Prevacid 24HR Capsules

Prevacid 24HR Caps 42-Countprevacid does work well if you take the correct dosage. I took prevacid by prescription 30mgs and it work wonders on my reflux. Then I stopped taking it and it came back. Doctor put me on acipex, then my health insurance starting charging a 100 dolloar co pay. I started to take prevacid otc, but only took on pill 15mgs. the refux came back in a few days. I looked at the bottle and realized it was half of prescription strength and starting taking two pills. reflux improved after days and no problems since. its not unusual a drug that goes otc to have a lower dosage than when it was available by sript. so if it is not working for you, take two pills at once and you will be taking prescription strength dosage.

Our current prescription copay for the solutab form of Prevacid is $90 per month and insurance pays the rest. Our daughter needs to take Prevacid for acid control as she has GERD. She is 3 years of age now and takes the contents of one capsule twice daily with applesauce or pudding as a base. We save at least $30 per month by purchasing OTC Prevacid without insurance and avoiding the high cost of the solutabs. Our daughter's G.I. specialist gave the approval to switch to this medication form. I hope this information is helpful to other sufferers of GERD or caregivers of children/elderly with this condition.

Buy Prevacid 24HR Capsules Now

As a long time acid reflux sufferer and a long time consumer of every acid reducing product under the sun, I can say that PrevAcid is the best of the best "for my particular problem". I stress the last part of that statement because with any medication or ANY product for that matter, individual results will vary... and no I'm not a paid actor...haha.

A few years ago, I was forced by my insurance carrier to switch from the prescription version of PrevAcid to their preferred brand which was Nexium. I had excellent results "initially" from Nexium, but over time my bowel movements started becoming very very irregular, to the point of actually ending up in the ER. Since Nexium was the only medication I was taking, it was fairly evident what was causing the problem. I decided it was time to make a switch and I started taking Prilosec OTC. That product also worked well at preventing my acid reflux, but yet again my bowel movements were still not regular even with increasing my fiber intake. Thankfully for me this was right around the time when PrevAcid became available as an OTC product and I could not wait to make the switch. It was the best decision I ever made, because even though the milligrams per dose are essentially half of the prescription version it is just as effective for me and I can happily say that my bathroom routine has returned to its norm.

If you're like me and you have to take an acid reducer on a regular basis then I suggest you also enroll in the Amazon "subscribe & save" renewal program. It saves me money, it's delivered right to my door, and I don't have to worry about accidentally running out of my PrevAcid at the worst possible time. It's even cheaper than buying it on sale at my local grocery store combined with a coupon, so it's a no brainer.

[UPDATE 6/6/2011]

Unfortunately the subscribe & save price has sky-rocketed recently, so this is no longer the great deal that it once was. We can only hope that Amazon takes notice of how many people are canceling and skipping shipments, and they ultimately bring back the previously great prices. I have skipped several shipments myself and instead opted to buy it from my local grocery store combined with a coupon.

Read Best Reviews of Prevacid 24HR Capsules Here

I used Nexium until recently, until my insurance up the drug to Tier 1 ($60.00 co-pay). I've tried Prilosec OTC, but like others I've experienced unwanted side-effects (mild cramping, most notably). Recently I tried Prevacid OTC, and at first I was disappointed because it seemed to last only part of the day. So I tried taking it twice a day (somewhat equivalent to the 20mg of Nexium I had been taking once a day), and that works just fine for me. Of course, that also makes it roughly twice as expensive as Prilosec OTC, but I do like the fewer side-effects and it works almost as well as Nexium...

Disclaimer: I am no doctor, so please consult one before exceeding the manufacturer's recommendations :)

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great product and fast service. I have tried all the proton pump inhibitors and this is by far the one that works the best. I had to buy it online because all the local drugstores were out. The product was legit and works great.

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