Quirky part:
1. The covering for the compartments are in rows of 3. Viewing the picture of the product. Number 1 compartment is the one closest to the hinge. You have to open all three, cover the two you don't want to empty so those don't fall out. Yeah, I know it's strange.
2. Start label is @ number 30 ........ huh?
3. To close the individual compartments securely, you have to snap each one in place in order. You need to start at the hinged part of the cover strip, click that one closed then the next and so on. You cannot just position all three and then press. The compartments will not close properly.
I like this a lot despite all the quirks. It's really compact and small enough to throw it in my purse without taking a lot of room. I also like the fact that I can transport an entire months worth of meds in one unit as opposed to the pill boxes where you can take out one day or a weeks worth of meds with the possibility of losing or misplacing it from the main unit. Heck, if I'm going to lose it, it mind as well be the entire thing.Doesn't fit nearly the amount of pills my crazy self needs to take on a daily basis good if you're taking like a birth control pill or something that size
Buy Ezy Dose Pill Cube - 30 Day Pill Reminder Now
I have been using these pill cubes for quite some time, and eventually they wear out. I got several of them a few years ago but the caps on the various compartments did not seal well, causing pills to fall out. I ordered some more, and so far the ones I got are just fine.Read Best Reviews of Ezy Dose Pill Cube - 30 Day Pill Reminder Here
I do not like this product at all! I have to take 5 pills twice a day and those do not fit in a compartment.I just received this and I'm a little baffled. There are 3 rows, on 2 sides, with 5 compartments in each row. The bottom compartments are easy to open because there's a little tab to flip up. But I can't figure out how to open the middle and top rows, which do not have a tab. If someone could clue me in, I'd greatly appreciate it. I love the size of the cube and it would be really convenient to throw in a purse or suitcase...if I could only figure out how the thing works.
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