KT Tape Pro 20-strip Roll

KT TAPE PRO Synthetic Elastic Kinesiology 20 Pre-Cut 10-Inch Strips Therapeutic Tape, Blaze Orange, Color:Blaze/Orange, OSI have tried almost everything for my plantar fasciitis. I even got shots in my heels but the pain came back in about a month. My husband thought I should try this so after a particularly grueling trip to the supermarket I gave in and ordered it. Honestly, I thought I would walk with a limp forever.

We actually both bought the tape but he bought the original version. So we had a perfect opportunity to test them both. The pro is hands down the better. The adhesive lasts longer and holds better. Pro lasted about 3 days as opposed to the original that was peeling off the same night we applied it. The pro also doesn't have the cut down the middle which IMO makes for much easier application around the foot.

The fabric it's made of is also different I like the more sporty look of the pro just for design purposes. We got both rolls in black but the pro looks nicer and is almost like athletic spandex.

All in all... Put the extra bucks and be able to stand on my feet when I get out of bed in the morning? I'll take that.

I first purchased the Black colored tape, loved it. Lasted in the pool, lasted at yoga, it was great for what I needed it for. So, I decide to buy another roll and purchased the pink color. I did an app for plantar fasciitis, with no oils, no lotions, nothing on my skin, and after a shower. After I applied it, I was rubbing it down to create heat for stick effectiveness (as shown in the videos ON THEIR WEBSITE), and the ends started to peel off, like limp banana peels! I pressed them down, and they finally held. Then I put on a sock and went to sleep.

I checked it the next morning when I woke up, and it seemed fine. All morning it was fine till I went to my noon yoga class, and as soon as some sweat hit it, it peeled off again. Not to mention that the tape on the foot pad starting peeling back as well. I was so mad! I did the same taping with the black tape and didn't have this issue, but with the pink, every tape I do only lasts a day before it starts peeling off. What a waste of money!! Didn't even last through a shower for a General Elbow tape I did either.

I really don't know if I was to risk out on losing $15 more dollars to try a different color, as I want to use something other than black tape, obviously they make other colors and I would like to use them. I still have over half a roll left of the pink tape, don't even know if I will bother to use it after the blunders with previous apps.

Buy KT Tape Pro 20-strip Roll Now

I first got KT tape because I had severe pain in the ball of my foot. I work as a PE teacher so taking a rest and staying off my feet wasn't really an option. I did all the usual things, new shoes, ice, NSAIDs and limiting my activities outside of work and nothing worked. I didn't want to get custom orthotics because of the cost so I thought I would give the tape a try. I had relief from the first time using it. I did have some trouble with it staying on and sometimes it seemed to give more relief than others. But once I learned how to apply the tape properly and with more experience I get total relief when I wear it. I have also used it for shoulder and knee pain with equally miraculous results. I have recommended it to friends and relatives which have all reported positive results. It's not just for athletes, my 77 yo mother who suffers from arthritis gets relief from her knee pain. The company has several YouTube videos with directions on how to apply it for your specific injury. Get the "pro" version. It stays on for the 5-7 days that the company claims. I've had it where I could have left it on longer but as I primarily wear it on my feet it starts to get a little dirty and dare i say stinky . I found that it will stay on better or worse depending on where you are using it so you may get different results. I clean my skin with alcohol after I've taken my morning shower and try to apply at least 30 minutes before my activity. I found that it stays longer when I do that. I also trim any small end pieces that start to roll up after a few days. I have never written a review before this but felt compelled to write this one because I feel so strongly about this product. It really is magic! Also, I did buy it on amazon after buying it at a large sporting good company as the price was almost half. It can get expensive when you use it as much as I do.

Read Best Reviews of KT Tape Pro 20-strip Roll Here

This tape caused me an allergic reaction on my skin. I liked the tape but I couldn't wear it for more than an hour after which I started feeling a burning sensation that I had to take it off. the skin underneath the tape looked like as if it was burned. I was sensitive to the adhesive used on this tape. What a shame. I wish they made one for sensitive skin.

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OK, you know you shouldn't be working that injured body part, but you're going to do it anyway, so this is YOUR product. Fine online instructional video explaining different strategies for different limbs, shoulders, etc. For me, runner's knee. It provides firm support while I'm exercising without being bulky. I've used the flesh colored, the lime green colored, and the black strips and find that the quality is not consistent between the supposedly identical products, both in terms of firmness of elastic response, level of adhesion, and skin irritation from the adhesive. Of the three, the black is noticeably firmer and longer-lasting, and demonstrates more waterproof-ness (showering, tho I didn't swim). The salesperson at a running shop said she wraps her feet before a race, which sounds like a fantastic idea if my knee recovers enough to allow me to compete again.


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