Adventure Medical Kits Dental Medic Kits

Adventure Medical Kits Dental Medic KitMost people don't consider dental emergencies when outfitting the first aid kit. However, if you are in the middle of nowhere and something happens to your teeth, this little kit provides some temporary relief until you can get to a dentist. It contains dental wax temporary filling, temporary cavity filling, cotton pellets, cotton rolls, dental floss and tooth picks for care and anbesol/orasol, benzocaine and a tea bag for pain relief. It all fits in a 5" square pouch along with a set of instructions. It's small enough to augment the first aid kit and is a must have in my opinion.

I'm a retired paramedic, and very few people think of dental emergencies when making up a comprehensive medical kit. If you're a wilderness or third world traveler, you need to have one of these in your kit. After trauma and the usual GI problems, dental emergencies are the most common (and one of the most painful) things you'll treat. Kit contains enough material for two temporary filling replacements, cotton balls and benzocaine ointment, and even a tea bag. Even though you may not think of a tea bag as part of a dental kit, the tannic acid can really help relieve swelling from an impacted tooth.

Buy Adventure Medical Kits Dental Medic Kits Now

Very good size for a backpack first aid kit. Also, it's light weight, and will be good in an emergency

Read Best Reviews of Adventure Medical Kits Dental Medic Kits Here

hope i never have to use but if i do a well prepared pack great instructions small package fits my g0 pack perfect

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Exactly as described in waterproof bag. Have not opened it yet but peeking through the wrapper it appears to be exactly wat I needed. I am going to add anbesol as that appears to be the main pain med in this kit.

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