Petroactil - Heal old wounds that have resisted healing. Heal deep or difficult to cure wounds. Pro

Petroactil - Heal old wounds that have resisted healing. Heal deep or difficult to cure wounds. Protect raw, sensitive, damaged skin. Keep bandages from sticking.My daughter had some issues with wounds on her legs that just would NOT heal. We tried dozens of over the counter products from local drug stores, then went online to see what else was available since none of those helped. The other products would work a little, and then they would stop, and it would come back even stronger. I found this listing, looked at the web page, and researched online for customer reviews. I then emailed the company for information. The owner immediately replied to my questions AND went out of her way to provide additional suggestions and ideas on other things we could try that might help as well based on her personal experience. Once I placed an order, she even went above and beyond, stopping at the post office at the airport between trips so I would get the product sooner once ordered, instead of just saying out of office until the later date like most companies would.

This is the only product that has had a truly positive effect. It helped heal my daughter's legs and we are still using on her feet, as they are more stubborn since they have to be covered each day for school. Occassionally she falls asleep before application and there is a NOTICEABLE difference in mornings when we used versus did not use. We were already 6-months into the ordeal when I found this product, so can't speak to the scar prevention, but worked wonders on the wounds. I don't know how it works, but it definitely makes a difference. And, it is so refreshing to see such a concerned and personable company in today's world of profit first industries.

I'm now 87, soon to be 88 years old. A few months ago somehow I got a terrible infection on my elbow and, at the same time, a horrible infection on the lobe of my ear. My ear looked like it had a small strawberry grafted on it and I was very scared. My doctor gave me a shot and a prescription ointment, which we used as directed; but neither infection was responding and we were planning for the worst. As if things weren't bad enough, I was lying around a lot because I felt so poorly and I got a bedsore on one hip (due to a bad lung, I can only lay on one side). It was a big purple area with a sore in the middle and it felt like someone was poking me with a pin all the time. My daughter brought me a tube each of Petroactil and Polyactil. The infections just got better and better and went away. My bedsore regained normal color and quit hurting within a few days and then the middle just got OK. Since I always lay on that side of my body, it has come back a couple of times, but I now start using Polyactil at first sign of the bedsore and fix it before it really starts. ThePolyactil also makes the arthritis in my fingers feel better. Aging is a tough adventure and we find ourselves using the Polyactil and Petroactil for all sorts of issues now. V. Phillips

Buy Petroactil - Heal old wounds that have resisted healing. Heal deep or difficult to cure wounds. Pro Now

I have had issues with foot ulcers all my life, due to radiation treatments that I received at age 6 months for a tumor on my foot. I am now 54. I have experimented with many, many products. I have had some success recently with petroactil and polyactil. These products have initiated a healing response in an ulcer that is about 6 months old. I have had a very significant decrease in pain and I am going to continue to keep this product on hand.

Read Best Reviews of Petroactil - Heal old wounds that have resisted healing. Heal deep or difficult to cure wounds. Pro Here

The following is the review I posted of Polyactil; I have been successfully using both!

I have a cyst that drained a while ago, and kept partially healing before becoming raw again despite medical intervention and extreme care. Having very sensitive skin but a very high pain tolerance makes trying new products into an extreme sport: is it going to burn, scar, inflame, hyper-pigment, etc? I never know! I was reading the reviews for both polyactil and petroactil, and I decided I wanted to give it a try. But I didn't want to commit to full tubes incase I would have an adverse reaction, so I wrote to the supplier/seller and inquired about samples (it never hurts to ask!). They responded in less than 12 hours, asked detailed questions and followed up with me and their on staff physician several times before sending samples of BOTH with a tracking number and everything!! I am beyond impressed with the customer service alone!!! They even sent me a full tube of the new formula of polyactil about a week later because I was having mixed results. Their email communication is great and they genuinely care about their customers they are truly of a rare breed of good people! I also work in healthcare, and this is the type of care that I also strive to provide, so its great to know that there are others in healthcare who are also still in the business for the right reasons.

Now, to the products: Both polyactil and petroactil are similar, with petroactil being the gentler version of the product; however, both can be used together for great results, especially on raw or sensitive areas where I was instructed to apply petroactil first followed by the polyactil so that the polyactil could slowly diffuse through and thus not sting as much. I actually didn't find either product to burn or sting despite being on a raw wound, and this is regardless of my pain tolerance. The products are of a gel like consistency, with petroactil being more viscous due to the petroleum base (I think, don't quote me, though!). Both are easy to apply and I did not find them to stain my clothing in anyway. The product has great staying power as well and I really appreciate that I don't have to reapply too often, the recommended twice a day is perfect. It takes a little extra effort to wash of hands, which goes to show its staying power I am sure the same is true if it does end up on clothing. The ingredients are pure and I haven't had any adverse affects. It's been about a 2 weeks with the samples, and 1 week with the new formula. I had "mixed results" as I mentioned earlier on only one of my two test areas, and the area that reacted was actually on a "tougher area" of skin. I actually re-tested a similar area, and then the same spot again after the initial reaction went away, and I am pretty sure it was a fluke or perhaps a reaction to something else. The actually wound I have been using it on has been healing quite nicely, and WITHOUT any hyperpigmentation which is always a concern for my sensitive, olive skin tone. The new skin is soft and beautiful and I am already sure there won't be a scar in fact, any old the old scar tissue and hyperpigmentation is slowly fading!

I will be stocking up after this holiday week because I already know that I don't want to be without this! The emails and instructions both state I can even use this on my face. I am looking forward to finding more uses for both petroactil and polyactil.

Please feel free to ask me questions if you too have sensitive skin I literally read all of the reviews for both petroactil and polyactil before trying the products. I am an Amazon junkie, so I check my reviews often. I hope this helps anyone else with a slow healing wound, acne, or other skin issues!

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I have very bad cracks on my hands and fingertips that won't go away. They are very painful. I've tried everything I could think of, including prescriptions. Nothing has helped. I saw this on Amazon and thought I would give it a try. So far it seems to be helping. The cracks are getting better. I've already bought 2 tubes and plan to buy more when I need it. Thanks for helping my very painful condition!

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