LiceMD Complete Kit with Comb and Gloves

LiceMD Complete Kit with Comb and GlovesPurchased both the non-pesticide version of the Lice MD and this version (pesticide containing)when my daughter brought home the dreaded lice letter from her school. Another student in class had been determined to have lice in her classroom. Having no personal experience with lice, I googled pics and info about lice and at first it appeared that she did not have any...until a few weeks after the letter had arrived. Then I started spying odd little lint like specks the size of white poppy seeds stuck to my both of my daughters (6 & 3) hair shafts all over their heads. I had my hubby check my head and he found the same thing on the underside of my hair. Luckily he did not have anything, but he uses a rogaine/monoxidal product that probably is not hospitable to cooties. After repeated scans I still could not find any bugs but I had the sneaking suspicion that the "lint" that wouldn't come off was actually nits/eggs. Since I'm currently pregnant, I was VERY leary about using pesticide products on my head. I contacted my OB and they gave the go ahead to use the pesticide version if needed. I ordered the non-pesticide Lice MD and the pesticide Lice MD along with a Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb. Prime shipping got the non pesticide version and comb within 2 days-the pesticide version was out of stock and took longer. I would definitely recommend purchasing the Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb to pair with the treatment, since the comb that comes with the package was worthless. Before adding any non pesticide Lice MD to my 6year olds hair, I took a test pass with the Lice Comb...YUCK!!! BUGS!!! There were 2 bugs immediately in the tines of the comb crawling on the hair that came loose with the pass. The bugs were SO MUCH smaller than what I expected. The online pics made me assume that the eggs were poppy seed sized and the bugs would be sesame seed sized...ummm NO try more like the period at the end of this sentence sized (except oval shaped). They were light brown colored and crawled quickly. Once the evidence was there, I applied the non pesticide Lice MD throughout both of my daughters hair and had my hubby comb through mine. We only used minimal amounts to comb through our hair and went through 1/2 a bottle between the 3 of us (6 y.o. shoulder length thick straight hair, 3 y.o. mid-back length thin wavy hair, me mid-back length medium thickness straight hair). We found around 15-20 live bugs on my 6 y.o., 2 on my 3 y.o. and 0 on me (I had been feeling too crawly after seeing the eggs that I had treated my hair with a white vinegar soak for 10min followed by olive oil soak with hair wrapped in plastic bag for 1 hour the day I ordered the products). When combing the eggs and bugs out, I squished both eggs and bugs between my thumb nails to make sure they were dead (they would make a small popping noise if they were alive and I killed one). I followed recommendations to wash all bedding and currently worn clothing in HOT water, stuffed animals and throw rugs were washed in HOT, and unwashable items were bagged in a garbage bag and tied off in a non frequented area of the house for 3 weeks. I vacuumed the carpets and furniture and swept the hardwood floors. I diligently lice combed our hair daily for the following 2 weeks. THANKFULLY we were able to get rid of them with our first attempt and without the need for the pesticide (although I've kept it on hand just in case). The whole experience left me so rattled that I still check our hair weekly.

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