up a bit of congestion, but better out than in, right?), and the coughing went away as well. I was surprised at how effective this wasI let it lapse for a week, and my coughing reboundedstarted back on it and the coughing went away.

My advair ran out the same time I started the salt pipe, and I haven't had to refill the prescription since. I'm glad I've found a replacementthe advair isn't cheap, and even though this seems like it'd be a pain to use the pipe for 10-15 minutes a day, you just use it while watching TV or on the internet, and it goes by without you even noticing it.

The only thing is to watch out that you don't breathe out through your mouth. (you can get the salt wet that way, which makes it less effective)

I would HIGHLY recommend to anybody suffering from respiratory problems from air pollution/ asthma, etc...

My 4-year-old daughter has very weak lungs, and every respiratory virus turns into pneumonia. She became ill right after her salt pipe arrived, and I had her start using it immediately. Instead of a trip to the emergency room, countless drugs, and a two week stint in bed, she was home sick from school for just one day, and for the first time I can recall in over two years, she appeared to have just a "normal" cold.

Buy The Original Aroma Therapipe, Salt Pipe, Respiratory and Asthma Aid Now

The Therapipe is an interesting concept. I like it so far, and it encourages me to breathe deeper. We get in such a habit of shallow breathing, that we forget to stop and use our breath for healing. (Yoga philosophy) I like that part (aside from the massive yawning that deeper breathing promotes). Since I started using it 3 weeks ago, I have been breathing free and clear, with only an occasional need for my prescription inhaler. (once per week or so) I'm not sure if I can attibute it entirely to the Therapipe, as I have been seeing a Chinese doctor who has been treating me with various herbs and acupuncture as well. I am both hopeful and skeptical that this thing works. THE CONS: The Therapipe requires that you breathe it for 20 min. per day (which can be broken into 2 sessions). 20 minutes in a busy day can seem like a long time. I'm in my car a lot though and this is a handy place for me to use it. However, I have a little anxiety that a cop could pull me over, as it could easily get mistaken for a bong. On the up side, I suppose I could find another convenient time and place to use it. :o) Also, in the instructions, it says not to remove the little silicone flap that goes over the hole. Well, one day it just fell off and I now have to plug the hole with my finger. Not a big deal though, and very easy and natural to do, as it is made like a flute and the hole is by your finger anyway. The last con is that it isn't refillable. THE PROS: The Therapipe will theoretically last for 5 years. It's safe. The salt, should you taste it at all, is pleasant (as opposed to the taste of prescription alternatives). It also has a pleasing shape that is ergonomic and fits naturally and comfortably in your hand. All in all, I think this is a great and potentially miraculous little invention, with the pros outweighing the cons and I 100% recommend giving it a try.

Read Best Reviews of The Original Aroma Therapipe, Salt Pipe, Respiratory and Asthma Aid Here

COPD sufferers have few alternatives to their breathing plights which don't include a trunk load of side-effects ..... this little inhaler (looks like an albino pinquin) is different, it helps aerate your respiratory system with salt air much the same way one benefits from a walk on the beach (if that is, you felt like taking a walk anywhere other than to the next chair).

Newsflash, based on the daily improvement I'm experienceing with salt-pipe therapy, I feel not just comfortable but obligated to write this review to help ease another person over the "oh, it can't really work syndrome"...folks like you & me who've struggled to breath minute by minute day to day for too long and feel resigned to keeping the status quo for fear of another disappointment...I honestly believe this therapy can help or I wouldn't endorse it.

No, I am not healed & may never be but that walk on the beach will become a reality in the near future, hope to see you there.

Want The Original Aroma Therapipe, Salt Pipe, Respiratory and Asthma Aid Discount?

I admit that I had reservations about investing $60 on something so relatively unconventional to treat my asthma and lung infections. Now, I can say only how glad I am that I took the plunge. Within three days of my using the pipe, my lungs were completely clear for the first time in THREE YEARS. Yes, twenty minutes a day can seem like something of a chore when a prescription inhaler takes only a moment to use. All I can say is -make the time! You won't regret it. I'm planning on purchasing another one to keep in my desk at the office, making using it a lot easier to fit into my schedule (and to have a backup). I've been able to stop taking virtually all of my (expensive) meds.



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