Nelsons Tea Tree Oil Cream -- 1 oz

Nelsons Tea Tree Oil Cream -- 1 ozThis "cream" is far too liquidy, often dripping out of the tube, but it gets the job done and I don't think they could possibly make it more solid considering the proportion of tea tree oil in it.

I suffer from acne related to an atypical type of PCOS. I am normal weight, eat healthy and exercise regularly. However I'm in my mid-twenties and because of the PCOS still have facial acne.

I have a severe allergy to benzoyl peroxide, a common acne treatment. My dermatologist that retired a year ago had me on retin-a micro, which has worked great.

Unfortunately, I have a new job and Blue Cross, my new health insurance doesn't cover retin-a. A one month supply is over $300 dollars. There is no genetic to retin-a, and the only other prescription product close is tretinoin which severely burned my skin years ago.

I saw this product at Whole Foods. My face, no longer being treated with retin-a micro was breaking out. I knew tea tree oil has anti-septic properties, and this cream seemed like a good was to apply it to my face. Only a day after starting to use it, a large pimple on the side of my forehead that had been swollen, red, and extremely painful had pretty much dried up and was healing.

I had some more pimples come out, but i think that was my face purging them out. They all healed extremely fast and my skin is looking back to normal without prescription meds, and without me spending $300 dollars.

I apply in the morning after my shower, and at night after I wash my face before going to bed. Now that my face is doing better, I mix the tea tree cream with a little hypoallergenic lotion (I use DML lotion recommended to me by my retired dermatologist)and apply to my face since it's winter and the air is dry.

There are no fragrances added, and tea tree oil is a bit smelly but you get used to it, and the smell fades pretty quickly after applying.

All in all, for the small cost of this product and the great results I've had, it's definitely worth a try.

Buy Nelsons Tea Tree Oil Cream -- 1 oz Now

I am very impressed with this product! I purchased this product on a lark to receive free shipping from another website. I'm pregnant and my hormonal acne is in hyper mode. None of my usual tricks are clearing my face. I used this product last night and woke up this morning to a clearer face, less redness, less pain and calmer skin. As if a clear face is not enough of a good thing, an added bonus is that this product is less expensive than most of the products I use. I wouldn't hesitate to order again!

Read Best Reviews of Nelsons Tea Tree Oil Cream -- 1 oz Here

I love tea tree oil, can be used for many issues. I safe for the whole family and love it because it is natural!

Want Nelsons Tea Tree Oil Cream -- 1 oz Discount?

A smooth and soothing treat for your feet. I am not sure I am seeing any visible effects from using this cream but tea tree oil is widely used as an antiseptic in some circles and it sure smells as if it means business!


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